Court Of Night

By the_rebellionxx

1.2M 48.8K 11.2K

The pack on the verge of collapse, Fie Wright watches as her Alpha falls into a downward spiral due to his dy... More

Love Drunk
Tick Tock
Kit Kat


12.6K 568 155
By the_rebellionxx

Fie Wright's P. O. V

"What's up with the long face? Why are you so down in the dumps? Why do you have the blues today? Wh-,"

"Can you stop with the stupid idioms?" I growl out, grabbing the stress ball next to me on the desk and throwing it right at Ezra's furiously annoying face.

"Yeesh. I just want to ask you why you're so mopey and pouting non stop. It's getting annoying. Whatever is on your face, get rid of it." The sassy tone is cut off as I leap out of my chair, canines elongated and claws ready to scratch some brown eyes out.

"Okay. Jeez. Holy shit. Calm down there Fie." Ezra yelps, jumping out of his own chair and hiding behind the desk that separates the two of us. "There's no need to claw my eyes out, woman."

"Then shut up!" I growl out before taking in a deep breath, trying to calm myself down or otherwise I'll be gouging the man's eyes out of his eye socket with my claws. "I just feel so guilty." Comes a total one eighty of my previous tone as I flop back down into the seat, mourning woefully at an increasingly confused Ezra.

The man tentatively sits back down in his own chair, eyes cautious and body alert as he cocks a single brow up in question. "Why do you feel guilty? If I can ask you, that is. If not, feel free to ignore me. I don't mind." He splutters, muscles taut and ready to spring into action at any given moment.

"Have you not seen Malleus since yesterday?" I hint at him, fiddling with a stray pencil that was lying on my desk.

Ezra softens his stance and furrows his brows, not sure what I'm getting at as he speaks up, "Uh, I haven't seen the man since yesterday. It's like he's trying to avoid me."

"That's probably because he is. He goes out of his way so that you don't end up in his," I drop the pencil back onto the wooden desk before racking a hand through my hair and messing it up even more so than what it already is. "I marked him yesterday." I say dolefully while Ezra practically jumps back to life.

"What? That's great news. I'd like to point out it sounds like he copied me but that's besides the point of course," he quickly rushes out at my unamused stare before continuing, "I don't get why you're feeling guilty."

Raising my hand, I wave to my unscarred neck, "Do you see any sort of mark on me? Malleus told me to take my time since I wanted to think everything through, but I have literally nothing to think through. I'm hesitant for no reason. All this shit just piled up on me and now I feel guilty." I unload to Ezra, who scoffs aloud.

"Do you want Malleus to mark you?"

"Yes." My answer is quick and I don't even have to think over it. The one word is like a nail in the coffin and completely absolute.

Ezra shrugs his shoulders, the collar of his light blue button-up shirt moving with the action and causing the lateral to shift which results in his mark to proudly stand out against his skin.

"Then I see no reason to fret over it. Just go and tell Malleus what you want. It's not a big deal. You're simply turning it into one." I barely get a chance to mull over his words as a pleasant sound invades the both of us while the scent of two people hit me not a second later.

"Ask Malleus what?" Comes the husky voice of my mate, a smile slipping onto my face in the next moment.

I reach my arms out to my mate, about to make grabby hands to get his attention, but he's already decided on his terms what to do as Malleus strides towards me and scooping me up into his arms in the next second. I hum in content as I wrap my limbs around him. Hugging my mate tight while Ezra whines in the background but promptly cuts himself off. The lack of noise causes my attention to wind up, but I'm currently too busy inhaling the scent of orange blossom from my mate as he does the same to me. Just the two of us casually sniffing each other.

"Don't let them fool you baby, we're much cuter than they are. We're a freaking power couple." Ezra says with a huff while I lift my head up and glance over Malleus' shoulder, a smile flitting onto my face immediately when my eyes meet umber ones.

"Right." Chimes in Rui as she smiles back at me while bowing her head in respect, to which I wave her off, patting Malleus to let him know I want to get down. He grunts in disapproval, not wanting to let me down but complies nonetheless.

"It's nice to meet you again, Rui. Although I must apologise in advance," Rui's smile wavers as she knits her brows together, a look of confusion flitting onto her delicate and pale face, "You're going to be stuck with that giant pain in the ass for the rest of your life. I've managed to get along just fine by ignoring the giant baby." I say with a sweet smile while Rui lets out a loud laugh before sobering herself up at the pout on Ezra's lips.

"I don't like you talking to my mate about me like this. No more. I treat your mate like an angel, the man loves me so I need you to do the same." Ezra informs with a serious stare as Malleus lets out a loud scoff, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"I positively cannot stand you. Loving someone as infuriating as you are is out of the question entirely." Malleus says with a snarl on his face, eyes narrowed into a glare directed at Ezra.

