I'll Always Come Back (Sequel...

By TayRay96

7.3K 305 79

Sequel to Alone No More. (I do not own fairy tail, the art, or these characters, just the story. Credit to t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Eight

502 27 6
By TayRay96

"Get up." I heard as someone swung the door open. I opened my eyes lazily and watched as Alexandria leaned against the doorframe, a glass of alcohol in her hand. Her brown hair was curled and she was in a pencil skirt and blouse with the top two buttons undone.

Following her orders I got up and she pointed to the chair in the corner of the room where a pile of clothes were lying. "Put that on." Was all she said before she slammed the door and left.

Once I was dressed in the boring blue dress, I went to the conjoining bathroom and washed up before going to the dining room where I knew she'd be waiting with my small breakfast.

I ate my bowl of fruit quickly and followed her to the living room where a man was, leaning against the fireplace. Alexandria pushed me down onto a couch and sat in the single armchair next to me as the man turned with a smile playing on his lips.

"Hello Alexandria, Lexi. You're both looking lovely today." I studied the man as he smiled down at me. He had spiked blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. He looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Thank you Cyrus. You're looking quite well yourself." Alexandria blushed and straightened out her skirt. He nodded, looking slightly unamused and turned to look at the frames that lined the mantle. We all stayed silent for quite some time before Alexandria stood to pour herself another glass.

"You shouldn't drink so much in front of your child." Cyrus muttered, a smirk tugging at his lips and Alexandria huffed, swaying her hips as she walked back to her chair.

"Taking care of a child is stressful work Cyrus dear. Sometimes you need a drink just to get to lunch."

"You could just send me back home." I spoke up, which made them both look at me. "Too much alcohol could ruin your liver and cause other medical problems. If you sent me home then you wouldn't have to deal with me and you wouldn't get sick." Cyrus looked surprised as he turned towards me fully.

"You're very knowledgable for your age." He smiled and I sank into my seat.

"My dad is smart. I just listen to him when he's lecturing everyone else. Plus, I enjoy reading."

"Dad?" He looked confused and turned his attention to Alexandria who shrugged. "You mean that man that Alexandria hired for the day?" He asked and I looked even more shocked then he did. After noticing my expression he smiled and stood up straight as he chuckled. "Oh, you mean the man that Ashe married? How strange to consider him your father."

"You know my mom?" I asked shocked and Cyrus just stared at me as he sat the desk in the room. After more silence I realized he wasn't going to answer my question, so I sighed and asked to be excused to the restroom. Once he granted me permission I made my way there and stood at the mirror.

"I need to find out who he is." I thought out loud. "And how does he know mom?" I sighed, not knowing what I'd do and flushed to make it seem like I went before leaving the room. Cyrus and Alexandria stood outside of the room and whispered amongst themselves until they saw me.

Cyrus smiled widely, showing off his pearly whites and extended his hand out which I cautiously grabbed and shook.

"It was nice to meet you Lexi."

"Leaving so soon?" I asked, worried I'd never be able to learn more about him if he were to leave.

"I'll be back. I just have some important business to attend to. A lawyers job is never done." He smiled once and began to walk off before turning around again, giving Alexandria an unpleasant glare. "Button your top dear. It's impolite to be so indecent around children and guests." Alexandria flushed and fixed her top as Cyrus left the house for "work."

When we could no longer see him Alexandria motioned for me to follow her and we made our way down to a part of the house I had never been before. As we walked through the hallway silently, I took a deep breath and cleared my throat as I began to speak.

"So how do you know Mr. Cyrus?" She seemed shocked by my question and looked down at me before smiling.

"He's my lawyer. He helped with my divorce and getting you back." She gave a heartwarming smile and a chill shot through my spine at how nice she was sounding.

"So you and my father are divorced? Then who was that man with you when I came to live here?"

"That was your father. I had to pay him to come with me for the day since we weren't speaking and Cyrus said it'd be best if he came along as well." She sounded very proud and confident in her response, almost as if she had been rehearsing it. However, instead of calling her out I nodded and continued to follow her until we reached the room at the end of the hall.

She unlocked the giant wooden doors and allowed me in first. Once the lights were turned on we were surrounded by books. It reminded me of a room that aunt Levy would like. Once we were fully inside I turned towards Alexandria and asked why were here.

"You said you enjoy reading so I took you to the library. I figured it'd keep you out of my hair for a while." She sighed and waved her hand as she turned out of the room. "I'll be going. Enjoy and don't stay up to late. Or do, not like I care." She muttered the last part and left the room, meaning I was alone with my thoughts and books.

