my strange addiction

By lunqreclipse

21.1K 910 16

Clarke is a lonely fbi agent sent on a mission to catch the criminal Lexa Woods. She didn't know what she exp... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35: epilogue
Part 36: epilogue

Part 5

862 36 0
By lunqreclipse

'Clarke.' There's something about the way Lexa says Clarke's name that makes her want Lexa. She wants to know her. Every inch of her. Every inch of her body. Lexa gently tucks a strand of Clarke's hair behind her ear. Clarke's mouth parts a little. 'You like it when I touch you.' Lexa says. Clarke swallows visibly. 'Too bad I have to go.' Lexa says. 'What why?' Clarke asks. Her question sounds desperate. She doesn't want Lexa to leave. 'Don't snitch on me.' Lexa said and with that Lexa disappeared in the darkness of the night. Out of her life.

Day 36 without Lexa. Indra told Clarke to find her and she's trying. She's really trying, but she has no idea where Lexa is. She doesn't know why she left. She probably killed someone. Clarke tried to do some investigation, but she couldn't. Clarke is sitting on the hotel bed as she scrolls through her files. There's no pattern in the cities she chooses. There's no pattern at all. Lexa seems to just kill some people when she wants to. What Clarke didn't know is that she's actually a very organized criminal.

In the meanwhile in London...
'I did what you asked. She's not a threat to me.' Lexa said. 'You had one drink with her and you think you know her?' Titus asked. 'Yes.' Lexa said. 'Lexa you're not doing your job right.' Titus said. 'There's something distracting you.' He said. 'Is that why you brought me here?' Lexa asked. 'Yes.' Titus said. He walked away from her. He was facing the window now. His back turned towards her. 'What's different this time?' He asked. 'She's easy to read.' Lexa said. 'It's been thirty-six days. She'll get suspicious.' Lexa said. 'You can't walk back in her life. Not after you told her what you do.' Titus said. He turned around. Looking directly into Lexa's eyes. He stepped towards her. He took out the gun he was hiding underneath his cloth. 'She knows about you Lexa. She works at the FBI. You ruined this.' He said while carefully placing the gun against Lexa's forehead. 'It will be the end of my business when they know.' He said. 'So you're just going to end my life?' Lexa asked. 'Yes Lexa.' He said. Lexa closed her eyes. She knew he couldn't do it. He couldn't shoot her. He wouldn't kill her. He doesn't have anyone else to do the job. When she didn't hear anything she opened her eyes again. She saw the pain and hurt on Titus' face. 'Do it.' Lexa whispered. She stepped closer to Titus. The gun pressed against her forehead. Titus places his finger on the trigger. Suddenly he screams. It makes Lexa jump a little. She didn't expect him to scream. She didn't expect anything. He throws the gun away. 'Thought so.' Lexa said. 'What do you mean!' Titus shouted. The question didn't sound like one. 'You can't do it Titus. How hard you try. You'll never be able to kill me. I'm still your daughter.' Lexa says. She smiles. It's not a genuine smile. Not at all. She hates this man. He forced her into this. He manipulated her. He manipulated everyone. If she ever wants to come clean about all this she can't. He made sure everyone thinks she's doing this all alone. He used to do the killing, but not anymore. I'm too old for that now, is what he had told Lexa when she was fifteen.

Lexa sat in her bedroom. This is where she grew up. Where she was taught to kill. To manipulate. To be the person she is now. She had fun days here too. It wasn't all dark and sad. She used to play with her mother in the garden. The castle wasn't as dark as it is now. There used to be flowers everywhere. Now all the plants and flowers are dead. When her mother found out her husband is a criminal she told him to surrender.


'Titus please.' Her mother begged. 'I can't.' He said. Lexa looked from behind the massive door. She saw her mother crying and her father yelling. He looked furious. Lexa was fourteen years old when this happened. 'I can't live with a criminal.' Her mother said. Someone approached her from behind. 'You shouldn't see this.' Anya said. Lexa shrugged her hand off her shoulder. 'Why are they fighting?' Lexa asked. 'I don't know Lex.' Anya said. 'Come on let's go.' Anya said. She tried to take Lexa's hand and take her away from here, but Lexa refused. She needed to know what was going on. 'Fine if you wanna see this. Stay here.' Anya said. She sounded irritated. Anya walked away from her. Lexa debated whether she should go after Anya or stay here. 'I can't let you tell them what I am!' Titus yelled. 'Why not!' Her mother yelled. 'You'll ruin our family!' He yelled. 'You already did that when you started killing people!' Her mother screamed. Titus grabbed the knife from the coffee table. Her mother looked scared. Scared for her life. Lexa couldn't really process what was happening right now. All she knew is that her mother laid on the white carpet bleeding.

The white carpet. She always played with her dolls on that carpet. Her mother always made her drink because she forgot. She got so caught up in her imaginary world that she forgot the real world around her. Even the castle they were living in and now she was gone. Forever.

She watched as her father rolled her up in the white carpet. She watched as he took her outside. She watched as he dug a hole in the ground and dumped her inside of it. She carefully walked outside. 'Dad?' She asked. Titus turned around. He looked mad. Lexa didn't know what she did. 'You shouldn't be here.' He said.

Later that day Lexa was out in the garden. She picked some flowers. She put the flowers on the place where her dad had buried her mom earlier that day. 'No Lexa.' He said. 'Why not?' Lexa asked. 'She deserves a pretty grave.' Lexa said. 'There's one thing you need to know.' Titus said. Lexa looked up. 'Your mother doesn't have a grave.' He said.      

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