"Do you see the injustice I have to face here? I'm a nice person, am I not?" Ezra questions while turning to Rui, who nods her head right away, ponytail bobbing with her movements.

"I'm already considering sending you back to the Fenrir Pack, but you being Rui's mate throws a wrench in my plans." Malleus sulks, a pout practically forming onto his lips while I roll my eyes but rub his arm in a comforting manner. Ezra doesn't take too kindly to this as he exclaims in protest.

"Do you see this? It's not fair! Malleus is always me eating me out for no reason." Ezra says loudly while every person in the vicinity of the office pauses. I blink owlishly, not believing if I heard right or not, but the disgusted scrunched up expression on Malleus' face and Rui's blank eyes confirm my suspicions.

"W-what's wrong? Why are you all acting so weird?" Ezra questions, confused, while I shake my head to clear the very unwanted thoughts running through my brain.

"Chewing you out. The word is chewing, not eating. Never eating." I say in a no nonsense tone to which Ezra lets out a loud and long drawn out, 'Oh.'

"I think we should get going." Rui pipes up awkwardly, looking rather uncomfortable in this situation, while Malleus shakes his head fast.

"Keep him away from me for as long as humanly possible." Malleus says, cutting through Ezra's whines and instead, turning his attention to me. It's as if the entirety of mine and my wolf's being is attracted to one thing as my eyes automatically seek out Malleus' mark. The sight already has my mood dropping drastically as I take a step back, conflicting feelings coursing through me.

"Fie, what's wrong?" Malleus picks up on my change in mood immediately, concern showing on his face as he cups my face, me nuzzling into his hand while letting out a despondent sigh.

"I feel guilty, really guilty." I admit, tone low with my eyes dropping to the floor since I don't think I can even look the man in the eyes. Malleus bends down a bit, trying to lift my head, and I can tell he's slowly beginning to freak out.

"Why? Fie, baby. What's wrong?" Malleus coos. Instead of answering him, I wrap my arms around his torso, nuzzling his broad chest while sniffling. "Fie, are you crying?" His voice goes up an octave while encompassing me in his arms.

"Why are you crying?" He asks softly, placing a gentle kiss to the top of my head, whispering sweet nothings to me while I sniffle some more.

"I feel like such a terrible mate," I mourn before blubbering on, "I can't believe I've been stuck in this continuous loop where I'm confused if I want you to mark me or not. Why shouldn't you mark me? Do I have an actual reason? No. It's like I have this weird commitment issue, which doesn't make sense. I already know I want to be with you forever and I mean I love you so why is this so out there for me-"

"You what?" Malleus grasps onto my upper arms and pushes me back an inch to get a clearer view of my face.

"What?" I ask, baffled and reaching up to wipe the stray tears that linger on my cheeks.

"You love me?" He mumbles, lips parted in surprise and deep blue eyes shining with shock. His question catches me off guard and I furrow my brows, wondering what he's going on about.

"Why are you acting so surprised? Of course I love you. I thought you knew? Isn't it obvious? We're mates and it's bound to happen. Wait!" The situation of it all gets to me and I cringe back for a second, feeling unsure in my mate's arms, "Don't you love me back or have I been misreading you this entire time?" I question, gulping at the end.

Malleus takes a step back, eyes darkening and jaw dropping low in the process. If I could say one word for him, I'd say he's quite floored. That's one way to call it.

I purse my lips, taking my own step back and clearing my throat awkwardly while resting my hands against the desk behind me. "Um. Do I take this as a no on you loving me or..." My voice trails off into forced laughter, but Malleus continues to remain stock still. The laughter dies off along with every inch of confidence I had.

I didn't think of my confession as such a big deal since such a feeling was natural, especially with him being my mate. It sounds incredibly hypocritical since I can easily blurt out the fact that I love my mate, but it boils down to a whole different ordeal when it comes to him marking me. I guess it might be the same for Malleus in that way?

He's comfortable with me marking him, but him telling me he loves me is on a higher run on the metaphorical ladder.

Oh God. This is going to be so uncomfortable. My thoughts are clearly not helping me calm down or lessen the severity of the severity. I'm pulled out of my thoughts once more as loud laughter rings throughout the room. My head snaps up to Malleus' own as he throws his head back and laughs it all out.


What is exactly going on here?

The man's shoulder moves with his actions, eyes crinkled shut and laugh lines engraved deep into his face. His deep laugh catches me off guard at first but I slowly find a smile coming onto my lips and before I know it, I'm raising a hand to my mouth to physically stop the giggles bursting out of it which is all in vain.

I don't even know why I'm laughing, it's most probably the shock and sweat inducing tension that's coursing throughout my body.

