Why Does It Have To Be Him?

By RoseTs4

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COMPLETED STORY! BOOK 2 POSTED! Adrian Pucey love story😝 Okay I'm not going to do a description though, I ju... More

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By RoseTs4

Kylie's POV

I know I'm asleep right now. Everything is super dark all around me. I can't move or speak either, but I can see.

The darkness surrounding me slowly faded into a bright white light. Me and Adrian's secret spot started to take form.

I looked around. The sun was shining bright, but the colors of everything were dull. The tree looked more grey and it's leaves looked colorless. The grass was green, but a dark dull green.

I then realized I was seeing everything in black and white. There wasn't a single color here except white, greys, and blacks.

I was suddenly able to move, so I broke away from the darkness behind me and walked over to the tree, and sat down against it, staring out. I watched the waves splash and hit the rocks, and I watched as the clouds slowly moved across the atmosphere.

I looked around again. Something caught my eye.

It was a flower. And it had color.

It was the only thing here that had color.

I gently picked it up and held it out in front of me, examining it. It was a deep blue color with a green stem and leaf.

A slight breeze came along, and it blew the flower away from me. I tried to grab it, but I was too late. It was gone.

Suddenly I heard a loud scraping noise behind me. I bolted to my feet and I turned around and looked at the tree.

Something was being carved on the tree. An invisible force was carving something. What the heck?!

I couldn't see what it was at first, but then it un-blurred and I saw what was carved on the grey tree.

And what I saw, made my heart drop.


My initial was on it...and so was Adrian's. Someone had wrote our initials together...

Something glinted in the sunlight and I looked down to see a sharp object in the grass.

I picked it up and looked back at the tree.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Why did Adrian hate me so much? Why did he have to hurt me like this..?

I reached up to the tree, and carved a heart around our initials. I really wanted to do a break in the middle, but I didn't. I loved him too much. I didn't want a broken heart for us...

I stepped back and looked at the tree.

And then I cried.


Adrian's POV

I sat there and looked at what I carved on the tree.

I put my pocket knife in my pocket and sighed. It wasn't fun being here all alone. I want Kylie with me...

I heard a loud scraping noise and I looked up, and what I saw shocked me.

A big heart was slowly being carved into the tree around our initials.

I froze, just staring at the new carving. How the hell did that just happen.

I fell even more silent when I heard a crying noise.

It was coming from behind me, and I whipped around.

I saw a girl, crying. A girl, with no colors except for grey. She was crying and holding a sharp object...that had wood chips on it.

She looked up at the tree, and my heart stopped. It was Kylie.

"Kylie?" I whispered.

She stopped crying, and froze. She looked around, holding the object up. She looked in my direction, and her arm dropped to her side.

"Adrian..?" She whispered.

My eyes widened. Was I hallucinating? I reached out to her, holding my hand out. She did the same, and our hands touched slightly.

When they did, everything became brighter. Colors popped out more and a bright light shone in front of me. I swear I could feel her touch, her presence.

When the light died down, she was gone. And so were the colors. They were all dull again. My hand was closed and I could feel something inside of it.

I slowly opened my hand and there was a small yellow flower inside.



Kylie's POV

I was sitting on the ground, huddled up into a small ball, crying. I didn't want him to hate me, I wanted him to love me liked I loved him...

But what Gigi told me broke my heart...

I heard a voice. It said my name. My head whipped up and I stood up fast, holding out the sharp object in front of me to protect me. I looked around and saw nothing, but when I looked directly at the tree, I saw Adrian...

"Adrian..?" I whispered. I felt tears form in my eyes. How was he here? How could he see me?! I was dreaming.

He held out his arm, putting his hand out to touch me. I reached out and did the same.

When our hands touched, a bright light appeared and a strong breeze did too.

Everything was so bright, I squeezed my eyes shut and sheilded myself away from it.

And then, it faded away.

I slowly opened my eyes, and I saw darkness again. Nothing but emptiness. And I couldn't move or talk again.


Adrian's POV

I put the yellow flower in my pocket carefully and grabbed my broom.

I couldn't handle being here anymore after seeing what I just saw.

I'm going mental.

I flew back to the quidditch pitch and put my broom away, then ran back up to the castle.

I went straight to my dorm, not even bothering to tell anyone I was back.

Or I guess I didn't have to because they were in my dorm. Yay.

When they saw me, their eyes widened.

"Adrian where have you been?!" They all exclaimed, and rushed over to me and gave me hugs.

I stepped back from them. "What? What are you talking about?"

"What do you mean what are we talking about?! You were gone for two days!" Marcus yelled.

My eyes widened. "WHAT?! I was only gone for like two hours!" I yelled.

