By SirBoring

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After Shuichi had been killed during the 53rd killing game, he was informed that everything that had taken pl... More

[008] A GAME OF UNO.
[009] FAMILY REUNION. (PT, 1.)
[011] EMOTIONS 101 : LOVE.
[012] IT'S A DATE!
[017] COMFORT.
hi! an update!!

[010] FAMILY REUNION. (PT, 2.)

841 55 78
By SirBoring

TW :: blood/death.
{a/n} :: i updated this so quick zahhh,, anyway ,, the mention of death is obscure but i still thought i should add the tw. enjoy !!

Shuichi gripped onto the wheelchair, dejecting his gaze away from the purple-haired leader, silence overlapping the previous conversation.  He had just finished telling Kokichi about his visit, not every detail, but just enough for Kokichi to know he didn't particularly like his parents.

The leader didn't have much detail on the visit, but he could fill in some of the blank spots himself.  He knew that his parents were...not that pleasant, he knew Shuichi ended up passing out, which made the visit end early, and he knew his uncle was coming later that day to drop off his stuff.  That was all he had gotten out of the explanation, so he'd have to try and fill in the spots further.

Kokichi was looking at Shuichi, his eyebrow raised as he analyzed his every move.

"Ouma-Kun,"  Shuichi looked up, looking down at Kokichi's hands as the leader smiled.  "Yup yup, Saihara-Chan?  Whatchya need?"

The detective shuffled to the side, messing with the end of his sleeve nervously.  "What happened at...y—your visit?"

Kokichi blinked, his smile faltering before he perked back up into his spontaneous persona.  "Well since you told me youuuurs,~"  He winked at Shuichi.  "I guess I can tell you my entire life story!"

Kokichi spun around his wheelchair, Shuichi flinching at the sudden movement.

"E—eh?! Your entire l—life story?!"  The detective squeaked, Kokichi rolling his eyes and facing back at Shuichi, a mischievous grin plastered against his face.


Kokichi was dressed in his normal light-purple hospital scrub, white crocs strapped against his feet as Ibuki was wheeling him down the hallway.  He swayed his head side-to-side, cockily smiling from ear-to-ear whilst his doctor strolled him further.

Today, he was seeing his big brother.  After ten years.

Ibuki wiggled the wheelchair, whistling as she skipped down the hall with Kokichi.  "Who is Ouma-Kun visiting today?!  Ibuki can't way, she's so so so excited!!"

"I'm visiting my big brother today,"  Kokichi smiled, looking down at his limp feet.  "He can't really visit me, since he's in a coma.  If he could that'd be totally super wild!  I'd be jumping out of my own shoes, it's like a zombie!"

Ibuki blinked, registering what the leader said as she pressed the up arrow for the elevator.  "Ah, Ibuki sees.., she sees.  Ibuki was chosen by the gods as their loving child!  Ibuki will cast down a spell to protect your brother from harms way!"

The elevator dinged, the doors sliding open as they collided with the walls.  Ibuki pushed in Kokichi, clicking the ground-level button and waiting for the elevator to start up again.  Once the elevator started vibrating, Ibuki held onto the wheelchair, keeping it still.

"Thanks Dr. Mioda-Sama,"  Kokichi flashed his teeth, covering up the worrying fear of claustrophobia creeping up his body.  Ibuki smiled back, showing all her teeth—including her molars—like it was a competition. "You are very welcome, Ouma-Kun!"

The elevator ringed as it hit the bottom, startling Ibuki out of her smiling competition as she reached onto the rails of Kokichi's wheelchair.  She wheeled him out to the lobby, the receptionist clicking away at a computer, keeping their stare onto the document they had open.

Kokichi caught sight of them, blinking idly at the receptionist before waving, remembering who it had been.  "Morning Fukawa-Sama, has Togami-Sama accepted your undying loooove yet?!"

Toko Fukawa, one of the survivors of the first ever killing game.  Her round glasses were crooked up against the bridge of her nose, blinking blankly at the leader.  She rolled her eyes, growling under her breath and going back to her work.  Toko had dark-purple hair down to her shoulders, jagged cuts at the ends and a bobby pin sticking out of the side of her head.  She had a dark blue feminine-suit clipped to her chest, her skirt trotted up just below her knees, her sleeves folded and cuffed at her elbows.

Kokichi knew she was always a grouch, so he stuck his tongue out at her and blowing together his cheeks and spitting in her direction.  Toko cowered back, seething at Kokichi as she cussed him out.

"Y—y—you b—bitch!"  She shook her fist, like a stereotypical old man defending his 'precious' lawn, in this case being her desk.  Kokichi just laughed it off, Ibuki opening the door and pushing themselves outside.

