The Forgotten Clan - Izuku Uc...

By TheHinokami

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Toshinori Yagi and his wife Inko Yagi both are Pro Heroes. Toshinori is the #1 hero All Might and Inko is the... More

Chapter 1: The Birth of a Legend!
Chapter 2: Izuku Yagi Childhood
Chapter 3: Middle School Start & All Might!?
Chapter 4: Escaping Home & New Shelter!?
Chapter 5: Yagi's & Spilt Blood & Ancestor!
Chapter 6: Press Conference & Bakugo
Chapter 7: Unlocking Chakra & Clan Artifacts
Chapter 8: Uchiha Training & Brutal Sensei!
Chapter 9: Surgery, Recovery, & Training
Chapter 10: Final Training & Birth of Izuku Uchiha
Chapter 11: The Return & Found!?
Chapter 12: Tense Meeting & Suprise
Chapter 13: Uchiha Shrine & Preparing for UA
Chapter 15: Battle Trial & Classmates
Chapter 16: U.S.J
Chapter 17: Aftermath, Fear, and Preperation

Chapter 14: Start of UA

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By TheHinokami

3rd POV:

Aizawa had stayed at the shrine with Izuku the day before UA since Izuku could just transport them quickly. This meant Aizawa got to sleep more. Nezu had informed Izuku that the paperwork went through on his 'quirk' registration and it was listed as Natural energy manipulation. Izuku was happy with that since he could hide a lot within that label. Izuku and Aizawa had gotten up and ready for the start of UA. Aizawa had Izuku drop them off in a small park area that was near the school and then they walked the rest of the way in. Later on, as the others learned of Izuku's skills then Aizawa would have Izuku just drop them off inside the UA walls but that had to wait so Nezu or other teachers didn't get freaked out. During the break, they did have some run-ins with the Yagi's but they just ignored them and moved away. 

Aizawa just headed off towards the staff room while Izuku headed towards the classroom. He saw how big the door was and knew it was for intimidation effect instead of meeting people with large quirks. Izuku opened the door and found himself face to face with several familiar faces. One was the blue-haired kid who was yelling at Bakugo... Bakugo had his feet on his desk, then there was the girl with purple hair from the exam, and when he saw the girl that got saved by the purple-haired boy. The said purple hair boy looked like a mini-Aizawa (Yes, Shinso makes it in instead of Mineta. This is because he gets a few points but gets the rescue points that put him just a few above Mineta). Izuku started to walk in when the blue-haired boy looked over and came to Izuku. "You! You're the one that had his head in the pamphlet the entire time!" the now identified boy named Iida stated. Izuku just looked at him and didn't answer. This caused the boy to become tense from the awkwardness since he was used to people responding. Izuku just moved around him and started walking in again. Bakugo was about to say something but the girl Izuku knew as Jiro spoke first. "Hey, Uchiha! Nice to see you again. I'm glad we are in the same class and thanks for saving me in the exam." Jiro stated. Izuku nodded his head and said no problem as he sat down. The purple-head kid just looked up and then closed his eyes. The other students all came in and started to talk. The other girl that got saved came in and started to talk to her savior. Izuku then spoke. "I suggest sitting down since the teacher is here," he said and they all looked confused. "There's no tea-" started one student when Aizawa started to talk which scared everyone but Izuku who had noticed.

Everyone looked at the yellow caterpillar? Then Aizawa got out and pulled out gym uniforms. "Take these and get to the changing room and meet me out on the field," Aizawa said as Izuku got up and grabbed it. Then Jiro followed and then the rest got moving as Aizawa stated time was ticking. Everyone soon arrived on the field in their outfits. Some noticed Izuku's pin on his clothing but didn't say anything. Iida did make a comment. "That pin isn't meeting the school rulebook! I suggest you go remove-" he got cut off by Izuku raising a paper in front of him which stated he had permission from the Principal. "I have approval for it so mind your own business and become less stiff. Everything isn't black and white in this world. Everything isn't good or evil, yes or no. There's always an in-between." Izuku stated and Iida looked embarrassed and step back in with the others. Soon everyone arrived and Aizawa started to talk. 

Aizawa stated that they would have an apprehension test that will try out their abilities and that they were allowed to use their quirks or use anything to their advantage. Izuku loved hearing that. The student Izuku found out that was Uraraka asked why they weren't in the assembly and Aizawa said that UA is a freestyle teaching and he could do as he wished. Soon Bakugo was called up to do the first pitch and he scored about 400 meters. Some students made a comment about this test being fun since they could use their quirks. Izuku saw the evil gleam in his uncle's eyes. "God he makes an amazing Uchiha!" stated Madara from inside Izuku. Aizawa then placed new rules. Person to place last was going to be judged with no potential and expelled. The students started to say it wasn't fair but Aizawa just started to rant. "Guess what... life isn't fair. You are here as heroes to correct the unfairness! You are here to do better! Be better than the last generation! Do you think it was fair for All Might and Telek to neglect their child? Do you think it was fair that the child had to learn to survive by themselves even though there were other family members that could take care of them but their bastards of parents decided not to tell anyone that they were unable to care for their child when they had family and friends that would have done it? Guess what it wasn't. If you can't handle this bit of unfairness then get changed and go to the principal's office to be changed to general education or leave UA because this is the level I set in my class!" Aizawa stated. He was a bit annoyed currently since he saw All Might and Telek hiding in the distance. The students shut up and straightened up at the All Might and Telek comment. They all heard about it and their teacher was right. 

