Furroko: Land of Division

By bloodshotangel

264 56 0

Synopsis: It was a new school year in Silver Leaf University and for this year, they have decided to open the... More

1: An Unexpected Meeting
2: Something's Not Right
3: Where it Came From
4: Welcome Back...
5: The Other Side
6: The Old Days
7: 'A Trip through Memory Lane' as they say
8: A Visit to the Unknown
9: The Wilders
10: The Life of the Successors
11: A Grand Confession
12: The Masquerade
13: The Beginning of Improvement
14: Furroko's Abandoned
15: The Health Department
16: 'Ghost Town'
17: Loyalty to the Mistress
18: Yes Sir!
19: Long Time No See Brother...
20: Let Me In
21: Need to be Prepared
22: They're Gone...
23: How we became who we are
24: Survive and Escape
25: Within A Monster Hides A Poor Soul
26: "Time to Play"
28: -.-- --- ..- || .- .-. .
29: ... .- || ..- .--.
30: .. -. || .-
31: --. --- --- ... . || -.-. .... .- ... .
32: It's Over
33: Still Standing
34: A Special Celebration
35: Almost There!
36: Recognition Day!
Thanks to the Reader
Furroko EXTRAS

27: Return to a Wasteland

7 1 0
By bloodshotangel

"The knocking stopped now...I think he left." Finn said, as they helped each other remove the barricades and went out.

All their belongings are there, no other thing was touched, but they saw the bunker door was open. Acheros was already doing well, after the experience he had. They then brought back their belongings and went out of the bunker to go back and retrieve their land. They decided to split up as they went their way, even if they didn't have an established plan when they get there. All they had in mind as they talked about is "Kill off every Wilder that attacks" and "Stun or put to sleep their citizens as to not hurt them". The grouped themselves and entered different parts of the land. Alice, Adrion and Finn are the 1st group, going to the Monster territory. Alistair, Leon and Lily are the 2nd  group, going to the Apparition territory. Francis, Isabel, and Acheros are the 3rd  group, going to the Hybrid territory. Elizabeth, Florence and Owen are the 4th  group, going to the Human territory. Finally, Ethan, Zion, Aiden are the 5th  group, going straight to the Main Gate. Once they have arrived at the walls, they all agreed to their plan and went on their separate ways. As they each entered the underground entrances of the territories and came out, all they saw. Was nothing, all except the Main Gate, where it was obvious that they would stay there and celebrate, as their talking can be heard from the bottom floor.

"Where is everyone?" Aiden whispered

"It's a ghost town around here..." Ethan whispered back

"Be cautious, you won't know what's going to happen." Zion said.

"Don't make too much noise..."
"Lay low, we don't want to get caught"

They crept their way, hiding from any sight of creatures. In the Main gate, Ethan told Zion and Aiden to hide while he kills off the rest and signals them to come to the Gate. They agreed and Ethan gathered as much power as he can to flesh out a room of creatures. He slowly entered the room going up until the rooftop and when he saw figures, he tensed his wings and barged in. Immediately he went and blasted a great explosion blasted all who were standing, leaving them heavily injured and lifeless. Most of them flying out of the tower and crashing into the ground. Their body parts gone and some faces are ultimately destroyed. As the bodies fell to the ground, the others were shocked by the amount of body parts and can tell that something happened. It was convenient that no one else came out so they continued to lay low, that's until they heard a firework like explosion, the Leaders already know what this means, Ethan is calling them.

"Let's go, someone is calling us."

They went on their way to the source of the blast. As some of them arrived, specifically the 1st and 3rd group, they saw something they most likely thought would happen. A fight. Ethan and Anwir were neck and neck with each other. Anwir then looked behind him to see the others.

"Look who decided to show up?" Anwir said as he smiled while being pulled by the collar.

"Time to sleep." Ethan said as he punched his face, removing his grip and letting him fall to the ground.

As Anwir was punched, Acheros suddenly collapsed to ground, having a bruise on the side of his face. Back downstairs, Zion and Aiden heard talking and thuds, so they decided to go up. When they opened the door, revealing people, they asked.

"What happened here?" Zion asked.

"Acheros collapsed and somehow had a bruise in his face...But nothing hit him." Finn said, the others trying to make him feel better.

"Wait, is that Anwir?" Aiden asked.

"Dad punched him in the face." Alice replied, Zion running to Acheros.

"He's a part of him! If you do anything to him, he'll experience the same...."Zion said as he looked at his older brother.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't know!" Ethan apologized as he bowed down.

"It's alright, Ethan... We should take care of him while waiting for the others." Zion said, accepting his apology.

"It's alright Ethan, you didn't know what will happen." Zion said, giving Ethan a warm smile.

They took care of Acheros for a while and locked Anwir in another room, strapped, his mouth shut, and chained to one corner. As the others arrived, they all locked the entrances and talked about how to be able to get the Wilders out and help their people. Some of them are on the look-out while the rest are discussing downstairs.