Once they were far enough from Toko's sight, Ibuki leaned down to Kokichi's level and whispered into his ear, "Ibuki is confused?  Isn't Fukawa-San married to Naegi-San?!" 

Kokichi just snorted, feeling the rough sidewalk chime underneath his wheels.

"I guess we will never know..!"  He sang, swaying side-to-side once again and feeling the wheelchair halt.

Kokichi looked to his side, eyeing the black van in front of him.  It had quite a lot of scratches on the bottom of the doors, one of the mirrors cracked and dipping down in the air.  The seats inside of the car were covered in light-brown leather, the windows slightly tinted darker.

Ibuki quickly shoveled Kokichi's light-purple crocheted blanket—that had been covering his legs, since he had been very insecure about being handicapped—into the top of the passenger's seat, sliding her hands underneath Kokichi's thighs and lifting him up into the air.  It almost seemed like she had absolutely no trouble lifting him up.  Had he lost that much weight already?  He got pushed onto the seat, Ibuki buckling him in before standing straight and saluting.  The car smelled like candy and diapers.

"Your secret is safe with me, leader-sir!!"

Ibuki speedily slammed the door shut, Kokichi flinching backward in surprise.  The leader watched as the guitarist ran over to the driver's side of the car, flinging open the car and jumping onto the leather seat  She closed the door behind her, shaking her head and smiling.

"Ibuki never drives!  This'll be super-duper, oh so fun!!"  

Ibuki scrolled up the volume cog to the radio, turning up and blasting heavy metal as she head-banged her head around.  Her hair sprawled everywhere, the volume blasting into Kokichi's ears and practically deafening him.

This'll be one hell of a ride.


Once they arrived at the new hospital, Ibuki had to wheel Kokichi in, make him sit in the waiting room, and register them.  As much as Kokichi hated getting told what to do, he'd rather not cause trouble and get kicked out before he even saw his brother.

After all, he hadn't seen him even since 'the incident'.

So, with that in mind, Kokichi slumped against his chair and sighed, the nerve-wracking silence tensing the room up into an odd-ball of nervousness.

After a few minutes, Ibuki came skipping over, throwing her hands into the air and screaming out a cheer.

"YAHOO!"  Ibuki screamed, "Ibuki got you registered with her amazing powers!  Isn't she wonderful?!"

Kokichi laughed cockily, "Totes doc!  You've got me soooo enchanted with your super powers!  Oooooo...~"

The leader waved his fingers, making evil-like ghost sounds as Ibuki trotted behind Kokichi proudly.  She gripped onto the handrails, moving up to the elevators again.

Ibuki worked the buttons once more, Kokichi clenching his eyes shut and balling up his fists by his sides, eagerly waiting until he could get out of the small elevator.  Each creeping second as they etched closer to the top, his claustrophobia only grew bigger and bigger.

It wasn't a secret that he had this fear, but what was a secret is why he had that fear.  He vowed to himself he'd never tell anyone why, he refused to be vulnerable ever again.

After all, being vulnerable is what gets you killed.

If Kokichi were ever to tell anyone about 'the incident', it'd be someone he trusted, someone he'd protect with his life, somebody that...would protect him with their life too.

But until then, Kokichi Ouma's mouth is shut.  He will forever refuse to tell anyone, even if he was being held at gunpoint and forced to spill his life story.  Nobody would be aloud to know the tale of Kokichi Ouma.

Unless, somebody gains that small smidge a trust he had wedged in his heart.

The elevator doors opened, Ibuki wheeling out the leader into the long stripped hallway as she mumbled a pattern of numbers under her breath.

Once they reached the door, Ibuki halted everything, looking down at her palm, back at the door, and gasping in excitement.

"Ah!  This is it, Ouma-Kun,"  Ibuki grabbed onto the handle, twisting it and opening for the handicapped-leader.  "Go ahead inside, Ibuki'll wait outside for you!"

The guitarist showed off her smile, showing all her teeth once again before pushing the leader inside further and closing the door behind him.  Kokichi took in a breath, wheeling up to his brother's body.

He stopped right beside the bedside, reaching out for his brother's hand.  It was almost ice-cold, the warmness his hand always used to have completely faded away.  Kokichi bit his lip, scooting up to face-level with him.

His brother's name was Kiyoshi Ouma, his age only being a year older than Kokichi, resulting in him being nineteen today.  Kokichi heard from the hospital a few days ago that they were finally pulling the plug for his brother after ten years of desperate attempts to bring back his consciousness.  Of course, the leader knew this day would come sometime, but he hadn't ever had the guts to visit him before, so here he was ten years later.

This would be the last time he'd ever see him until he was actually dead.  The last time he could finally say the words he never had the courage to before.

