The Forgotten Clan - Izuku Uc...

By TheHinokami

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Toshinori Yagi and his wife Inko Yagi both are Pro Heroes. Toshinori is the #1 hero All Might and Inko is the... More

Chapter 1: The Birth of a Legend!
Chapter 2: Izuku Yagi Childhood
Chapter 3: Middle School Start & All Might!?
Chapter 4: Escaping Home & New Shelter!?
Chapter 5: Yagi's & Spilt Blood & Ancestor!
Chapter 6: Press Conference & Bakugo
Chapter 7: Unlocking Chakra & Clan Artifacts
Chapter 8: Uchiha Training & Brutal Sensei!
Chapter 10: Final Training & Birth of Izuku Uchiha
Chapter 11: The Return & Found!?
Chapter 12: Tense Meeting & Suprise
Chapter 13: Uchiha Shrine & Preparing for UA
Chapter 14: Start of UA
Chapter 15: Battle Trial & Classmates
Chapter 16: U.S.J
Chapter 17: Aftermath, Fear, and Preperation

Chapter 9: Surgery, Recovery, & Training

8.3K 245 99
By TheHinokami

3rd Pov:

Izuku took a week to decide on the surgery. He had asked his master more questions about the surgery and the benefits of him doing it versus the disadvantages. Madara explained that there wasn't really any disadvantage besides a slightly higher increase in chakra consumption but with how much Izuku has trained in chakra control the difference wouldn't be really noticeable. Izuku decided to do the surgery but he was still scared. He had to take his own eyes out after all! They would use shadow clones to do it but he still had to be awake and they only had some medicine to numb the eye areas but Madara had stated that the pain would overcome the medicine easily. As such, Izuku will suffer unbearable pain and he has to resist the urge of his body collapsing to sleep under the pain. The reason was if for some reason the clones got dispelled he would need to make new ones. 

Izuku was nervous... but it was time for the surgery. Izuku had gotten a lot of water from the lake and boiled it. They had clean fabric ready and had laid some down for Izuku to lay on. After about 3 hours of preparing everything and sterilizing some knives that were in a storage scroll, they had ready. Madara showed Izuku where his original eyes were located at. It was hidden in a safe behind the Uchiha crest that was in the shrine hall where he found Madara at. Izuku did the hand seals as instructed and placed some of his blood. The seal came undone and a hole opened up and there were the eyes at. 

Now... it was time for the surgery. "It's okay to be nervous. This will be painful but you have survived the pain. You have survived the hatred. You will survive this and won't break. You will grow stronger so none one will look down on you again without suffering your wrath! YOU ARE A UCHIHA!" Madara shouted the last part. This solidified Izuku's will and they got to work. The clones grabbed the eyes of their master and the sterilized equipment as well. They placed some gloves on and injected Izuku with some of the numbing agents into Izuku face around his eyes. They waited for about 5 minutes and got to work. They pulled the eyelids back and used the medical ninjutsu and chakra scalpel to pull the eyes out. Izuku was screaming in pain. He was glad he had several extra clones made to hold him down to the ground. "MASTERRRRR IS HURTS SO MUCH! IT'S LIKE ALL THE PAIN IN MY LIFE COMBINED IN ONE MOMENT!" Izuku yelled. Madara just encouraged him to keep pushing through. The eyes had been taken out. That was the hardest part but it took about 5 minutes to do it which meant 5 minutes of pain! 

Now it was time to transplant the new eyes into him and heal him as they go in to ensure they attach to his body correctly. This was still painful but not as much as removing them. Izuku calmed down a bit during the to parts. He was breathing hard but gritted his teeth and told the clones to get to work. A clone was working on each eye to ensure it went faster. They slowly placed the eyes in and used the mystical healing hands Jutsu at the same time. It was around 10 minutes after they started placing them in that they finished. It took longer due to the fact that they needed to go slow to ensure they didn't damage anything and make sure everything attached. The clones wrapped Izuku's face in bandages since he would need to wear them for about 2 weeks before he could take them off. 

The clones didn't dispel since Izuku would not be able to see for two weeks. As such, they would do everything for him during the two weeks. They pulled Izuku over to the bed and laid him down and put a moist cloth on Izuku's forehead to help cool him down and help keep off a fever. As Izuku laid there he could hear his master speak to him. "Good job, my student. You have done well. Now just rest and let the clones take care of you for the next two weeks. We will spend this time just talking about our clan history more and other things you would like to ask." Madara stated. Izuku grunted out a yes to his master since he was so exhausted. As Izuku listens to his master start talking about the earlier history of the clan, Izuku soon fell to sleep as he listened to his master's words. 

