You calmed the Chaos (Sapnap...

By emotion_wizard

41.8K 1.7K 2.6K

It's that time of year again. The corrupt government lets loose an array of Zombies and lets them free for ex... More

Day 0
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3 (Pt 1)
Day 3 (pt 2)
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 7 (Pt 3)
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11

Day 7 (Pt.2)

2.1K 95 180
By emotion_wizard




I look down at her hand, confused. I have a sister? What if she's lying, I just met her?

"How?" I manage to stumble out. She puts her hand down and reaches into her purse, pulling out two small polaroids. She hands them to me, sighing deeply. I place the groceries down grabbing the photos. One was a photo of a little girl, she had a blanket wrapped around her body, the black and white showed small freckles dotting her face. The photo was identical to the photo I found at the house. 

The other photo was of a young girl about 10 sitting with her head down, holding a baby boy. I thumbed over the photograph as I studied the features of the young boy. They all look faintly familiar. That's when I realized the little boy was me. I looked up at the girl in front of me, her face somber. 

"Y-your dead," I held my head in my hands confused. Growing up I've been the only child. My earliest memories were of my dad pushing me on the swingset. I have never had any memories with another person. 

"That's what everyone is supposed to-" She was cut off by a faint growl from behind us. She whipped herself around eyeing the dark hallway. I quickly snatched up the groceries, holding some in my arms. She turned to me, her dark eyes filled with fear. I rushed towards the door, walking backward. 

"Are you coming?" I asked in a hurried tone. She nodded following behind me quickly. I followed my path back to the truck, by now the second rain had already finished and the clouds had left the sky. The sun was just peaking over the hills on the horizon. 

The truck came into view, the light peaking through the back window. I looked back at Lexi as I placed the bags on top of the truck. Her eyes were wet with tears as she stared into the horizon. I quickly finished placing the bags down and stood next to her. She looked over at me and smiled shaking her head lightly.

"My first sunrise in 14 years," Her voice cracked slightly. I stayed silent, looking at the horizon. The colors began to dance across the mountain tops. hues of pink and orange merged creating a golden landscape. I look back at the truck quickly walking to the driverside door. I open it, looking around. There was no sign of Karl. I felt my heart rate increase as I scanned the treeline. 

"Karl!" I called out, my eyes daring into the light forest. I walked to the passenger side door, my eyes following the faint footprints. I began to follow them, ignoring Lexi's questions. I followed them to the bank of the pond. I knelt, grabbing a small piece of fabric. I thumbed over the fabric holding it in my hand. It was from his hoodie, well my hoodie. I felt my heart rate speed up as I fell onto the wet grass. 

Lexi sat next to me, looking down at my hands. "Please tell me what's going on?" Her voice was caring and worried. I looked up at her, tears pricked my eyes lightly. He's dead, isn't he?

"I found him, he lost everything. We have been with each other since," I spoke carefully not wanting to reveal too much. I looked into the water, it rippled slightly in the morning breeze. Reflecting the color of the sky. 

"You like him don't you," She asked throwing a flat rock across the water. It skipped a few ties before making a plop sound as it descended towards the bottom of the pond. Three ripples traveled across the water before colliding together. 

I looked into her eyes lightly, not wanting to answer. To be honest I didn't fully know. I've never felt this way before. I've never been 'in love' with anyone. Nor have I even thought about dating a man. It's not that I thought it was wrong, more as I've just never really thought that I could like men. 

Though if I was to like any boy I'd happily allow it to be Karl. With his warm eyes and inviting embrace. With his smile that never hesitated to make me blush. His contagious giggle never failed to brighten my day. How he always worried about me, and wouldn't hesitate to take care of me. 

"I think so," I  managed to say after a moment. She stood up and reached a hand out to me.

"Then never stop looking for him," I grabbed her hand, and stood up. "Go, go find him, I'll make some food." 

Normally I wouldn't leave a stranger at a campsite, but there was no doubt in my mind that if she was truly my sister, she would damage anything. I nodded looking down at the ground. I saw spaced footprints leading around the pond, I ran with them, following them into the forest. I walked slower now, more carefully as to avoid getting scrapes. 




I pulled myself up off the bathroom floor. I rubbed my eyes as all my thoughts about last night filled my brain. 


I leaned back against the wall, sliding down. I saw stars fill up my vision and I blacked out. 

My sweatshirt was stained with blood, some red but most was a dark black. I pulled the slightly wet hoodie off, hissing as it rubbed against all my cuts. The fabric landed on the ground with a slight squish. I hadn't bothered to put on an extra shirt, so my bare chest was now visible. I looked at my shoulder, dry blood cracked all around it. 

My eyes landed on a small cabinet, I opened it pulling out a washrag. I wet it, dotting around the cut to clean up some of the dried blood, then I ran it over the cuts themselves. Pain radiated from them, causing me to hiss slightly. They started to bleed again, but a more reddish color. I smiled as I tried to clean up the fresh blood. 