"How can we be able to destroy those bugs?" Leon asked.

"Getting rid of the bugs will be close to impossible, because they're inside their vessels." Aiden said.

"We just have to go to the main system...The question is where they got it?" Zion replied.

"Each one of has to travel through the territories and find the source of the manipulation." Owen said.

"Finding it without knowing what it looks like is considered stupid." Florence said.

"We have Anwir, we can just get it out of him, thought it'll be very difficult." Elizabeth said.

"We have to be careful if he doesn't budge, he's still connected to my brother..." Zion said, getting worried.

"Don't worry, we just need to be really watchful of what we do." Elizabeth said, reassuring Zion nothing will happen.

"Mom, Acheros' look-alike is awake." Adrion said, as Alistair nodded in agreement.

"You guys can go up and check on Alice and Francis upstairs." Elizabeth said, Adrion immediately pulling Alistair upstairs.

"That was fast of him, also dragging Alistair and Myst with him." Owen said.

"As long as he can go to Alice, he'll be there before you know it." Elizabeth smiling sadly.

"Did you remember anything? You seem upset." Zion asked.

"It's just, those two have gone through rough times, especially that 'day' and I'm just happy that they're getting along now..." Elizabeth said, while tearing up.

"H-How about we go and check on Anwir, shall we?" Elizabeth said, wiping off her tear and looking bright.

"Of course, let's go." Florence said as they went to the locked room.

Meanwhile, the others at the tower were inspecting the area, seeing some creatures walk around like zombies. There was Ethan, Alice, Francis, and Finn. Elizabeth, and the Crystals are at the floor below. Lily, Isabel, and Leon are at the gateways. Adrion was rushing upstairs with Alistair as they reached the top. Once Adrion saw his little sister he went to carry her.

"There you are!" Adrion said spinning her around.

"Adrion! Put me down!" Alice said annoyed.

"No! I haven't looked over you for 5 hours, so I'm putting you down later." Adrion said.

"Adrion, put down your little sister. She's doing fine, you don't need to worry about her." Ethan said, Adrion putting her down.

"Thanks Dad!" Alice hugged him.

"Adrion, I assure you your sister is fine, she didn't get into any trouble." Finn said.

"What if...YOU!" Adrion went near Francis.

"Why am I in this!?" Francis exclaimed.

"I know you like my sister, Frans..." Adrion said.

"H-How.... She's fine! I didn't do anything! I promise!" Francis replied, putting his hands up and blushing.

"Adri, I'm fine. Don't worry. Now how about you and your boyfriend look over at the Monsters while we do the others." Alice teased.

"Why do you have to do this right now sis....C'mon Alistair, let's just do this..." Adrion blushed as he took Alistair beside him.

Back with Elizabeth and the Crystals, They are still observing him, making sure he's in a weak state to avoid any trouble. Before they opened the door, Elizabeth went to get the others. She took Ethan, Lily, and Leon with her so there will be security for the Crystals. The basement was given more security so Isabel can join Finn and the Successors at the very top.

"Elizabeth and I will go in first so we can make sure he doesn't do anything to you." Ethan said.

"Of course." All the Crystals replied.

They entered the room, looking at Anwir, who was glaring at them while smiling sinisterly. They slowly approached him, as Elizabeth ripped his mouth cover off him.

"Damn, Sweet Bun....That hurt." Anwir said, again with his smile.

"Don't you -" Ethan said, about to punch him again before being cut off.

"Remember what they said, Ethan. I'll be fine." Elizabeth said, Ethan calming down.

"I know, I know...." Ethan sighed.

"Now...Where's the main system of the bugs?" Elizabeth asked.

"What do you mean? I don't know anything about- " Anwir was cut off.

"Where is it?" Ethan said in a strong tone.

"Like I said...I don't know." Anwir replied, making Ethan lose his patience.

"You've got to be fucking serious...." Ethan let him go.

"Well...You can't get it from me...." Anwir remarked.

"Elizabeth, Ethan, I think that's enough." Leon said.

"I think I know where to get it." Leon whispered.

They put back his mouth cover and left the room. Ethan and Elizabeth decided to guard the door so no one comes in. Though, that's what they thought. There was something that is not known by the others. All they have to do is wait. The Crystals were in guard by the Successors while they are at the very top. The Leaders are in the by Anwir's room to discuss what to do about finding the main system. They talked about Anwir saying that they can't get the location from him, concluding that the Wilders have the information. The question is which one. They decided to try and gather them, but it will take so long. Soon after, they heard noises from Anwir's room behind them. They burst through the door, but saw... Nothing.

"Shit..... He escaped....HE ESCAPED!" Finn exclaimed. The others went up to the Crystals and Successors.

"Are you guys...alright...?"

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