The two weeks passed a bit slowly since Izuku wasn't up and moving around like he was used to. They spent most of the time talking about facts and information from Madara's time. Izuku was interested in the different clans and how they all operated. Izuku also told Madara more about the current history and how quirks came to be and how many people are quirkless. Madara thought that people with quirks likely didn't have much ability or talent to use chakra at all and quirkless had a better chance but they wouldn't know unless they tried to teach others which Madara didn't want Izuku doing. Madara had told Izuku not to spread chakra to anyone else so that only the Uchiha clan would have it. This was due to how powerful chakra is compared to quirks. Quirks overall limit a person to what the quirk can do and their physical body can do. Chakra enhances the body but allows a vast world of possibilities that will outclass any quirk even the so-called One For All that All Might had. Based on the description that Izuku gave hos All Might's strength, Madara had stated that it was possible to use Chakra to match it. "If you were to focus your training in physical enchantment with chakra then it is possible to match his strength. However, it is far better to expand on many things and easily deal with him with many solutions than just being a one trick shinobi." Madara stated. Soon, the last day of recovery came and it was time for Izuku to take his bandages off. 

Izuku started to pull his bandages off slowly.  "Do it slowly so your eyes can start to adjust as the light filters through the bandages as they get thinner. This will make it easier for them to adjust when they are fully off. Once they are off go through the stages of your eyes." Madara stated. Izuku took about 5 minutes to take the bandages off and soon they all came off. He started with his basic Sharingan and then pushed it into his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. "It worked. Congratulations Izuku. I'm proud of you for bearing the pain to obtain the EMS." Madara stated with a small smile on his face.

The new Sharingan was like his old one but the middle section was angled and shaped a bit differently and he had three new lines that looked like they were being pulled into the center of his eyes. He had now obtained the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan or EMS. "I can feel the power difference between the MS and the EMS," Izuku stated. Izuku could see a small smile on his master's face. He was happy that he found Madara. He was happy that he could train to be a proud clan member and restore the Uchiha name into the world again.

"Now... we won't do training with it for now. I want them to adjust to your body more and want you to get other training done. We still need to get your physical abilities to match your Sharingan speed. As such, it's time to get to work!" Madara stated with a cold smirk. Izuku felt a chill down his spine as he got up and summoned the 30 clones. 10  clones started working on making seals, storage seals, and other types that might come in handy. The goal was to be able to make a basic seal in 5 seconds while moving. 10 clones were set to spar between each other in physical combat. Another 10 clones worked on the ninjutsu and training on different ones while doing some experiments to create new ones. "You live in an era with many new concepts and a far deeper understanding of how elements work and different compounds. Use that knowledge and have some clones experiment to come up with new attacks or how to make other attacks act differently." Madara stated. Izuku was stunned at that statement. His master was right! He lived in a far future from when these Jutsu were made and they now had a better understanding to make different attacks or make the older ones more efficient! 

As such, the 30 clones got to work. Izuku himself placed some of the freshly made weight seals on himself and increased the amount of weight he had on him. He was able to do 200 pounds before with some challenges. Now he had increased it to 300 and got to work. The end goal was to be able to move around with 1,000 pounds on himself to keep up with the Sharingan.

This was how another 2 months passed with the clones doing what they were doing. It was now the end of 9 months since Izuku had left his home and he had never once left the mountain and its surrounding forest. During these two months, while Izuku clones were working on what they were doing, Izuku himself had made some gains in his weights. He was now sitting at 500 pounds total on his body at one moment and would increase it again soon. While doing this work he had also been working on his Shurikenjutsu. In the past, he was doing 7/10 hits in the center but now he was doing 10 out of 10. Madara had a surprise though. "Good... now hit 10 out of 10 while making the weapons bound off each other," Madara stated. Izuku just looked at his master funny until Madara shared a memory of him doing it in the past. Izuku now understood and knew how complex this was going to end up being. However, even though it was so complex and challenging to do it would be so beneficial to catch opponents off guard!