Soon the tests were going through and Izuku was only using his enhanced Chakra and was coming out on top of everything currently. He did get second on the pitch due to Uraraka's zero-gravity quirk. Though his pitch was a bit shocking. Izuku had silently muttered released and did the hand sign and turned off the weights. He then enhanced his body with chakra and took a large pitch and threw the ball. It did create a nice gust of wind which shocked everyone. Bakugo, All Might, and Telek were all shocked at seeing him do such strength. 'How is that pure strength? There is no way!?' they all thought. Izuku had turned his weights back on and walked back in line. Jiro was giving him weird looks since she could hear him mutter and wonder what he did. Bakugo couldn't keep his mouth shut though. "What the hell! You're meant to be quirkless!" He yelled and everyone looked at Izuku. Aizawa stepped in though to save him some exploitation right now. 

"Take your private matters for later but if you really must know his quirk is labeled as natural energy manipulation. He discovered in the years he's been gone that he indeed has a quirk unlike what you, his parents, and everyone else thought before he ran away from All Might and Telek." Aizawa stated. He knew there was no point in hiding it. It was better to control the narrative instead of people guessing. Aizawa didn't let them talk though since he just started reading the scores. Izuku came in first, Yaoyorozu came in second, third was Todoroki, and 4th was Bakugo. In the last place was one Hagakure. Shinso had come in 19th place with her in 20th. Aizawa then revealed that he was lying and that no one would be expelled. He had dismissed everyone to get changed and return to the classroom to do introductions. 

Everyone returned to the classroom after getting changed and they all sat down. Aizawa came back in and told them to start doing introductions. They were going through it each at a time. Bakugo said some stupid lines of he was going to be the number one hero! The other people then did their introductions before it got to Izuku. He got up and walked to the front while still having the cold look on his face. "My name is Uchiha Izuku. Yes, I know what Aizawa stated earlier and what Bakugo stated as well. My former family name was Yagi but I threw that away when I ran away from my neglectful biological parents All Might and Telek. I was assumed quirkless before and suffered cruel treatment that you all know from the media. I only recently returned and allowed myself to be found a few months ago. Since then, I've been transferred to my Uncle Aizawa custody after I blackmailed my biological parents with information that I had on them. Any questions?" Izuku asked. A lot of people raised their hands. 

Izuku pointed to Jiro and she asked about the symbol on the pin I had. "This is the symbol for the Uchiha clan. The name Uchiha isn't a random name I picked instead it is an old clan that I found that both myself and my uncle have blood from. It's the reason we have black hair and black eyes, unlike my biological mother who has green hair and green eyes. The Uchiha blood in us is far thicker which resulted in our traits. This is the symbol for the said clan." Izuku stated. Everyone was interested in the clan but other questions were asked. Todoroki asked how strong he was. "You will have to challenge me and force me to show my abilities. I only use what I need to use for battles." Izuku stated without changing his expression. Todoroki was interested in Izuku since he was a kid from a top hero as well and their pasts were similar though that was unknown to Izuku. Some other questions were asked but soon they finished. Now it was time for Aizawa to get back up and start talking again. 

"I want to remind you all of some things. UA doesn't tolerate quirk discrimination or any discrimination of any kind in this school. If you are found doing it you will be dealt with. Now, you all do have some left before the end of the day and I suggest you walk around campus and get used to the layout so you know your way around. If you have any questions for the staff or other students you can ask them or go around campus and explore." Aizawa said as he dropped back down and slept. Izuku could never understand his uncle's need for sleep and wondered if it had to do with his quirk. Izuku decided to go explore the campus instead of staying around the classroom. Some tried to stop him and ask him a few more questions but he just left them. Izuku decided to go to Recovery Girls office because he wanted access to medicine to attempt to recreate the military rations pill in the event that he ever needed them. Madara had provided him the things that were put into it. It was a mixture of medical herbs and he wondered if she knew any good places to obtain the stuff.

