Getting Rid of my Assistant (...

By JeonTaegguk5

113K 4.2K 282


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
The Finale

Chapter 37

1.5K 73 12
By JeonTaegguk5

Try one more time.

They will call you stupid.

They will mock your decision.

They will judge you.

But what people always do that ends up messing their life more is..


Other's thoughts are more important than what will bring you happiness.

But sometimes,listening is also good for your heart.

It's complicated,right?

Listen to yourself,failed and you'll hear them blaming you.

Listen to them,failed and blame yourself for hearing them out.

But life is a big mess.

It's up to you on how you'll make that mess,a triumph.

"Babe,can you come with me in my appointment this afternoon?"

Jungkook's seriousness was disrupt by sounds of heels walking towards his direction,knowing that it's coming from his own wife.

He lift heave his head,giving a dull expression on his face like she's taking his precious time.

"Appointment where?"

"It''s my schedule for the ultrasound."

Hearing just the initial words about the pregnancy made him apathetic towards the conversation,went his gaze back to the paper and completely ignoring the woman

"Sure..just message me where."

But Lisa must having her mood swings that made her a little clingy and emotional.Sitting on the chair infront of his husband and reached for his hand.

"But babe,can we go there together?"

"I'm kinda busy,Lisa..i can't just go somewhere."

Her voice incline into a sweet and pleasant tone,smiling genuinely upon him.Making great efforts to convince her better half.

"Babe..we're having a baby soon..can we please start over?I know that we didn't had a good beginnings..but we're a family."

Jungkook stared at the woman for seconds,resisting her puppy eyes but he gave up and took a depressing sigh before even answering.

"Fine..let's start over..for the baby."

That afternoon,Jungkook is scheduled to meet a person before bringing Lisa to the doctor.

He is standing on the roof top of the building,positioning straight and arms are crossed as he look at the whole Seoul, enjoying the fascinating view of the city.

When sounds of clucking heels walked to his direction then woman stood beside him and tapped his shoulder gently.

"I thought that yesterday was the last time i will meet you.I'm glad to see you again,what do we need to talk about,Mr.Jeon?"

Hissing a giggle while tapping his leather sole,the gentleman stayed staring at the landscape while holding every emotion that he's carrying

"Just securing his future when you both fly back to Australia."

Jungkook stood firm beside the woman as he nods lightly,wearing a smile on his face.

"What about it,sir?"

"I'm sending enough funds for the company to bring it back to his name and make sure to build a nice house for the both of you."

"Like what?A wedding gift?"

The woman pressed her lips together while shaking her head in disbelief,annoyed enough to answer the man without any trace of aggitation.

"Something like that."

The woman talked sarcastically,placing her hands behind  and took a deep breath before looking at the man beside her.

"You really love him,don't you?"

Jungkook slowly nodded his head while looking at the blue sky upon him.

"Yeah..i can shamelessly say that i love him too much..making every path smooth for him."

Yiren didn't had enough power to answer the guy,just released a deep sigh as she took out an envelope from her pocket and faced the man.


She proudly stared at the other and a smirk dangles on her lips.Completely different from the meek and "Yes-Sir Yiren."

"Excuse me,Ms.Wang?"

Jungkook suddenly turned his head towards the woman,still on process with the word she spits upon him.

"You heard me right,Jungkook..i called you,


"Is that how you treat a person who gave his precious gem to you?"

"It came from your mouth,Sir..he's your precious treasure but unfortunately,you are not worthy."

"Everyone meets someone on purpose,Yiren. I might be his first love but destiny has different path for the both of us."

"Too much cheesiness for a corporation leader,Sir."

"Whatever you're pointing out,it might not be necessary  now,i'm going to be a father anytime soon and Taehyung finally decided to bring your relationship into the next level,right?"

"Yeah..we had a great night in the hotel,Mr.Jeon."

"I'm glad."

"Well..frankly speaking,Taehyung could be a great husband and father of our kids.."

"He'll surely do.."

"And a beast in bed as well."

"Well..i can't disagree with-wait..i believe it's unnecessary to talk about,Ms.Wang."

