Furroko: Land of Division

By bloodshotangel

264 56 0

Synopsis: It was a new school year in Silver Leaf University and for this year, they have decided to open the... More

1: An Unexpected Meeting
2: Something's Not Right
3: Where it Came From
4: Welcome Back...
5: The Other Side
6: The Old Days
7: 'A Trip through Memory Lane' as they say
8: A Visit to the Unknown
9: The Wilders
10: The Life of the Successors
11: A Grand Confession
12: The Masquerade
13: The Beginning of Improvement
14: Furroko's Abandoned
15: The Health Department
16: 'Ghost Town'
17: Loyalty to the Mistress
18: Yes Sir!
19: Long Time No See Brother...
20: Let Me In
21: Need to be Prepared
22: They're Gone...
23: How we became who we are
24: Survive and Escape
25: Within A Monster Hides A Poor Soul
27: Return to a Wasteland
28: -.-- --- ..- || .- .-. .
29: ... .- || ..- .--.
30: .. -. || .-
31: --. --- --- ... . || -.-. .... .- ... .
32: It's Over
33: Still Standing
34: A Special Celebration
35: Almost There!
36: Recognition Day!
Thanks to the Reader
Furroko EXTRAS

26: "Time to Play"

4 1 0
By bloodshotangel

A few days have passed and things were going normal. Florence and Owen have recovered and back to their routines with added security and the Leaders are still getting ready to rescue the others. They went back to Furroko to do their daily rounds, while some the Successors helped their parents to fill in for the others while the rest of the them watch over the Crystals and help in patrol. As the Leaders and half of the Successors went through the different territories.

"Everything is fine in the last two places..." Elizabeth said.

"I feel....something...wrong...." Alistair said.

"What do you mean?" Francis asked.

"I don't know...But it's just that I feel like something is gonna go wrong..." Alistair said.

"He is an Apparition, so he can be able to feel any dangerous auras around him." Ethan explained.

"That means we keep an eye out. I'll call Alice and Adrion to see if there's anything wrong." Elizabeth said as she talked to her kids through an earpiece.

"How's everything here sweetie?" Elizabeth asked.

"Oh hi mom! Everything is good, I see you guys are at the Monster Territory?" Alice responded, looking through the scope.

"Oh, you're at the scope?" Elizabeth asked, giggling after.

"Yup! How are things there, mom?" Alice responded happily.

"Alistair felt a dangerous aura around here, so be ready." Elizabeth warned them.

"Alright mom, we will." Alice responded before turning off her earpiece.

Elizabeth went back to the others and they continued to their rounds. While doing so, the atmosphere is getting a bit uneasy, because some of the creatures were acting as if they are being manipulated.

"What's happening to them?" Lily asked, being worried.

"They're just standing around as if they're shut down." Ethan said suspicious.

"Be careful when we're around them." Elizabeth said as they continued on their way.

While they were walking through the place, they got strange looks from the creatures who were just standing without doing anything. Just like robots, they don't blink, nor move without a command. Suddenly, the siblings called them.

"What is it dear?" Ethan asked.

"Uhh...Dad, you guys need to get back here. Now." Adrion said.

"Why?" Ethan asked again.

"Alice saw the Wilders running towards the wall, she also saw the people here just standing around. You need to come back here quick." Adrion said, immediately cutting the connection.

"Back to the Gate. Now." Ethan said, as they went back.

They arrived at the Gate and went in. The rest of the group are inside, getting ready. They joined them at went to the highest floor of the tower. They saw their people, standing and no other movement. Only the adults were like that though, the children were just confused as to why their parents were like that and running around. They looked up to see the Wilders and their leader, yet something was off with him. His expression was different from the last time they saw him. He's more horrified than satisfied from what he did. Nonetheless, they don't trust him so they got ready to whatever will happen. The next thing they knew, the creatures started going towards the gate as they heard a scream from one of the Wilders.

"To the Gate!"

"To the Gate...To the Gate..."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no....They're targeting us!" Francis said, starting to panic.