Their eyes widened and they looked extremely worried.

"Adrian maybe you need to go to the hospital wing..." Cait said.

I shook my head. "No, no I don't, I was not gone for 2 damn days, I wasn't gone for...two...days..."



Caitlin's POV

Adrian just fainted in front of us.

What the hell was up with him?! Everyone has been looking for him for the past two days since he dissapeared on Sunday. And when he comes back, he tells us he's only been gone for 2 hours. And now he's out cold.

We brought him to the hospital wing, and Madam Pomfrey attended to him, then left us alone.

Since we were here, I went over to check on Kylie. She was getting much better. Supposedly she would be waking up in a few days.

I looked over at Gigi and Lily and smirked. Them however...they'd be out for a while.

Adrian woke up, and sat up.

"Please someone tell me I am not crazy," he said.

Marcus looked at Jen, and then back to him. "Sorry, but I think you're crazy-"

"Marcus!" Jenny scolded.

Adrian sighed. "Okay, well can we just pretend that it didn't happen? I don't want to think about it."

We all agreed and then he stood up.

"Adrian, sit back down-" I began.

He shook his head and layed down next to Kylie, putting his arm around her. I looked over at the others and sighed. They shrugged.

"Adrian what happened? I know you don't want to talk about it, but I'm just curious..."

He looked up. "I was at our secret place, and I saw her," he said softly.

Graham scoffed. "Mate were you doing drugs for the past two days?!" he exclaimed.

Adrian shook his head and shrugged. "Maybe. I don't know."

We all fell silent at his response. He started to play with Kylie's hair, when I saw something yellow poking out of his pocket.

"Adrian what's that in your pocket?" I asked.

He looked down, and pulled it out. It was a small yellow flower...

Which only meant, he was at his secret place...

"It's a flower...it was real..." He whispered.

"If all of this is real, how were we all living in different time zones?!" Jenny exclaimed.

Adrian's hand dropped to his side, and his eyes widened.

"Adrian..?" Graham whispered.

He looked at us, his face white. "Sirens..."

"What are you talking about?" Marcus asked confused.

"I heard sirens singing before everything happened, and I closed my eyes and listened to them sing. I must have been asleep the whole time..." He explained.

Hella confusing.

"But then how do you have the flower?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

He looked down and opened up Kylie's hands. She was holding a blue flower and everyone froze and fell silent, including Adrian.

"That, Caitlin, is a very good question..." He muttered.


Adrian's POV

It's been a couple days, and I've visited Kylie every chance I got. Madam Pomfrey has had to kick me out multiple times, but that never stopped me from coming back again.

I was currently in the commonroom right now, twirling the little yellow flower between my fingers, waiting for Marcus and Graham to come back from their double date.

It sucked being alone. Usually I'd be with Kylie, but she wasn't awake yet.

I sighed, setting the flower down on my desk, and I got up and sat by the window, watching the rain fall slowly.

When was she going to wake up?


Kylie's POV

I opened up my eyes to find myself in the hospital wing.

I sat up, clutching my head. It hurt a lot.

Madam Pomfrey walked in, and when she saw me, her eyes widened and she rushed over to me.

"Darling you're awake! Okay here, I'll get you something to eat," She said. I nodded and she rushed out.

I sighed and leaned against the back of the bed. She came back with a tray of food and I gladly ate it all. It tasted amazing.

"Honey, I'll let everyone know you're awake," She said.

I immediately snapped my attention to her.

"Actually, can you just notify my teachers please? I want to surprise my friends," I said with a smile.

She nodded and walked away.

I did want to surprise my friends, but the main reason was that I didn't want Adrian to see me. He was probably going to put a fake face on and pretend he missed me while I was gone.

I looked around and saw Gigi and Lily on two beds across from me.

I snickered. Good for them. They deserved it.

Pomfrey came back, and she allowed me to leave the wing. I thanked her, and then got up and left.

As I was walking through the corridors, I checked the time. It was 7 p.m.

I headed down to the Hufflepuff commonroom, and I went up to my dorm.

Cait and Jenny weren't there, and I realized they were probably with the boys. I wanted to see them badly, but I was not going anywhere near Adrian.

I decided to just go to bed, and hope they wouldn't wake me up. I was tired and I wanted to sleep.

I took a shower and then got changed and went to bed.


Jenny's POV

"Alright guys, we should probably head back, I don't think Adrian likes being alone," I said.

Cait and Graham nodded, and me and Marcus linked hands and then we all walked back.

The boys walked us to our commonroom and then they headed off to theirs.

"Alright, goodnight Cait," I said, heading up to my dorm.