Taking a deep breath and channeling my inner Levy, I began to walk through the library and find a good book to occupy my time here. "Perfect." I smiled and grabbed a purple covered book that read 'The Hungry Maze', one of mom and Levy's favorite. I looked through to make sure no pages were missing and then went to look for a place to sit.

The ground was cover in boxes, destroyed books and random papers, making it difficult to navigate through. As I made my way around the dusty room I noticed a single door with stacks of boxes and furniture in front of it. My curiosity took over and I placed the book down so I could move the boxes and chairs away. When it was cleared I grabbed the handle and turned it but it was locked. "Ugh." I sighed and heard the main door open so I grabbed my book and ran towards it to see Alexandria standing there.

"Where were you?" She asked, sounding slightly scared.

"I was looking to see if you had this book." I smiled and held it up to show her. She smiled back and her shoulders relaxed slightly as she lead me out of the room and towards mine. I guess I was in there a little longer then I thought.

"Get to bed, it's late."

"I thought it didn't matter." I said confused. She grinned and laughed a little.

"I don't care when you fall asleep but you need to be in your room by 9." I nodded and she sighed once we reached my door.

When she left I got dressed into my pjs and sat under the covers reading my book. Looking up at the clock after a few chapters I saw it read 2:36 and sat up, placing my book down and getting out of bed. "I need to find out what's in that room."

I opened the door slowly and made my way back too the library as quietly as possible, luckily she left the door unlocked. I grabbed a candle that sat near the door and lit it, making it much easier to see. When I reached the familiar door I grabbed two bobby pins out of my hair stretched them out. "I saw this work on lacrima, so hopefully I can do it." I took a deep breath and worked with the lock for five minutes when I finally heard the click.

I grabbed the candle and walked inside to see a nicely clean room with a desk and filing cabinets behind it. I placed the candle down on the desk and opened the filing cabinets, finding out that most of the drawers were empty. I grabbed the few papers that were in the drawers and sat them on the desk as well.

Noticing the desk had drawers as well I opened them and found a rather large manilla folder. I placed it on the desk as well and I went through the single papers I found first. "They're just bank statements and a copy of the divorce." I groan and tossed them aside as I opened the manilla folder.

"What the..." The second I opened it I was confused. The first few pages were full of newspaper clippings of obituaries and then after that were files on Alexandria.

The longer I looked, the more confused I got. My birth certificate was in there along with the adoption certificate that my mom and Ryuu signed. "How did she get that?" I kept going and passed pictures taken of me and my family over the years. Shaking the uneasy feeling that washed over me I kept going till I got the last page which was a copy of a death certificate, Alexandria Morita's death certificate.

The bottom of the page was signed by Cyrus, but the last name was too smudged to read. "Wait a minute." I whispered and grabbed the divorce file and looked for the lawyers name. "This is signed by.... Morris... Singed?" I guessed as I tried to make out the worn out signature.

"Either way it's not Cyrus. And... huh?" I saw a paper on the ground and grabbed it. "What's... Oh no." It was a document for an official name change to Alexandria Morita. "If she's not Alexandria, then who am I living with?" I asked and dropped the papers.

"What are you doing in here?!" Alexandria stood by the door with a horrifying look on her face. I sat in shock and she looked down at the name change and death certificate papers I had in my hands and she turned pale.

"I-I.. I won't tell anyone I promise!" I shrieked and back up until I was against the cabinets. She grabbed my arm and yanked me back to my room, throwing me in as hard as she could.

"I know you won't. Because you won't be getting out of here." I looked up in horror as she slammed the door and locked me in. I banged my hands against the door and screamed for help until my throat hurt. Sitting against the door I didn't cry, I was tired of crying, I was scared. Who was she? What did she want with me and what is she going to do with me?

With those thoughts and all the possibilities to the answers I couldn't sleep and just sat against my door all night.

Hey hey hey! I'm back with a new chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it and I want to thank you all for sticking with me and getting me to almost 2k reads!

I have so much I want to do with this and honestly half way through this chapter I had a brain fart and forgot how I wanted it to end so I got this! Hope it was good and see ya next time!

P.s. Have you guys checked out Fairy Tail Magazine yet? We have two issues out now and a third is to be up soon so go check it out if you haven't yet. It'd mean so much to all of us involved! Thanks in advance my lovely duckies!

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