"We can't hurt them. They're being used against us." Alice said as they back up in the middle.

"Alice. Adrion. Get Florence and Owen, I'll get Francis and Alistair." Ethan said to them

"Lily, we have to go through the basement." Elizabeth said.

They went separate ways and escaped Furroko's boundaries. As they successfully escaped, they decided to go to the bunker to be able to get their captured mates. Of course they'll be ready to face any guards, as long as they are small in number, they can be able to get through them.

"Anwir, they're gone!"

"...We get in now..." Acheros said softly

"Yes sir!"

"You coming Si-"

"He got shocked again remember? He needs to take a breather."

"Oh yeah, yeah..."

"Don't worry, I'll join you later, I'll just see where they went..." Acheros said, before he looked behind him.

The Wilders nodded as they went on their way. Acheros looked behind him and saw some figures going to the Bunker. He hesitated on not going and helping them because it'll be suspicious to the ones who are guarding the Bunker. But he wants to help them, even if they don't trust him. It took him a while before finally jumping down the wall and running to the Bunker and  help them.

The Leaders, Crystals and Successors arrived at the Bunker, with a group of Wilders acting as guards. Elizabeth froze them to be able to get through quickly, not wasting time. They continued their way and destroyed all the locks, and carrying them out. As they carried them back to the lobby they were met by Acheros.

"You're outnumbered. Don't you dare come any closer." Florence said.

"N-No! I....Zion...Uhhh..." Acheros said weakly.


"I-I'm not Acheros...I-I mean not the normal one! I-"Acheros exclaimed before he got slammed to the ground.


"What do you mean 'not the normal one'?" Ethan said as he pinned him down.

"Eugghhh...I mean it....It wasn't really me the last time you first confronted...me..." Acheros said as he winced in pain.

"Bro...ther..." Zion said under his breath.

"Z-Zion...Zion!" Acheros said pushing Ethan away and getting Zion.

Lily let go of him as they all back up from him. Zion smiled at the sight of crying older brother. They finally reunited after years of being apart. Zion was very weak and tired, yet he still tried to talk to his brother.

"It has...been...years...brother..." Zion said weakly.

"Yes, it has...I'm so happy I get to be close to you again..." Acheros said while crying.

"No need to cry, Acheros...I'm here now...But..."Zion started.

"What happened? Why did you try to get rid of us...?" Zion asked him.

"I know you'll need to think about this...since you're tired...But It wasn't me...That's all I can say for now..." Acheros said, wiping his tears.

They decided to stay at the Bunker and locking it from any other intruders. They decided to let Acheros stay, but kept an eye on him while he's around. They used the resources they had in the Bunker to sustain themselves. All the while, the brothers were together most of the time, with Acheros taking good care of Zion. They had their supper and brought out the beds and mats from the isolation rooms to the lobby, where they disabled the traps. As the Successors helped the ones who were captured to rest, Ethan, Elizabeth, Aiden and Florence talked to Acheros by the hallway.

"Before anything...I would like to request something from you." Acheros started.

"What is it?" Ethan asked.

"Lock me in the isolation rooms. Tie my hands and cover my eyes and mouth. Any security that can make sure I won't escape the room." Acheros said bluntly.

"Wait...Why?" Elizabeth asked.

"I want to explain this to all of you, so I want to explain everything before bed." Acheros replied.

"Give us a minute, please." Elizabeth said, pulling the others to the other side.

"Do you trust him?" Elizabeth immediately asked.

They were silent. After a minute, Aiden agreed because he sees that he changed. Ethan was a bit hesitant to trust him but Aiden explained why would Acheros want to be restrained during the night than do the easiest way is to pretend he's good.

"Also, I have met Acheros before. He's what Zion said to us. If we can give him a chance, then we can be able to prove that he's not the one who did all of this." Aiden said.

They discussed for a little while and went back to Acheros. They saw that the ones captured were asleep while the Successors were talking about something. They were called and grouped in a circle. Acheros was given a few minutes to get ready and after the few minutes, he started explaining.

