Alpha and elas

By Abccosplays

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some short stories i wrote about my oc and another oc, some have more parts. includes aus, dnd world, smut, a... More

breakfast time
Two will give in
Practice makes perfect
Party for two
GC: man whores (+anyk)
daddy's pup (๐Ÿ”ž)
The wolf moon
the backalley
Caught redhanded
Bad day
Akkar being a cockblocker for 6 minutes straight
forgotten days pt 1
forgotten days pt 2
first meeting
the gang in a whore house๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€
jazz traditions
by the fireplace
missed u
oblivious elas (๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿ”ž)
flying lessons
long time no love
late night drive in
down by the willow
the wish of life
a kelhana's way
the prince and the wolf
knight to remember
knight to remember: part 2
a king to rule them all
top student
double dare
blessed life
dear soon-to-be mr kelhana
surprise visit
an eventful morning
a mind of his own
liar liar
To, my king
backstory alpha dnd
(info dnd session 2022)
far far away
alpha's diary
enchanted au
enchanted pt 2
the 4th date
our heroes
nightshift pt 1
nighshift pt 2
enchanted au pt 3
park day
a helping hand
Bounty Hunter pt 1
a father's love

all mine

60 1 0
By Abccosplays

"Elas!" The king yelled, "please come here for a moment".

"Yes father?" Elas said walking in the room with his personal knight following him.

"Please let me introduce you to these princess here" he spoke, pointing to the women standing in a line. Alpha was quick to notice what was going on and tried to contain his jealousy, which he was never good at. Elas made a bow with a charming smile, alpha cursing at himself in his mind for choosing such a handsome boyfriend. As elas bowed the king noticed something on elas's neck.

"What's that on your neck son?" The king asked confused "why is it bruised?"

"Oh! uh- dont pay that too much mind father! I was busy and uh- i...bumped into something" elas said nervously. Hearing alpha chuckle behind him.

"Yeah you were busy alright" alpha whispered just loud enough for only elas to hear.

"Ok well, elas, these women are here to win your heart! We will have a day to spend with the princesses and whoever steals your heart, wins your hand in marriage" the king said excited. Alpha and elas both had the same reaction with their eyes widened and looking at the king. "Is there something wrong, mr kelhana?" The king asked as he noticed alpha's expression.

"Nothing your majesty, just on such a short notice....surprising" alpha said, controlling his facial expression at once. That jealous feeling in his gut not leaving him.

"Then, let us make a toast" the king said raising his glass. Elas looked surprised as a glass of red wine was suddenly infront of him. He hesistantly picked up his glass and raised it in the air, glancing at alpha quickly. He was standing still as can be. Did he not care?

"A toast to the future king and queen" the king smiled. The princesses raising their glasses too. Everyone started doing their own thing and talked to eachother all over the room. Elas turning around and pulling alpha far enough so the king didn't hear their conversations.

"What do we do now?" Elas asked concerned as alpha was still forced to stand there expressionless.

"I dont know, i dont like this at all elas" alpha said, elas noticing the anger in his voice.

"Are you ok?" Elas asked concerned as he put his hand on alpha's arm. Before alpha could even answer the king walked up to them.

"Well what are you doing here with knight kelhana? Go talk to the princesses" the king said as he pushed elas towards the people. Alpha standing in the middle of the room expressionless again, as order from the king. Elas stumbled up to one of the princesses.

"Hello, i hope i caught you doing well" elas smiled to her.

"Why hello your majesty," the woman bowed. "My name is elizabeth saseo"

"Elas alfreda" he bowed back, trying to ignore the certain dark eyes he felt stare at him from across the room. The two made some awkward small talk as elas tried his best to be as polite as possible. The day went on with introductions and alot of laughing from the women, pissing alpha off. Elas was just so naturally charming, he knows he didnt do that on purpose but...what if it would be better for the kingdom for elas to marry a princess? Could he accept that?




It was now dinner time. Everyone was gathered around the dining table and had a seat. Elas somehow finding a way to sit next to alpha. But sadly also next to the princess who during the entire day, seemed obsessed with the idea of marrying elas. Elas felt bad everytime he had to pretend he didn't really know alpha, but this time it saddened him even more considering alpha is very possessive and they've never experienced something like this. Everyone made their plates and started eating. The woman next to elas, mary jane, put some food on elas's plate with a wink. Elas nodded and slightly smiled at her as a thank you. A few moments later he felt something touch his thigh and caress it. At first elas thought it was alpha since he teased him all the time during these type of things but then he realized that alpha wasn't sitting on the side he felt the caressing. Elas jumped at the realization and startled the princesses across from them, alpha also looked to see what happened. And just in time too as he saw mary jane's hand move back to her own lap. Alpha gave a shocked glance at elas and shook it off. Elas saw alpha's face and nodded to him. There was complete silence between the three of them. The only sounds you could hear was the sound of plates and utensils hitting eachother, and ofcourse the inaudible speaking of the other guests. Elas sneakily grabbed alpha's hand under the table, only for them to know. Alpha looked down at their hands as elas never had the guts to do anything touchy infront of people. Alpha looked back at elas, who was desperately looking for eyecontact. He gave him a small smile and continued like nothing happened. Elas doing the same, that is, until mary jane decided to try again. She slowly and carefully put her hand on elas his knee, moving upwards slowly towards his thighs, then his hips and finally put her hand on elas's crotch and squeezed it lightly, hoping to excite elas and make him hers. Elas jumped up again and quickly let go of alpha's hand to stand up.

"im beyond tired, im going to call it a day, thank you for coming" Elas quickly spurted out, the nervousness in his voice visible for everyone.

"Ill get him there safely" alpha stood up with a deep voice.

"Very well then, sleep well my son" the king smiled at him.

Elas speed walked out of the hall with alpha keeping up behind him.

They ran up the stairs but got tired quickly as they slowly walked to elas's room.

Alpha opened the door for elas and elas walked inside, alpha looking left and right before following the prince inside and locking the door behind them.

As soon as alpha turned around to face elas elas had already grabbed alpha's face and pulled him in deeply. Alpha responding to the very needed kiss immediately, placing his hands on the prince's hips. After a few minutes they pulled away.

"Im so sorry alphie, i dont want to marry any of them! I want to marry you!" Elas said breaking a tear at the thoughts of alpha leaving him.

"Hey hey hey tktktk" Alpha comforted as he wiped his tears away with his thumbs.

"You know you're mine, right?" Alpha smirked dangerously. Elas nodding up at his boyfriend. Alpha quickly turned the both of them around and held elas against the door. Elas smiled, noticing what was going on.

"Am i now? I want you to prove it" elas said looking in alpha's dark eyes.

Alpha chuckled deeply before leaning in again and kissing him.

Alpha bit elas's bottom lip and elas understood, making out with his boyfriend pushing him against the door. Alpha tapped on elas's thigh, elas jumped on his boyfriend and got pushed against the door again with a little more force. Elas loved that possesive, dominant side of alpha.

"Don't think im going easy on you pup, you made me crazy today. Tonight ill be showing you who you really belong to. And you're going to enjoy every bit of it" alpha whispered to elas, making elas shiver.

"Hell yeah i am" elas smiled before sharing a needy kiss again with the man he loved most.

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