Kokichi took a deep breath, looking at his sickly-pale brother.  His now shoulder-length jet-black hair was draped across his shoulder blades, the greasy mess gleaming off the lights hanging above him.  Kiyoshi's top of his head was dented into his skull, deforming his eyes into drooping up to the middle of his forehead.  Bandages were wrapped across his head, sinking into the dent, which made it all the creepier.  His left hand was amputated, his other being swollen and covered in strips connected to the I.V. tank.  Drool was dripping down Kiyoshi's chin, Kokichi quivering at the sad sight and wiping off the spit with his sleeve.

"Hey, Yoshi,"  Kokichi swallowed, the old nickname making him all the sadder.  "You've probably been so lonely these past ten years..."

Supreme leaders don't cry, what kind of leader would cry in front of his brother?  Kokichi told himself lowly, sucking in his tears and trying his best not to tip over to edge.  "I've never got to...t—tell you what I've wanted to tell you after all these years..."

Kiyoshi still had a bandage wrapped around his bare chest, covering up the lasting scar that had still yet to heal completely.

"A—ah,"  Kokichi wiped his tears, feeling as hiccups lumped inside his throat.  "I—I'm so w—wouldn't want me crying...f—fuck—"

The leader held onto his brother's cold hand, wanting him to squeeze back, show any indication that he was still in there, waiting to get out and surprise bare-hug Kokichi like old times.

But he knew it was just pity dreams.

Kokichi sobbed into his spare hand, looking at his broken and deformed brother through his blurry vision.

"Why didn't I e—ever visit you..?"  He asked himself out loud,  "I c—can't believe I never visited you..."

"You didn't d—deserve any o—of this..."

Kokichi swallowed down his worry, trying to stifle his tears as best he could, wiping away the excessive water works that were continuing to drip down his face.

"A—alright, no m—more stalling,"  The leader pumped himself up, holding in his tears and making eye-contact with his brother's closed eyes.

"I w—want to say thank you.  T—thank you s—so much Kiyoshi..."

He clenched his eyes shut, "I should've thanked y—you the second I left the h—hospital, but I didn't b—because I was selfish."

"I was t—too selfish and scared to s—see I left you a—alone for ten years...a—and even though I'm h—hoping you're still in there,"  Kokichi looked up, looking at the dent in his head and the blood bag connected to his arm.  "I k—know you're not..."

"I l—love you Yoshi... Thank y—you...thank you so much."

Kokichi held onto his brother's hand, still hoping for him to grab back, respond, or do anything.  He clasped his eyes shut, biting onto his bottom lip, awaiting something.


The leader opened his eyes, looking down at his brother.  He sighed, tears lining the brims of his eyelids again, blurring the view of his brother.

"G—goodbye...Kiyoshi... For the last t—time,"  Kokichi gave a sad smile, trying to pull up his cocky persona, failing and only making himself sadder.  "Until we meet a—again."


Kokichi huffed, holding in his tears as Shuichi stared down at Kokichi.  Normally, the leader would be able to tell what he was feeling, but he wasn't able to.  His mind was too clouded and foggy right now, as he quickly shuffled a nervous laugh in an attempt to shield and mask his emotions, like he was did.  "Aha, basically my visit in a nutshell!  Pretty sappy, huh?"

Shuichi stayed still, his mouth firmly pressed together and his eyebrows knitted.  The leader stared nervously, worried if the detective could tell he had been masking.

Kokichi saw the detective wheel forward, closing his eyes and bracing himself.

But instead, he felt Shuichi's arms wrap around him, hugging him tight and pulling him closer into him.  Shuichi closed his eyes, struggling to move his lower half and hug better, though he was slowly trying.

"I'm so...sorry..."

Kokichi felt Shuichi's breath against his neck, the leader immediately wrapping his arms back around the detective and leaning into the hug.

"D—don't be sorry, Saihara-Chan,"  Kokichi whispered back, feeling his voice shake and his tears drip down his face as he spoke.  "It isn't you fault."

Shuichi hugged tighter, "You aren't selfish, Ouma-Kun."

Kokichi just sank into the hug, clenching his eyes and choking down tears.  He felt Shuichi's arms hold him tighter, closing his eyes and whispering sweet-nothings into his ears, which only made him closer to sobbing.

They just stood in silence, the slight clinking of their wheelchairs meeting occasionally being the only thing that could heard throughout the whole room.  Kokichi hadn't gotten a hug like this since he was a little kid.

It made him made him feel safe.  Something he thought he could never feel again.

Shuichi made him feel safe.

Maybe...he'd be the one?  The one that he always wanted to have...someone that would sacrifice their life for his, someone he would sacrifice himself for, somebody that would protect him.

Maybe... Shuichi was that somebody.

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