"Hey wait, want to spend the night in mine?" She asked.

I nodded. We walked to her dorm and she opened the door, and turned on the lights.

"Oh my god, Kylie?!" I yelled.

She rubbed her eyes, and sat up.

"Come on, you couldn't let me sleep?" She mumbled.

Cait and I laughed.

"Girl when'd you wake up?!" Cait exclaimed.

"Uh, at 7," she said, sheilding her eyes from the light.

I turned them off and turned a lamp on.

"Thanks Jen."

I nodded. "So did Adrian get you or something?" I asked.

She shook her head and I was a bit taken aback by that. "Does he know you are awake?"

She shook her head again and our eyes widened. "Kylie you need to tell him-"

"No, I wont. And I won't be talking to him anytime soon either so don't even try to make me," She said harshly.

Me and Cait fell silent. I was speechless.

"Did something happen between you two..?" Cait asked worried.

Kylie ignored us and layed back down and went back to bed.

I turned to Cait and pulled her out of the room.

"Kylie is inlove with him Caitlin, and now she won't talk to him or even let him know she's awake and okay!" I said.

"I-I don't know why she's acting like this Jenny, but honestly I'm a bit scared. You're right, she did love him, before she was in the hospital. Now when she wakes up she hates him. Something must have happened."

I nodded. "And we need to figure out what happened because if she does truly hate him, I..I don't know...Adrian loves her so much..." I whispered.

Cait nodded. We walked back into the room quietly and went to bed.


Kylie's POV

I woke up the next morning and checked the date. It was Saturday.

I got up and changed into some warm clothes, and looked around. Cait and Jenny were still asleep.

I thought for a moment. If I woke them up, we'd all probably go and get breakfast and they'd want to sit with the boys. If I didn't wake them up, I wouldn't have to see Adrian.

I froze when reality hit me. It was Saturday. Saturday was the day me and Adrian would watch the sunset together.

My arms dropped limp to my sides and I felt tears well in my eyes. God I hated him for doing that to me. He was seeing Gigi behind my back. He kissed me and led me on. He made me believe that he loved me...

I dedcided not to wake the girls up, and I went down to the dining hall.

Thankfully I was pretty much the only person in there. I piled some food onto my plate.

I closed my eyes and sat in a deep thinking session while I ate.

I had many options of what I could do. I could ignore Adrian for as long as I wanted, or could, I could confront him about the situation, I could talk to him, I could tell Jenny and Caitlin what happened, and maybe have them talk to him for me.

Or...I could just forget about anything that happened between me and Adrian.

I opened my eyes again, and looked down at my reflection in my pumpkin juice.


I think I'll ignore him first. If that doesn't work, then maybe I'll obliviate myself or something.

I just hope I didn't see him at all today.

I pushed my plate aside, and went back to the commonroom. When I got up to my dorm, Cait and Jenny were running around like crazy.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

They looked up at me. "There's a quidditch game today in like 2 hours girl! Slytherin against Ravenclaw!" Cait exclaimed.

"Okay? So?"

"We are getting ready for it, our boyfriends gave us their extra jerseys and stuff-" She fell silent when she made eye contact with me.

I looked away, and walked over to my bed and layed down.

"Well you two can have fun, I'm not going." I said plainly.

They stopped rushing around and looked at me sadly.

I turned to my side, and something caught my eye. Adrian's quidditch jacket.

I sat up, and picked it up, holding it out in front of me.

I glared at it and threw it across the room.

"Kylie..." Cait whispered. I saw tears form in her eyes and my eyes widened.


"Please come..." Jen whispered.

I glared at her, and then stopped. I sighed.

"What do I get out of this?"

Jen looked to Cait.

"Chocolate frogs?" She suggested hopefully.

I scrunched my nose up. "I may love those, but so did Adrian. I refuse to eat those ever again."

Their eyes widened, and Jen dropped her shirt she was holding.

"I-um, you can get whatever you want and we'll pay for it, it doesn't have to be chocolate frogs..." Cait said.

I stared at them blankly. "Fine."

They smiled softly and went back to what they were doing. When they were in the bathroom, I went over to the jacket and picked it up.

I sat back down on my bed and held it tightly in my hands.

I could smell his cologne on the jacket, and it made tears well in my eyes.

"Why Adrian..? Why must you play with my feelings..?" I whispered, wiping the tears from my eyes.

I slipped the jacket on and layed on my bed and stared up at the ceiling.

"Alright you ready to go Kyli-"

The two girls stopped and stared at me silently.

I glared at them.

"R-right, sorry, okay let's go," Jen said.

I nodded, and took the jacket off, but brought it with me incase it got colder.