Izuku got to work and started to try it. It did not go as he hoped it would... instead, it went horrible. He only landed 1 out of 10 and most of the blades would just clash in the air and fall to the ground. Madara just laughed at Izuku who pouted at his master for laughing. Madara just looked at Izuku and said to keep trying since it was a more complex throwing method. He did give the advice that it's all in the wrist and how he throws it and the difference in speed between each weapon that mattered. Izuku took a break. Izuku wanted to think about the advice that his master had given him and decided that they should go look over the sealing practice that the clones did and it turned out that Madara had approved of the basic seals that had been made by the clones. The clones had made storage seals, weight seals, explosive tags for combat, and a few other seals that they saw in the learning scrolls. Then both Madara and Izuku moved over to the clones that were working on physical sparing. Madara has seen a steady increase in Izuku's ability to fight. Since shadow clones had a mind of their own it was very useful for this type of practice. Madara thought that Izuku's physical fighting ability was on par with a low-mid level warrior in the clan currently which was very good. They then moved over to the clones that were working on Ninjutsu. 

The clones had trained with a lot of the clan's Jutsu. They made sure they practiced it and got most of the basic clan Jutsu learned to a proficient level. They even experimented on some things and came up with some new Jutsu. One was a lighting release Jutsu and it allowed him to send an arc of lighting up into the air and direct it back down to the ground at a point with far more power after it pulled energy from the air. He called it Kirin. The clones created this move when there was a lightning storm going on one day. It requires there to be a good amount of clouds in the area to pull the natural lighting from to create the dragon of lighting which he would direct towards the ground. The clones also created a lighting release attack via using the shuriken or Kunai. The concept behind it was to place lighting chakra into it and throw it at enemies. If an enemy passed near the kunai it would release the chakra and shock the people stunning them long enough for Izuku to get up close and finish them. The clones also took the principal of the chakra scalpel and turned it into a lighting scalpel. He could use it to slice people and shock their nervous system as he cut into them. He could also make lighting fly off his hand from a distance and pierce into people which he called lighting spear. 

"Good... you have started to apply modern theories to the Jutsu and made them efficient or created some new techniques. Keep some clones working at making new ones and learning other elemental attacks as well. Now though I want you to have 20 clones start fighting each other in close combat and have them start using Jutsu's while they are fighting." Madara stated. Izuku got the clones to work while leaving 10 clones to still work on learning Jutsu's. Izuku went back to his physical training and his throwing weapons training.

Another three months have passed and now it has been an entire year since Izuku has left home. During these three months, Madara did not let up at all! Izuku had gotten himself up to 800 pounds on his body. It was turning out to be around a 100-pound increase each month at his current pace which they were happy with since they still had roughly 2 years left. Izuku's body was really toned and didn't have any part lacking due to all of the physical training he has done. Madara has also started to make Izuku run through the forest and go across it at a high speed while having all of his clones throw blunted down weapons at him. They blunted them just in the event that he screwed up and didn't dodge a weapon in time. The goal of this training was to increase his physical abilities but also increase his situational awareness around him. He was dodging about 80% of the weapons thrown at him. Madara wouldn't consider him passing until he could dodge all of them and do it while running across the forest. "One mistake is death! You are currently in the safety of our shrine where there is no hostile threat. However, the day you leave this mountain to go to UA you will meet your family again. You will face those that wish to claim your life. During that time you must overcome all odds because you are a proud Uchiha and you are not allowed to be defeated during battle! You must claim victory or be dishonored and face the possibility of death!" Madara stated with a scowl. Izuku knew this well. He refused to be defeated anymore and he refused to be dishonored like he was in the past! He refused to bow his head to others anymore! He now had a clan to represent and he needed to represent it with honor! Izuku refused to dishonor the clan name! He refused to allow the Uchiha name to be stained by him because he bowed his head! HE WAS A UCHIHA AND WAS PROUD OF IT!

During the past three months, Izuku had also gotten his throwing weapons training up to 8 out of 10 hits. Now, this wasn't the basic throwing weapon training where he was already at 10 out of 10 all the time. Instead, this was when he was making the weapons hit each other and strike a target once it had bounced off another weapon. Madara was proud of Izuku's training and achievements so far. It was only a matter of time before Izuku could overcome many opponents due to his vast skills and powers. Even then Izuku refused to ever stop training because Izuku had put his blood, sweat, and tears into this training and refused to ever take a step backward! During this past year, Izuku has also started to grow his hair out, and now he was looking more and more like his master Madara. Though if someone got up close to them both the people could easily tell the difference because of their faces but from a distance, someone could easily mistake Izuku for a younger version of Madara. This was how Izuku's first year away from home had come to an end. Madara told Izuku that once he had achieved 1,000 pounds and could move without a problem while running across the forest and dodge weapons as well then they would start the training of his Sharingan which would include Genjutsu and the many things that it can be used for and exploring the abilities of Izuku's EMS. Izuku was thrilled at that fact and got straight back to training the moment his body wasn't tired anymore.

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