After a few moments, the washrag was stained. I rolled my eyes, placing it in my pocket. I grabbed the wet sweatshirt, holding it in my off-hand. I walked out of the bathroom into the lit Library. Sunlight shown through the boarded-up glass. The sunlight felt good against my exposed skin. I walked to the double doors, pulling them open. The sun had just risen sending the light through the misty treeline. 

I stepped out, letting the doors thud together. I walked in the direction I came from, following my faint footprints. Wet branches pushed against my stomach and chest causing me to shiver. It was better than the wet sweatshirt I thought. 

As I trudged through the overgrown brush my mind began to race. What is Sapnap thinking? God, I'm so stupid... Is he even okay? Where was he? Gosh, I hope he was okay. 

I felt my heart rate pick up. Was he okay? I couldn't seem to find him yesterday. What if he left me, or worse what if he died. Everyone I knew had already died, my sister, my dad, my mum. I felt tears fill my eyes as the thought circled my head. He had become my everything in the span of a few days. 

He seemed to, Calm the chaos. The way his voice sounded like honey, His laughter was so warm. His eyes held so many emotions, The dark honey brown. How he could hold me and make my problems just disappear. Even with all his ghosts he almost made life feel like a dream.  I'd forget about my problem when we'd talk. 

I wanted to dance with him again. To our song. I chuckled thinking about our song. How the moment was so intimate, how it was cut short. What if it wasn't cut short? I blushed thinking about it. I imagined what it would feel like to kiss him. To kiss his cherry lips, to finally show him that he is loved. 

I shook the thoughts out of my head, focusing on the path. I heard rustling in the distance. Footsteps. I dove into a bush, the branches opening the wounds on my shoulders, but I could care less. I froze as the footsteps sped up. They were loud on the wet grass, creating an odd sound. 

I shifted slightly, the leaves of the bush making a noise. The footsteps stopped, but a voice followed. "Karl?" I lifted my head up looking out of the bush.

"Sapnap?" I said, struggling to move. "Sapnap!"

The footsteps got closer as they approached the bush. I managed to reach a handout, though I couldn't really see over the leaves. I felt a firm hand grab mine pulling me up out of the thicket. I collided with a chest. I knew instantly who it was. 

I wrapped my arms around him hugging him lightly. I buried my head in his chest, letting a few stray tears fall. I felt his headland on my shoulder as he embraced me back. His fingers dusting over my bare skin making me blush. I pulled away after a moment. 

"are you hurt?" I asked him, leaving my hands against his waist. He shook his head lightly before speaking. 

"I should ask you," He chuckled looking at my arms and shoulder. His smile left his face as he noticed the claw marks on my shoulder.

"Where were you last night," I asked him. I had thought he died, but he was standing in front of me perfectly fine.

"I got us food..." He said rubbing his neck with his hand. I rolled my eyes giggling slightly.  "Well, we need to get you back to camp." I nodded, walking ahead of him. I followed the footprints till we arrived at the pond. Sapnap stopped me before I could exit the treeline. He spun me around to face him. 

'It'd only take a second'

The voice spoke, the thought was louder this time, making me flinch slightly. I shook the thought looking back into Sapnap's eyes. He smiled, his eyes were soft, slightly nervous. 

"I owe you something don't I," He smirked pulling me closer to him lightly. My heart rate picked up as I looked at him. He smiled looking down at my lips. 

"May-" I cut him off, closing the last bit of distance between us. I closed my eyes, it sounded cheesy, but I could feel sparks off his lips. I melted into his touch as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I placed a hand on his cheek slightly, pulling in the warmth. His lips tasted like a sweet cherry, addicting. I felt myself blush as the kiss became deeper. I felt myself smile into the kiss. 

We pulled away to catch our breath. I laid my head against his forehead, closing my eyes for a moment. 

"Thank you," I said breathlessly. I blushed slightly embarrassed. Sapnap giggled, kissing my nose. 

"I have something to tell you before we get back to camp... I umm... I found my sister.." Sapnap's voice was nervous. I pulled away, taking a step back. I Knit my eyebrows confused. "There is no way she isn't. She looks too much like me, besides she has pictures." 

"What's her name?" I ask. I don't know why I felt a slight ping of jealousy radiating through my mind. I pushed the feeling away, now is not the time. 

"Lexi," He said intertwining my hand in his. 

"Let's go meet her," I said pulling him towards camp. 


HEYO So there will be a Day 7 part 3 as well because why not!!! Also, the trashy x wizard book is up. So all y'all simps can go find it. Just come onto my page go into convos. You'll see an author named Ruby, click on her profile, and its there!! 

Anyways y'all got a kiss!! Be a shame if it was their last one ;) D:

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