"I'll just be straightforward...I have a dark twin, he goes by Anwir...He first came to me after I was kicked out from being Commander...I stayed in my room for weeks because I needed time for myself...After being left by my friends and all...I then met Anwir, he started to be supporting and comforting me, but I was too blind to know what his intentions were. He one day broke me to my core, telling me I'm nothing without him, no one was there for me other than him and he can give me what I want, as long as I 'Let Him In...' I was in a coma inside my subconscious for years after that. He made this Bunker, the bug chips, even the manipulation device. Now a prototype bug chip went into my body and somehow, it only paralyzes Anwir, making me having control, yet I still don't know how long this will last because this only happened a few days ago." Acheros explained his story, while the others listened.

"So, you're saying that you have a twin...who manipulates you to do his bidding to be able to take advantage of you and have full control of your life to be a disguise and an excuse to do horrible things to you and your loved ones...." Alistair summed it up., Acheros shocked yet agreed.

"I don't really know what to do now..." Acheros said, hopeless.

"You can get rid of him, right?" Francis asked.

"I found a book about it...but when I read further into it. It's going to be a game of chance." Acheros replied, standing up and walking away.

"Excuse me for a minute, I'll show you." Acheros said as he walked away.

"I think I know what he was talking about" Owen said, the others expect Aiden confused.

"It's going to have to do with his entire life. Either he dies or lives if he ever got rid of his unborn twin." Aiden explained, Owen nodded.

"So, his other self is his unborn twin who became evil?" Alice asked, the crystals nodding.

Acheros returned, with a book in his hand. He showed the page where it explains about how to get rid of a dark twin and started reading out loud. After finishing 2 pages, he showed a ripped page.

"It said here before the ripped pages, that there is an old spell that will make the surviving twin have a normal life and make one have a high survival rate once your remove the dark twin.

"Wait...Isn't that one of the missing books in the Main library?!" Aiden exclaimed.

"No need to shout it out, Aiden. Also, Acheros....were you awake when your twin got the book?" Owen asked.

"Unfortunately...No..." Acheros replied, looking down.

"We can always come back to the Main Library....But we need to fix our situation for now" Aiden said.

"How about we call it a day and make a plan tomorrow." Lily said.

They all went to bed except Ethan, Acheros and Aiden to put Acheros in the isolation room and lock up the Bunker and barricade any entryway. They check every room in the Bunker, even being able to find the secret room, but not the basement. They looked into the storage room to find some things they can use when they come back to Furroko. They planned on only staying in the bunker until tomorrow afternoon and arrive by tomorrow night, but they still need to come up with what to do once they arrive since they know that the adults are being controlled by the device as long as they use it to their consumption and that Wilders will be taking over the land. Ethan and Aiden went to bed, so they can be able to discuss their plan with everyone by tomorrow morning.

"Where am I!?"

"Wait...Darkness...Breathing...No...Not again!"

"Goddamit! I'm stuck in here again!"

"I can't...Switch back...Acheros!!!!!!"

The night was silent, but it only lasted for a few minutes. A few minutes after, there was sounds from the isolation rooms. The first one to wake up was Zion, he weakly got up and tried to walk to the hallway and into the isolation rooms, while he was going through the hallway one of the Successors was at the entrance. It was Francis, he woke up from the sound too.

"Why are you here, Zion? You should be sleeping." Francis said.

"I just wanted to know what was the noise in the room was, you should go back to bed, young one." Zion said softly.

"It's best I join you, since you're still recovering." Francis said going to his side.

"There's no need, really." Zion tried to convince Francis but he insisted.

"I insist! I don't want you to get hurt again." Francis insisted. This went one for a bit and Zion gave in.

As they went through the hallway, there was grunts and the sound of two people arguing, they rushed there and upon looking into the rooms, there was Acheros, with his normal voice until it became more of a lower tone.

"You fucking shit, I know you have something to do with this..." Anwir said within Acheros's subconscious.

"You're staying there! You can't do anything!" Acheros yelled back at Anwir.