It takes a few minutes for the man to calm down as his laughter settles into short bursts of chuckles before calming down entirely with his lips settling into a huge smile and pearly white teeth on full display.

"You caught me off guard." He says finally, taking in a deep breath while raising a hand to caress at my cheek, pulling me into his embrace for the hundredth time this day. I don't hesitate to snuggle into him, the chill ever present in the air causing goosebumps to rise on my skin, but then again, that could be the reaction I have from being so close to my mate.

"I don't know if that's a good thing or not." I mumble but my voice comes out garbled due to my face currently being smushed against his chest. I can pretty much hear the cooing noises which the man subdues since he knows what's best for him, quick kisses being placed onto the crown of my head causing my arms to constrain even further, nearly crushing my mate if he wasn't so sturdy.

"It's a very good. I'm thankful you love me. It means a lot." Those words have me yanking myself back, spluttering a mile a minute and my eyes wide.

"You're thankful?" Another quick burst of laughter greets me before I feel soft lips on mine. My own lips pulled into a pout stay pouted, not liking how he's laughing so much, particularly when it's at my expense.

"I love you too, Fie." His soft voice whispers into my ear. My lips drop from the pout as a blank expression takes place onto my face, shell shocked after I was so convinced that the hole I had dug myself into was void of Malleus' love.

"Are you just saying this so you don't feel guilty? Because if that's the case, I'd rather hear it when you actually love me and not just to make me feel better." I grumble, smushing my face back into his chest.

"Of course not Fie," Malleus' large hands cup my cheeks to lift my head up again, my eyes locking with his, and the only thing I'm able to see is pure sincerity in those deep blues of his.

"Mark me." I say with a soft voice, enjoying the way Malleus' eyes widen the same way mine did just a few moments ago.

"Fie. I don't want you saying this simply out of being pressured. Getting marked is a huge step and I don't want you doing anything that you might-,"

"Are you regretting your mark?" My voice comes out sassy as I pull away and place my hands on my hips, enjoying the way Malleus splutters around while simultaneously shaking his head.

"I'm joking, Malleus. Yes, I'm positive. I want to get marked. I love you and marking is the next step. I'm not saying this out of peer pressure or whatever you call it. I want you to mark me." It's as if my words click together in his head because the next thing I know, hands go down to my hips and I'm raised onto the desk. The actions almost akin to a hobby since I can't even count the amount of times I've been placed atop the wood, Malleus having a weird tendency to do so every time where in a room that consists of an office's interior.

It's like all I can do is only to hold my breath, waiting for my mate's canines to lengthen so he can sink them into my neck. I'm full of angst, to say the least. I'm taken off guard when I feel gentle kisses placed onto my lips in the form of tender pecks before he trails down to my neck, halting finally at the place where I'll proudly be bearing my mark for all to see. The kiss he sends my way has sparks lighting up my skin in a frenzy while I brace myself, already knowing what's coming.

A gasp leaves my lips at the sheer blinding pain erupting from the moment his canines pierce my skin, the pain turning sharper as he digs his teeth ever deeper. Clamping down onto my lower lip to keep from letting out a scream, I focus on the way Malleus tries to distract me by rubbing soft circles onto the small of my back. I can't help the small whimper which escapes me, Malleus halting for a second before pushing further after I give him a nudge to continue. Just as tears prick at my eyes, the painful feeling begins to ebb away and a sense of euphoria engulfs me, spreading from the crook of my neck and travelling throughout the entirety of my body. The sound leaving my lips is one of content this time, and it feels like I'm falling into the abyss. I find myself pulling Malleus closer, lust making its way through me.

Malleus lifts his head up and I don't even flinch at my bloody staining his lips, on too much of a high to care about simple intricacies, which is why I grab the back of Malleus' necks and pull him into me. Our lips clash together and an involuntary moan leaves me once again. Malleus responds just as vigorous as I am until I wrench myself away from him, turning to the side and spitting a mile a minute.

"Ew. My mouth taste's like I shoved a handful of nails into my mouth." I gag at the horrendous taste while vigorously rubbing at my bloodstained lips.

"How does it feel?" Malleus murmurs, wiping away whatever's left of my blood with the pad of his thumb, lingering on my lips teasingly as I bite it, the man wrenching his digit away while settling his eyes into a playful glare. Closing my eyes, I focus on the warm sensation flowing from me and all my feelings towards Malleus increasing tenfold.


This will take a while to get used to, not that I'm complaining.


AN: Hello everybody. I am sooo sorry for the two week late update but I had exams and uni is kicking my ass ahahaha (that's a cry of pain). Anyways, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Don't party too hard lmao.

I would like to give a shout-out  redkissesxox for the lovely new cover! Thank you so much.

Question: What are your plans for the New Years?

Please remember to:


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