I followed them out, but just as we were about to leave the commonroom I stopped them.

"Are we meeting up with them before?" I asked.

They looked at each other.

"Um, yeah, you don't have to come though...they're actually waiting outside the commonroom right now," Jen said.

My eyes widened. "Alright, you two head out first then, I will stay behind. I'll meet you up in the stands."

They nodded and walked out.


Adrian's POV

I wonder who Jen and Cait were talking to before they walked out.

And when they did walk out, they had sad expressions on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Marcus asked.

Jen and Cait's eyes widened and they looked a bit frantic.

"Oh, um, nothing," Jen said.


"Who were you talking to before you walked out?" I asked.

Jenny fell silent.

"Just another girl in our house, we were telling her the time of the game," Cait quickly said.

I looked at Marcus and Graham and they shook their heads and went silent.

"Okay, well I'm going to visit Kylie before the game, I'll see you guys in a bit-"

"NO!" Jen and Cait screamed.

We all stopped walking and we stared at the two.

"Why not..?" I asked cautiously.

"Because, uh, umm-"


I looked at her.

"I-what?! No, I'm visiting her," I said, and turned around and started walking away.

"Wait Adrian! Stop!"

"Why?! What are you hiding?!" I shouted.

The girls looked at each other.

"Please Adrian... just, please visit her after okay..? The real reason why we can't have you there is because Madam Pomfrey doesn't want any visitors because she has to test Kylie.." Jenny whispered with tears in her eyes.

"Okay but seriously, we don't have time anyways, come on, we'll be late," Graham said.

I glared at the girls and then followed Marcus and Graham.

"They are clearly hiding something..." I muttered.


Kylie's POV

God he even brain washed my friends. Telling them he was going to visit me. What an ass. Why doesn't he just tell them the truth that he doesn't like me? Stop with the damn act...

I quietly walked out after them, making sure I stayed well out of their sight.

They got to the pitch, and the boys left Jen and Cait, while the two girls stood there waving.

I rushed up to them.

"Let's go."

They nodded and we went into the stands.

Thankfully everywhere was packed. Unfortunately for me though, we had to sit at the top.

I slumped down in my seat, trying to stay out of sight.

"Goodness, it's there first game, I hope they win it," Jen said.

I laughed and scoffed. "I hope they don't."

Cait glared. "Kylie we get it. Stop with the sour mood!"

I looked down at my feet. "Sorry..."

Jenny hugged me. "Look, it's okay. If you explained what happened maybe we would be able to help you..."

I shrugged. "Maybe after the game."

They nodded, and then the overhead speaker started calling out names.


Loud cheers went through the croud.


The Ravenclaw's shot through the air, flying out around the field with some decent speed.

"I heard that if Slytherin wins, they're having a celebration party in their commonroom!" A girl next to me whispered to her friend.

Huh. That'll be interesting.


They flew out to the field with extreme speed, the croud cheering louder than ever before.

I felt my gaze land on Adrian, and I watched as he flew around the pitch at high speed.

"GO MARCUS!" Jen screamed.

"GRAHAM!!!!" Cait yelled.

The two boys looked up and waved at us.

And then, they saw me. Their eyes widened as did mine.


They told Adrian and pointed to me. Adrian looked up and his eyes widened. He stopped flying and just levetated there, staring at me.

"Umm, Kylie? I think he saw you..." Jen and Cait said with worry.

I nodded. "Shit."

I heard them laugh and I smiled to them. Then I turned back to Adrian and I locked eyes with him.

And I glared at him.

His eyes widened even more, and then he looked away, and flew off to Marcus and Graham.

Satisfied with myself, I sat back and relaxed.

Serves him right.


Adrian's POV

I was flying around the quidditch pitch with a ton of speed, when I saw Marcus and Graham motion for me to come to them.

I did.

"Mate look! It's Kylie! She's in the stands!" Graham explained, pointing.

My eyes widened and I looked to where he was pointing and my heart stopped.

There sitting next to Jenny and Caitlin was Kylie.

She stared at me, and I stopped flying and looked back. My heart was beating fast.

And then she glared at me.

Why was she glaring at me?

"ADRIAN COME ON!" Marcus yelled.

I broke my gaze from her and I went over to Marcus.

I was hurt. Badly. And it made me pissed.

Not only did she not tell me she was awake, neither did Jen or Cait, but she glared at me.

"Yo, Pucey you good?" Higgs asked.

I looked up. "I'm ready to kick ass if that's what your asking," I growled.

My teammates eyes widened, and then smiles appeared on their faces.

I was not going easy on these Ravenclaws. Not one bit. They were going to recieve all of my anger.

All of it.


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