He knocked on her door and she called him in. "Recovery Girl, I was wondering if you knew any good place to acquire medical herbs?" He asked her and she asked what he needed Medical herbs for. He explained that he was going to create a medicine that he knew of with the herbs and knew the side effects of them but needed to find a well-trusted source to have untainted herbs at. She thought for a few moments and then suggested a place and he knew he would stop there to acquire the herbs later on after school. He decided to head back towards the other parts of the campus to get used to them. He wanted to know the layout so he could better jump around or Shunshin to and from campus for his uncle in the future. 

Most of the layout was straight forward and Izuku was getting a good mental map of the place. Soon though he returned to the classroom to see if anyone was still there. He did find some members that were packing their things up and he found his uncle in the corner sleeping. Jiro was one of the people in the room that was left. She saw him entered and moved over to talk to him. "Hey, Uchiha. Do you want to walk towards the train station together unless you live nearby?" she asked. Izuku was about to reject but his uncle answered for him. "He would love to wouldn't you nephew?" Aizawa said with a smirk in his eye. 'I promise PAIN later uncle!' Izuku conveyed with his eyes. Izuku just kept smirking and knew his nephew wouldn't do anything. As such, that is how Izuku found himself walking towards the train station with Jiro. Though he thought it wasn't bad since he needed to stop at the herb store that was near her stop anyone which turned out to be perfect for him since his uncle suggested this. 'Why does he want me to walk with her? What point is there?' Izuku thought. Madara just slapped himself in the head. 'Shit! I forgot to teach him lessons in this manner... of all things I forgot to teach!' Madara cursed himself in his own mind where Izuku couldn't hear him.

As Izuku walked Jiro to the train and sat on it with her. He decided to strike up a conversation since it was weird not talking with the sole other people that he was with. He was used to not talking to others but he felt calmer near her for some odd reason. "Jiro, what type of hero are you planning to be?" He asked her. She looked surprised and said that she wanted to be one that people could rely on and help children build confidence in themselves since she was made fun of for her quirk since she wanted to be a hero. This struck a nerve with him since it was similar to his and wanting to make sure people were treated better in the society that they lived in because people would turn a blind eye to quirkless suffering just because of a lack of a quirk. Izuku looked at Jiro in a slightly newer light. Soon the stop came to an end and Jiro got off and they said their goodbye. Izuku's stop for the herb shop was the next one. It was only in a few minutes until he arrived and then he got off.

It was more of a traditional herb shop instead of a modern shop. It was also located on a back alley where Izuku had to walk deep in to get to. Izuku entered it and asked the shop lady for herbs off his list. He was in luck and all of the herbs were there. The shop lady had asked him what these were for since it wasn't for any known combination and Izuku said that he has other herbs back at home that some of them would go for. Izuku didn't want people to know that this could be combined and transformed into something. Yes, the pill had a great effect but it also had great side effects that could kill someone if people weren't careful. 

As such, Izuku left and then Shunshin the moment he was able to hide and ensure there were no cameras. He returned to the shrine and found Aizawa waiting there. "So Recovery Girl told me you had requested a location of a herb shop? Do you have something wrong that I should be concerned with?" He asked a bit worried. This was due to the last medical thing Izuku went through included removing his eyes and translating Madara's eyes into himself while awake! Izuku said no but that they were for a soldier pill. "Soldier pill? Why don't I like the sound of that..." Aizawa stated. Izuku then explained the use of the pills. "These pills are for nourishing the body and replenishing one's chakra in an emergency. It made up of powerful stimulants and nutrients from these herbs that allow the user to keep fighting for three days and three nights without rest or that is what is claimed. At the end of three days, the consumer will be brought to the point of complete and utter exhaustion once the pills wear off. So they are a double edge sword. I want them in an emergency that I need to use them. It means that I blew through a large amount of Chakra and am close to running out if I decide to use this or I'm going to perform a Jutsu that will run me dry and I'm filling up the best I can before I perform the next Jutsu. Izuku got to work and followed the directions as Madara stated and about 2 hours later they had a batch of pills. Each bath produced 12 pills in total. 

Aizawa was interested in the pills. "What happens to someone that doesn't have chakra?" He asked and Madara told Izuku that it only makes someone have a large amount of energy that they would need to burn off or they wouldn't be able to sleep. Even Izuku would have large energy but the main use for Izuku was the chakra aspect since during the pill making he infused it with a lot of chakra for later use. Aizawa then suggested making some without the chakra. "These could be used as a supplement for Recovery Girl's quirk. If the chakra part comes from you infusing chakra then don't infuse chakra in a batch and have them just for emergencies in using her quirk to heal people since it gives three days' worth of energy and just results in them crashing for a few days after it's used up." Aizawa said and they realized that was a good idea. As such, Izuku spent another hour making one more batch. The second hour was from infusing the charka into the pills so it was easier to make the pills. They would just have to find a situation in the future to test the theory out but hoped it wouldn't happen. This was how the first day of UA came to an end. Now Izuku just had to push forward in the future.

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