"You're becoming feisty now huh? We'll see about that..." Anwir said until Acheros' hand punched his own face.

This went on, Acheros and Anwir trying to take over. While this was going on, Francis and Zion saw what was happening, making them walk back. Eventually the sounds disappeared and looked into the window again. They saw him on the ground, his restrains torn apart and his face bruised and bloody from the fight for control.

"Brother..." Zion said, as he tried to open the door.

"Zion, we can't open the door...Dad said we have to wait until morning." Francis stopped him.

"Right...Let's go back and rest, young one..."Zion gave in immediately, as they went back to go rest until the next morning.

The sunrise has come out as it gleamed through the tiny holes of the bunker's entrance. The Crystals were the first ones to wake up, getting up and going to the kitchen to find something to eat. As they sat down on the table, they talked about the possibilities of what's happening back at their homeland.

"I wonder what the present state of Furroko is now?" Aiden asked.

"I would say it's not pleasant....Considering the Wilders have already infiltrated the land..." Owen sighed.

"Don't worry...We'll be able to get things back to normal, we just need to be clever enough to make the plan." Florence said, trying to be positive.

They talked about how they can be able to go back without being caught again and protect the citizens. The Leaders and Successors soon woke up and joined them. After breakfast, the Successors visited Acheros and saw that he wasn't alone. They were horrified to see such a sight. Acheros' mouth has blooding coming out, clothes were torn, and the body was bruised and bloody. The other body was in the same condition, but he was in a much better condition than Acheros. They stood there for a few minutes until the unknown body started moving. Francis and Alistair scuffled their screams, while Alice and Adrion took a big gulp. As the unknown body stood up, he immediately went to the window, making all the Successors fall back from the shock. They stood up and went to tell their parents and Crystals about what they witnessed.

"Someone was with Acheros!" Francis exclaimed as they came in, making the others stand up.

"And Acheros was wrecked...." Alistair continued, the siblings nodding.

"We assume that the person there is trying to escape now." Alice continued.

"You guys stay here with the Crystals and lock the door, we'll see." Finn said, as they did what they are told.

They went to Acheros' room and saw that the unknown body collapsed to the floor, so they quickly opened the room, went in, tied the unknown body and took Acheros out who was clinging to his life. They barricaded the door and took Acheros' weak body back to the others.

"Let us in! Hurry!" Ethan said, as the others banged on the door.

They went in, and Lily immediately started to heal Acheros. Zion tried to go near him, but Finn and Ethan held him.

"Let me see my brother!" Zion exclaimed.

"Don't worry, he's in good hands." Finn said, calming Zion down.

As Lily continued to take care of Acheros, he started breathing normally again. They were delighted to see that he's still alive until someone knocked on the door.

"Time...To Play~" A voice similar to Acheros came from the other side of the door.

The Successors barricaded the door and they came up with a plan to get out.

"Don't look into his eyes, whatever you do..." Zion whispered, warning everyone.

"That's Anwir, Acheros' Dark Twin...He separated and made his own body now." Zion whispered again.

Anwir was still on the other side of the door, since he's part of Acheros, he can go to him from whatever distance, but since he has the prototype bug and he managed to take back his body, it'll be harder for him. So he continued knocking on the door, but after a while went around the bunker. He thought he could just leave him, so he can trap them once they come back. Anwir went out the bunker and travelled his way to Furroko, to be with his men and continue his plan to take the throne that he has been longing for. Once he entered the Land, it was empty. No was outside yet he can hear some creatures inside their homes, he went on his way to the Main Gate to his men, sitting around.

"Well, Well, What kind of welcome back party is this?"

"Boss!" The other Wilders stood up and welcomed him back.

"So, how was your stay here?" Anwir asked, the others telling about what happened.

"Oh yeah, where were you, Boss?"

"Just went somewhere to clear my head for a day...Nothing special."

"Anyway...We should get ready before any...trespassers come here, shall we?" Anwir asked, being given the remote.

"Boys....It's time to play..."

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