"Mr.Jeon,i'm resigning as your employee..not because i'm marrying your ex-boyfriend..but..."

"..i don't want to see you ever again."

"You really want to secure Taehyung for yourself,don't you?"

The woman handed an envelope and made a wide smile on her face,making the man puzzled but as soon as she spoke,Jungkook's eyes widen and begin to form tears.

"I'm resigning because i don't want Taehyung,running to me when you broke his heart again.."

"What is this envelope for?"

"It's a wedding gift,Mr.Jeon."


"Open it."

Even though Jungkook is still confuse about what the woman is saying,he slowly teared the paper,seeing a piece of paper with an important message inside.

"I went to your wife's doctor to investigate about her records and after some push and pull with the staff,they spilled some tea about your dear better half."


"I enjoyed your boyfriend last night and realized that  i should return the favor.."

"So..the child is..not mine?"

"Certainly,Mr.Jeon..the biological father goes by the name of Park Jimin.."

Jungkook couldn't contain his tears while staring at the paper and slowly turned his head to the woman infront of him.

"You should pay me a great amount of money..for preserving and protecting your groom after all this chaos,Jeon Jungkook."

" about you,Yiren?"

"I'm fine..and besides..i'm not a villian in this story so even though i lust for him until this very moment,this is your chance to prove me that.."

"..i shouldn't get in the picture next time.."

Yiren widen her arms and gave the man a warm embrace while tapping his back and telling her farewell note.

"After all this time,Taehyung still loves you,Mr.Jeon..and i can't battle with that..goodluck and get your man.."

"Thank you..Yiren.."

"I'm happy to work for you,CEO Jeon."

He stepped back and turned her back with a smile,leaving the man on the top of the building while holding the paper.


While every path is leading into the right way,there's no chances of having a happy ending at this point.

Because a person who wanted revenge..will surely find the smallest way out.

Even if it takes lives.

"Yiren?Is that you?"

Taehyung is currently in the hotel,packing all his stuffs in the luggage since their flight are scheduled this evening.

He can't lie to anyone.

As he put the last clothes in his bag,he his heart still consider of staying in Korea,battling with his heart and mind but at the same time,Taehyung battles with his own fears.

He couldn't just give up everything and end up on the same bed of thorns that he felt all these years.

But his attention was divert to the door bell,leaving these throwback and hestitations behind to answer whoever is on the other side of the door.

"Who is it?"


A solid metal forcefully touched the side of his head which he can only recall as a gun and made the man lost his conciousness.

After that,Taehyung saw himself in a different place, a small isolated room with white painted walls and hanging floresent on the middle.

Both hands are tied behind and a cloth is in between his mouth to forbid him on talking.

"Well..well..well..if it isn't the weed in my lawn who's flirting with my husband."

A familiar voice rings to his ears as he felt a little dizzy from what hit him on the head.


"Hi!Kim Taehyung."

"What am i doing here?"

The woman walked towards him and leaned down,leveling her stares on the other and pointing the tip of the gun under his chin.

"Guess what?I finally decided to kill you after having an affair with Jungkook."


"Yeah..i should before you ruin all my plans again."

"I-i'm sorry.."

"Yeah!!You should be,Taehyung!!You're ruining my family and stealing my husband away but what i hate the most is you,botching my plans!!"

"Plans?I don't understand."


Lisa aimed for Taehyung legs and run a bullet,making the other flinch in pain.


"First,you screwed on your job of making Jungkook miserable and didn't gave him the contract!!Do you know how much money did we lost after that,huh?"

Taehyung was still puzzled after hearing all these from the woman who doesn't have any connection from his past job..

Or not.

"Read between the lines,Taehyung!!!"

"I hired Mr.Wang to ruin Jungkook's career and take over the corporation but your bitch ass flirted and fell for that asshole!!"

"You're all behind these crimes?"

"Ding!Ding!!You got it right!! And now,I'm carrying Jimin's child so i can blackmail your ex-boyfriend and soon..poison him to death!!!"

"Shame on you,Lisa!!!!Jungkook loved you!!"

Taehyung is screaming his lungs out as his tears fell from his eyes.Knowing that all this time,he put Jungkook into this rabbit hole.

