Who Remembers?

By anrilabuschagne24

1.6K 138 55

|Complete| After a holiday of many hook ups, many drunken nights and very bad decisions, Olivia has successfu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 33

27 3 0
By anrilabuschagne24

"So tomorrow at?" Elaina asks and I stare at the screen with all 3 of the girls on it.

"10." I smile.

"Have you packed and done all of the things you need to do?" Jess speaks up and I smile at the heavily pregnant, soon to be a momma.

"Actually I said I'll take her shopping later today," Jane speaks up.

"You are going to be back before the baby is born right?"

"Yeah, Jess. I will be." I smile at her and she rubs her belly.

"Liv. Are you okay?" Elaina asks.

"Yeah, I just am quite nervous." I give them an assuring smile.

"It's going to be an experience of a lifetime Liv. I don't regret any of the traveling Collin and I did." Jess smiles.

"Yeah, even Canada with Aiden was so much fun," Jane adds.

"Yes, I am excited." I nod.

"Okay, I need to go take a shower. Jane, see you later?" I smile and everyone says their goodbyes and I stare at the black screen. I should probably get out of bed. My cold is so much better, I do still cough but it's getting better.

"So the red or black one?" I hold up the same shorts just in different colors. Jane studies both the shorts and puts her finger on her lips as if she's really thinking hard about this choice.

"Black. It's more versatile." She points to it and then gives me a satisfied look.

"Great." I put the red shorts down and then we continue browsing through the clothes.

"Thank goodness it's summer there and not winter." Jane looks up from one of the racks.

"Amen to that." I roll my eyes.

"So you're not going to stay there until Christmas right?"

"I don't actually know yet. I told Ni-."

"Wait, I thought you haven't spoken to Nick?" 

"I saw him before my last exam. He came to tell me again not to go but I obviously said I am." I shrug. No way am I going to tell her about the kiss. I'm definitely never going to hear the end of it. Besides, I need to sort this out with him first before I say anything.

"And what about when Jess gives birth?" 

"I'll try to make it back in time. I know the timing is a bit bad but I did make a commitment you know." 

"Yeah, I suppose you're right." She grabs her Starbucks cup and I smile.

"It's going to be fine, trust me," I reassure her and we walk to a few other stores.

"So do you think things between Aiden and Nick will ever be good?" She asks.

"No idea. Those two can still barely be in the same room. It's quite crazy actually." I shrug.

"I just wish they would sort things out. I know it's my fault as well. Trust me, I blame myself just as much as Aiden blames himself. They were such good friends for the two years Nick was in South Africa." She looks at the floor. She really does seem sad.

"I can only imagine. I think everything does happen for a reason I suppose. I mean if you and Aiden didn't meet up here again then you wouldn't be engaged you know?" 

"Yeah, that's true." She stares at her engagement ring and runs her finger over it.

"I really am scared to get married but I love him so much." 

"You'll know when it's the right time Jane." I hug her and we stand like that for a bit.

"We should go home. I need to pack." I break the hug and we head home. I really am happy for her and Aiden, thinking about it now, he and I would never have been good together. They really are perfect for each other.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask Jane as we stop in front of her and Aiden's apartment.

"What's up?" She smiles.

"How was Nick in South Africa? I mean you guys also dated you know? Sorry if it's weird. I'm just really curious." She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"It was teenage love between him and me. We met at a bonfire party and he was quite drawn back, to be honest, and could definitely see he didn't want to be there but the more I got to know him the more I could see he was a genuine person and I introduced him and Aiden when Nick got rushed to the hospital after falling when we played basketball and Aiden was there waiting for his dad and when he was doped up on anesthetic the man couldn't stop talking about you Liv. He is so head over heels for you, I'm pretty sure he'd take a bullet for you.  Like I said before it was teenage love, I do care about him but he wasn't mine to keep and I was selfish I guess, I knew I was in love with Aiden but I was too scared you know. Nick was my safe choice." She smiles and my heart skips a beat, "He is flawed, we all are but the way he looks at you and when he talks about you... Man, I wish you could see it from everyone else's perspective Liv." She gives me a hug and she gets out of the car. 

"Aiden and I will drop you off at the airport tomorrow since Brad said he'll get you there." She shuts the door and walks to her apartment after I thank her.  I stare at the apartment for a few minutes thinking about what she just said. Nick really does love me, doesn't he?

