To Protect

By trashpandac

11.7K 337 207

Dream struggles to fight off Nightmare who is taking over him, making him hurt those he loves and kill. At fi... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Epilogue - Sapnap.
Epilogue - George.

Epilogue - Dream.

521 22 41
By trashpandac


I brushed the soft brown hairs out of his face. He looked so peaceful for the first time in a long time. My fingertips gently grazed down the inside of his arm laying above his head, being ever so soft as to not wake him, stopping at his hand.

How long has it been since I felt your hand in mine George?

Too long.

I slowly interlocked my fingers with his, sighing as the comfort overwhelmed me. My ghostly colour contrasting against his pale skin. It was slightly amusing how we had always laughed at how pale he was but now I was even more so. I lay myself down behind him, being careful with every movement of my muscles. He needs sleep, I kept reminding myself. I shouldn't have been there in the first place like Sapnap said to me. If I'm not ready to see him, I should stay away until I am.

But it's just not possible is it? I yearn for his touch, his warmth, his scent, his smile, his voice. I crave George.

Just George.

I wrapped my free arm around him, resting my head in the crook of his neck. I inhaled deeply and slowly. "I miss you." My words were returned with silence. I wouldn't stay long I told myself, just a few minutes.

Two minutes.

Three minutes.

Five minutes.

Ten minutes.

Thirty minutes.

One hour.

I was about to get up a leave, knowing I had long overdue my stay but something prevented me. I couldn't focus my mind on what it was until I noticed his hand squeeze mine ever so slightly. His body stirring from in front of me. His other arm was pulling mine so I was as close as possible. I shuffled to get comfortable as his honey brown eyes fluttered open. It took him a moment to process what was happening but he didn't jump out of my arms or question me like I thought he would, he simply smiled back at me over his shoulder. I opened my mouth to speak but he shook his head, as if telling me not too.

"Please, I haven't dreamt about you in so long. I don't want to risk waking up." His voice was quiet and gentle.

"George..." His body shuddered at what I can only assume was my voice saying his name. "You're not dreaming." I squeezed him kindly to show him. "I'm finally ready to be home."

"Dream?..." He turned his whole body around to face me, scanning me for falseness. I grinned as his hands tugged at my cheeks, distorting my face. It was a struggle to keep in my laughs but I knew it wasn't the time, he was simply trying to see if I was real. He pulled at my eyelids as if checking the colour of my eyes. His hand tugged at my hair slightly and palmed at the material of my hoodie. After a few moments it seemed he was satisfied I was real, as he stopped and back away slightly.

I don't know what I was expecting him to do. Jump for joy maybe? Laugh? Hold me? No.

He sobbed.

He punched my chest aggressively.

He shouted at me.

He called me an arsehole.

He told me I abandoned him.

He said he hated me.

"George come on, please calm down. I'm sorry. I know I should've come a long time ago. You needed me and I wasn't there. Well I was, I was watching over you but I couldn't show myself. I wasn't ready. I was scared. Please calm down. I'm here now and I won't leave." The words stumbled out of my mouth as I grasped him harder, his sobs muffled into my hoodie. We lay there for a while as I comforted him until his cries seemed to slow and his breathing became more rhythmic.

"I-I'm sorry..." He muttered, looking ashamed.

"It's okay. I understand, I really do. I'm back though Georgie. Forever."

He smiled as he wiped away the leftover tears and sniffled.

"I missed you."

"You don't have to miss me anymore."

He hesitated for a moment, his brain processing what he wanted to say before he spoke. "What if he comes to get me?"

"George, he's gone. Even if he wasn't I wouldn't let him get you. You're safe now."

He nodded, taking from my tone that I was serious. His longing eyes tiredly staring at mine. I knew he had plenty more questions that I would have to answer but for now I wanted him to rest. He was drained, emotionally and physically.

"Go back to sleep, I won't leave your side."

He turned back over as I placed my arm back comfortably over his waist and around him. He grabbed my hand and pulled it up to his face, sighing into my touch. I opened my palm in response so that it held his cheek as he kept a grip for dear life. I kissed his shoulder over and over reassuringly until he was sound asleep. Peaceful once more.

That was it. 

That is how our story ends.