All the guilt that he kept for years came back to haunt him and completely lose his courage to fight back.

"Please..don't hurt Jungkook..I'm begging you,Lisa."

Lisa walked towards the man and point the gun on his head while mocking him as he cries.

".Boohoo,Kim Taehyung..i need to kill you now..and after..i'll kill Jungkook."


Taehyung couldn't do anything but begging the said woman and crying his eyes out.

"I should kill you now,i have a manicure appointment after..Ugghh!!"

Lisa's leg suddenly felt numb after something runs into her and soon she realized that she was shot.

She immediately looked back and saw his husband,pointing his gun to her while shooting daggers due to severe anger.

Taehyung and Lisa are both shocked on the next scene,witnessing as she tremble on the floor and holds her stomach.

"What are you doing,Jungkook!!!!Why are you trying to hurt your wife and child for this guy!!!!!"

Lisa screech as the tears runs down her face and throw the gun away.

Jungkook smirked and grabbed someone as he pulled the bloodshed Jimin and pushed him forward to let Lisa see what mess she did.

"You mean this fucking guy,Lisa?"


Lisa's eyes widen after seeing the man laying on the floor while blood are allover his face.

"I'm glad that Jennie isn't evil like the both of you,fucking bitch!"

Lisa's gaze slowly turned to another female that walked in while nervously looking at her.

"I'm sorry,Lisa.."

"You fucking bitch!!!I knew that you'll fail to shut your mouth!!!"

"Enough!!!You two will pay big for all the damage that you cause!!"

Jungkook walked towards the wounded woman and slowly bend his knees in front of her while gritting his teeth.

"I know from the very start that you're a low standard hoe so just to make you taste your own medicine.."

"..our marriage contract is two face bitch!!"

" to me first..Jungkooook!!!"

After that scene,Lisa and Jimin was given a first aid before sending them both to jail while Taehyung is currently in the hospital,recovering from his wound.

He's laying on his back and watching TV when the door opened and an unexpected visitor came with a bunch of flowers and basket of fruits,wearing a formal suit and his usual cold stare.



He placed the basket on the side and personally handed the flowers to the man on the bed. Standing on the side as both of his hands are the pocket.

"I'm so sorry for what happened yesterday.."

"'s all part of i don't regret anything,Mr.Jeon."

"By the way,what brings you here,Mr.CEO?"

Jungkook's stares are very sharp that made Taehyung shy,lowering his head and chewing his lips to find his composure but he couldn't resist on looking at the man when he spoke.

"I..actually came here to ask you a business..proposal.."


"I know it's still early to decide..but i realized how you have your everything in the Kim's corporation and buying it is the biggest mistake of my want you to live a normal life.."

"...and close to those people who you really love."


"I'm bring back your company and you can freely go back to Australia."

Taehyung smiled and soon,his tears fell from his cheeks due to happiness.

At last,he could continue the dream he's looking forward to and be with the people that dreamed with him.

"Thank you, really means to me."

Jungkook genuinely smiled back to the other and soon bid his farewell but before he could completely reach the door,the other spoke.

"By the way,sir?If you let me go back to Australia,who will take my position?"

Jungkook turned his back again to face the other and shrugged his shoulder.

"I'm sure there's someone worthy to take the spot."

Taehyung slowly sat on the bed and shyly twiddle his fingers while bitting his lower lip,composing the right words to say.

"Mr.Jeon..i can recommend a person who is deserving for the position."

"Sure..who is it?"

"Because you told me to work with the people who i truly love so.."

He carefully went out of the bed,limping as he slowly stood straight and walked a little closer to the other.
"I'm Kim Taehyung..if you would,it's my honor to take the position as your assistant."


Jungkook stepped closer,with shaking hands,he reached for Taehyung's cheeks and slowly caress it while tears are gliding on his face.

"I'm staying with the person that i truly love,Master Jungkook-ssi."

"Taehyung...i..really wanted to give you the position but..unfortunately.. "

"...I'm getting rid of my assistant."


Taehyung was puzzled on how Jungkool play with his words but he became certain when the other's arms wrapped around his waist.

"Because i'm taking you as my better half."

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