"Yeah mom, I am busy packing." I pull my suitcase onto my bed.

"Okay great. Do you have your passport?" 

"Yes, I do." I roll my eyes.

"Just making sure. I'll miss you." She sighs and I don't think she's so keen on me going to Australia either.

"Love you, mom." I smile.

"Love you too. Text me when you land." I hear doctor Patterson say something and she puts the phone down. I need to pack. I put my phone down on my bed and I continue only for a knock on the door to stop me.

"Aiden." I smile and he has a concerned look on his face.

"Hey, Olivia. Can we talk?" He motions to the inside of my apartment and I allow him in. Weird that he's here. I walk back to my half-packed suitcase.

"What's up Aiden? Jane said you two will take me to the airport tomorrow, that's very kin-."

"I don't think it's such a good idea that you go to Australia." He pauses and rubs his hand behind his neck, we stand in silence for a minute while I process what he just said and it gets interrupted when Nick barges in. Aiden greets Nick with a nod and he just stares at me and then at the suitcase.

"Nick? Aiden?" I say and he doesn't say anything. He takes his leather jacket off and his arm muscles are tense and tight against his white shirt. He looks so good.

"What's with you two and since when can the two of you be in the same room together?" I shrug.

"Look we-." Aiden speaks up and Nick just looks really annoyed. 

"No Aiden. I am going, I made the commitment and I can't change it now. His entire family is expecting me to be there and it's already 7 pm." I fold some more clothes. I am so irritated and these two aren't making it any easier., "Why are you dragging Aiden into this Nick? Can you just give it a rest already?"

"I'm not going to argue with you but just consider it." He smiles. Nick hasn't moved or said anything. My gaze gets interrupted as my phone buzzes. A text from Brad.

- Hey Liv. I am sorry I'm doing this over text but you shouldn't come with me to Australia. I think we need to end this relationship. Sorry.

A tear escapes my eye and I wipe it off staring at the packed suitcase on my bed. 

"Liv?" Nick speaks up and I look at him through my glossy eyes. He walks closer and another tear escapes my eye and he wipes the tear-off of my cheek and I push his hand away from me and I clear my throat.

"Congratulations, you got your wish, he broke up with me. That's what you guys wanted right? Nick, you did this didn't you? What did you say to him?" I hiss and Nick looks a little startled.

"I'm so sorry Olivia." Aiden hugs me and he nods at Nick as he leaves.

"Liv." Nick walks closer to me again.

"I need to be alone tonight Nick." I softly say and he wraps his arms around me and we just stand like that for a few minutes.

"Leave Nick.." I ask and he takes a deep breath in and exhales.

"I'm not leaving. If you need me to be your punching bag or you need someone to blame I'll be here and besides, you need to eat something." He kisses me on the forehead and walks to the kitchen.

"Nick come on." I follow him and he stands by the fridge.

"Nick. I want to be alone." I protest and he ignores me until I pull his arm and he instantly freezes and looks at me.

"You and I both know you cannot be alone right now. You'll be crying and you'll fall asleep crying and you won't eat and you'll overthink this situation and that's not the way it should be." He says and he looks in the fridge. I guess I can't blame him for Brad's actions. 

"Fine, you can stay. But-."

"Of course there's a but." He rolls his eyes and he tenses his arms again.

"No hooking up." I raise my hand and he rolls his eyes as he closes the fridge.

"Where is your food?" He asks looking around the kitchen cabinets.

"I was planning on takeout." I roll my eyes.

"Okay, well unpack and I'll go get pizza." He grabs his leather jacket and walks out the door. I stare at the half-packed suitcase, I reread his message and I sigh. This is really unlike him to do it this way. I need to speak to him, this does not make sense and I need him to give me a real reason. I phone him and it goes directly to voice mail. I try messaging him and I am blocked. This is just perfect, another situation where someone just disappears on me. I need to know why because I don't think I'll be able to get closure if we just leave things like this. I stare at the half-packed suitcase and I slowly unpack it. 

"Back." Nick opens the door and he's standing with one large pizza and a bottle of tequila in his hands.

"Tequila?" I grab the bottle out of his hand and he walks to the coffee table.

"Eat first and then drink." He demands and I grab a slice of the pizza. Hawaiin, my favorite.

"So are you okay?" He asks in between bites and I lean against the couch.

"So screwed up, to be honest." I sigh, "at least you got what you wanted." 