There wasn't anymore nightmares after that. Sapnap brought him his food every day and he ate it as I amused him by floating about. The soft golden glint in his eyes returned once more and his smile brightened rooms whenever he entered them by my side. It was a while before he was prepared to actually leave the room, but eventually he did. Sunlight gracing his soft brown hair and glittering off his skin. It was a beautiful moment. His venture outside was short but sweet, as he returned back to our room. I knew it would take time for him to adjust being around everyone and that was okay. 

I visited Tommy by the L'manburg tree one day. He didn't say anything but held his arms out, I hugged him rather hesitantly. It was strange because our friendship was never even slightly like that but it felt right, he knew it wasn't my fault and I knew my apologies could still be seen without words. We non-verbally understood the others emotions in that moment. He took me to Tubbo after out moment ceased, who was frightened at first but allowed me to explain myself. He gently cried when he learnt of his death but nodded in recognition that I couldn't control my actions. My apologies to him were of the many but I knew it would take more time for Tubbo. Time was something we had plenty of. 

I searched for Fundy a few days after returning home, finding him fishing with Phil. Phil placed his hand on my shoulder and spoke softly, "I'm glad Dream's back mate." He flashed a small smile. I knew then he wasn't angry at me for what had happened either, his emphasis on Dream confirming for me that everyone knew. They knew I was in just as much pain as everyone else during that time. Fundy was slightly passive aggressive when I first arrived but I persisted he had my company for a while as I sat with him, going on to remind him of memories we shared in the past. I explained to him that hurting him was never intentional. He had calmed by the end of the conversation, telling me of his plans to leave one day. I offered him my assistance in finding a new place once he was ready but with the rule the George came. I had just come back, I couldn't ever leave him again. He accepted and shook my hand, peaceful silence overcoming us as I helped him reel in a fish he caught.

I greeted everyone else during the next few weeks. There was a lot of apologising and explaining but as confirmed by my short moment with Phil all was in the past, not forgotten but forgiven. 

George started coming out more to witness my interactions, people knowingly avoiding talk of how he had been the past year and making him feel back at home.

Technoblade and I would often fight for fun but it was more fun for me watching the diamond sword hit into my body, leaving no damage, blood or pain. Techno was frustrated at first but I used a wooden sword to make up for it. It was fair in our eyes. In our own way.

Me, Sapnap and George often went on walks together around the area, talking about things that amused us. Punz and Bad joined us occasionally. It preoccupied a lot of our time because it was nice to just be able to hang out, talk, laugh and be stupid again without worrying about who was chasing us or who we were chasing.

Karl had giddily squealed when he first saw me, jumping up for joy as he exclaimed how happy he was I found my way home. He laughed off his passing to his clumsiness but I felt the need to apologise all the same. He hushed me quickly, claiming he enjoyed being a ghost now that he could scare Quackity and follow Sapnap on his journeys without having to be scared or careful. He also whispered that now he was able to protect them, so that only I could hear. I couldn't help but chuckle which earned me a punch the shoulder and a "hey!"

I visited my grave after a long time of putting it off, Ghostbur watching silently from behind the first instance but joined me the next few. I smiled at the flowers that were placed on the area of grass, they had long since withered but remained. Karl's favourites. They had buried me where George could visit me like I had hoped. Although he didn't, I was still glad it had happened. Ghostbur and I would often sit by the graves, sharing deep and meaningful conversations about life that the others just wouldn't understand. We would laugh over childhood stories and he would ask me every time how George was doing. I would advise him on issues with Fundy, as Fundy began to confide in me about what he was feeling against his father. It was our time to talk. No one disturbed us, apart from Tommy and Tubbo a few times.

I promised Sapnap that at least once a day that me, Karl, Tommy, Tubbo and Ghostbur would go to Schlatt's suspected area and call out for him. Thinking that the whole ghost thing we shared would make it easier to guide him back to us. I only asked in return he took George out on adventures while I was away. Him and George agreed. George telling me to be safe each time which amused me because we were ghosts, we couldn't get hurt like the others could.

And like I said, that was simply it. Things were peaceful.

They accepted me back into their lives and I was forgiven.

We were a family again and I had George until the end of time.

Everything was okay, the Nightmare was over.


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