"You getting your heart broken is the last thing I want Liv." He says softly as he leans his head against the couch as well. He slowly moves his fingers between mine and we just sit like that holding each other's hands for a few minutes.

"Tequila?" He stands up and gets the bottle.

"Yeah, why not." I grab the bottle from him as he sits next to me and I take a sip and I hand it to him and he does the same. Man, that's some strong tequila.

"What-what did he mea-mean when he said pheo?" I ask in my drunken haze and Nick rolls his eyes. He is definitely sober as for me, well, not so much.

"Don't know Liv." He shrugs and we just stare at each other, still leaning our heads on the couch and sitting on the floor, I grab the bottle again and he grasps it out of my hand.

"You've had enough." He protests and closes the bottle and places it on the other side of him. 

"No-no I need." I try my best to reach for the bottle but he's stronger than me. Luckily I know what bad unicorn likes and I now know how to get my bottle. 

"Liv, come on, you-." He pauses as I sit on his lap straddling him.

"I've wha-what?" I jokingly say as I run my hands through his messy black hair and then I place my hands on his chiseled jawline and he swallows hard. Bad unicorn is so good looking.

"You said no hooking up?" He whispers as he stares into my eyes. I run my hand from his chest down to his abs and his breathing increases and I move my hand to the side where the tequila bottle is until he grasps my hand and smirks.

"I'm not an idiot." He smugly says and I roll my eyes and my hands go back to his chest.

"I need to take a sh-shower," I say softly staring at him and his smug face becomes quite serious.

"Okay." He pulls me up and leads me to the shower and puts it on. I stare at him and just as he's about to leave the bathroom I tug his arm towards me.

"Shower with me," I reply and I take my shirt off and he stares at my body, and then his stare comes back up to my eyes.

"I can't." He says softly and I take my bra off.

"Please Nick. No se-sex, no nothing. Just a shower." I say and he keeps staring at my face, fighting the urge to not look at my exposed body. Is bad unicorn trying to be good?

"Liv." He whispers as he comes closer to me and I tug on the hem of his shirt.

"Yes, bad uni-." I look up at him as my hands run up his shirt, "I mean Nick." I smile and he instantly takes his shirt off. His abs are so perfect and he's so tanned.

"We are only showering and that is it." He says sternly and I do like his demanding side.

"Deal," I smirk and I take the rest of my clothes off, I get in the shower and he does the same.

"See we can just shower," I say as I wash my hair and he rolls his eyes and continues standing under the raining water.

"You feeling sober yet?" He raises his eyebrow and I rinse my hair off.

"I'm moderately functional." I smile.

"I'll take that as a no." I watch as the water runs down his abs, "How are your abs so toned." I run my hands over it and he tenses.

"Liv don't touch me." He pushes my hand away and I look up at him again.

"Why not?" I frown.

"Because if you touch me then I'll definitely kiss you and it'll lead to other things so stop teasing me." He sounds frustrated, "I'm trying my best to respect you right now." He lifts my chin up so our eyes meet again and the water is trickling down his face.

"Okay," I whisper and I turn my back to him while I finish up showering.

"Here's a towel." He hands me one as I get out and I dry myself.

"We should sleep." I walk out of the bathroom and he's already lying on the couch he cleared the suitcase and the clothes off of my bed as well.

"The couch?" I look at him and then at the bed.

"I have to leave early tomorrow morning. Need to take care of a few things." He says as he pulls a blanket over himself.

"You're not going to tell me what it is are you?" I raise an eyebrow.

"No Liv. I'm not." He says softly.

"Okay." I switch the lights off and I get into bed. Not even worth arguing, just as I close my eyes the lights go on again and I look at Nick.

"It's not like I don't want to tell you Liv." He stands by the light switch and I nod.

"Okay." I smile.

"You're not going to even fight with me about it? Not even going to try to argue, nothing?" He sounds shocked.

"I've given up Nick. Between you and Brad. It's exhausting." I say and he looks at the floor.

"Never pegged you as a quitter Liv." He smugly replies.

"Well." I roll my eyes and he switches the lights off.

"Night Liv." I feel his lips on my cheek and his footsteps make their way back to the couch. He doesn't peg me as a quitter? He is right. I will find out why the hell Brad left things like this, I am so sick of just accepting things the way it is. I deserve a damn explanation and I will get one.

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