Adopted By Demi Lovato

By laryssaosyka

116K 2K 378

Demi Lovato is three years clean from self harm, purging and drug use. Lately she has been feeling a little l... More

Adopted By Demi Lovato
Chapter 2: Can I call this home and you mom?
Chapter 3: Adventures before the Mall
Chapter 4: Fun at the mall...until I run
Chapter 5: Safe at home with my baby girl safe and sound
Authors Note- Not an Update, But Please Read
Chapter 6: Katie? Where are you?
Chapter 7- Room Day
Chapter 7 Part 2: Paint Time
Chapter 8: Katie Goes Live (almost)
Chapter 9: Katie Goes Live On Ellen (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Katie Goes Live on Ellen (Part 2)
Chapter 10- Ellen from Demi's POV
Chapter 11- Naptime and Dinner
Chapter 12- T-Minus One Day Until Surprise
Chapter 13- Surprise Day Part 1
Chapter 13 - Surprise Day Part 2- The Hints
Chapter 13- Surprise Day Part 3- The Hints from Demi's and Selena's POVs
Ch. 14~ All Fun and Games until someone gets sick
Ch. 15~ Doctors, Oh Joy.
Authors Note
Ch 16~ On The Mend
Ch17~ Relapsing
Ch18~ Old Habits Die Hard
Ch19~ The Talk
Ch20~ Restarting The Road To My Recovery
Chapter 21~ Telling Aunt Selena
Chapter 22~ Bonfire, Talks and Cuddles
Chapter 23~ Katie's Day With Nick
Chapter 24~ Planning a Birthday Party
Chapter 25~ A Birthday for Katie
Ch 26~ A Day at the Studio
Ch 27~ Letting You In
Ch~ 28 Lazy Day, Date Night and an Emergency
Ch 29~ Surgery, Recovery, Disney Land Fun and Packing
Chapter 30 ~ A Day Out with Family on the World Tour
Chapter 31~ A Surprise for Both Demi and Katie
Chapter 32~ A Mini Set, A Record Contract? Are you Serious?!? Yes Please!!!
Chapter 33- My Family is becoming Complete
Chapter 34~ Daddy Nick
Chapter 35~ And So It Begins
Chapter 36~ Will You?
Chapter 37~ Sunday Dinner Drama
Chapter 38~ It's My Time To Shine
Chapter 39~ Dirty Rotten Cheater
Not A Chapter~ But do READ and COMMENT
Chapter 41~ The Baby Name Game
Chapter 42~ Album Release and Promotion
Chapter 43- #tourlifeforlife
Chapter 44~ It's a Family Day
Brighter Days and Lighters
Baby Daddy Knows
Grandma Demi? Grandpa Nick?
Will You?
Welcoming Baby Mendes
The Sound of Baby Steps and Laughter
Clock Don't Stop
Authors Note

Chapter 40- Acting Happy for the Camera

858 23 4
By laryssaosyka

Katie's POV

When I woke up, I was the only one in my bed. I could have sworn that I fell asleep cuddled into my dad. Slowly, I got out of my bed and got dressed into my clothes I was wearing for the flight. I grabbed my laptop that was laying on my desk and then made my way downstairs. After I put my bag next to my other bag and made my way into the kitchen where I was greeted by my dad flipping pancakes and a island full of food. 

"Food looks good" I said
"Thanks Katie" Nick said
"So we having a party or something?" 
"Joe and Selena went to go pick up your Aunts and Maddie and since thats seven of us, I made a lot of food" 
"Maddies coming?" 
"Is that the only thing you got out of that? But yes she's coming with you guys" 
"YES! And to answer your question no that wasn't the only thing I got out of what you said. I heard everything but I'm excited about Maddie coming along"  
"Okay, well they should be back soon so be the amazing daughter you are and set the table please?" 
"Sure thing daddy" 

I did as asked and set the table then I went back to sit by the island and watch my dad cook, he was trying to be all fancy and flip the pancakes from the pan. Just as a second pancake landed on the floor and he let out a string of curses the doorbell rang. 

I ergerly went to answer it, when I opened the door everyone filled in with a tired Maddie being the last one to come inside. I squealed when I saw her and gave her a big hug as if I haven't seen her in a few months rather then two weeks. Maddie returned my hug. 

After breakfast, everyone helped clean up and then we got ready to leave. My dad was driving us in his SUV so we all put bags inside the trunk and piled into the SUV. I was the last one inside the SUV because I wanted to say good by to Thor, who looked sad that I was leaving. 

When we got to the airport, I got a little teary eyed over the fact that Nick wouldn't be coming but I understood that he had studio time and did have a tour coming up that he was opening for. Nick got on the airport bus that would take us from the car to the jet, when we got there, Nick and I hugged for several minutes until I had to leave. 

I boarded the jet behind everyone else and sat at a window, I watched as the bus thing that now only carried Nick drove away and soon we departed the airport and were up in the sky. 

I filled Maddie in on Luke and how he cheated on me. She got so mad at him and it was cute how she started to plan out his death because she was so mad at him. But I told her to let my happeniness kill him instead. Speaking on Luke he has sent me almost 50 text messages and kept calling me and of course I ingored them. His contact in my phone was also a pile of shit emoji. 

The flight was pretty boring after Maddie fell asleep, I talked to my aunts and then talked to my uncle and got to know him better. Besides for Nick, Joe was my favorite Jonas. He was so goofy and I liked that about people, their goofy sides.

After a 6 hour flight, the plane landed and I called both of my parents to let them know I was okay and we landed in New York. I also texted Jack that I was on my way to the hotel we were all staying at so we could practice the songs. The hotel was about a hour away so I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

When we got to the hotel, we checked in and brought our bags to our rooms and then I went to met up with Jack and Jack in their room to reherse the songs.

"Hey do you guys mind if we do Really Don't Care by my mom for the last song?  I kinda wanna show someone that I really don't care about them anymore"  I asked
"Yea sure"  Jack J replied 
"Do you wanna do the majority on the singing with us backing you up and doing the rapping?"  Jack G asked
"Um...well I know Johnson can sing a little bit so he can be an echo and then you can rap G."   I said

We ended up rehersing until 10 at night we were at that point I invited them to come with me and my family members to grab some dinner. I had a really fun time with them, Jack and Jack were really cool. 

After dinner we went back to the hotel and went to our seperate rooms. I slept in a suite with my Aunts. Maddie, Aunt Dallas and I shared the king sized bed while Aunt Marissa and Aunt Selena each took a twin sized bed. 

As I got ready for bed, I realized that I didn't feel the huge amount of heartbreak that I felt in the morning. Even with the nerves building up in my stomach, I fell asleep pretty effortlessly. Little did I know the surprise that was waiting for me when I woke up. 

I woke up at 4am so we could get to the GMA set by 5am to be ready with a sound check done at 6am and be ready to perform by 10am with mini interviews between songs. We were performing like 7 songs with one being Really Don't Care. Thank you Jack and Jack. 

But the way I woke up was interesting. Aunt Selena called Demi on facetime. 

"You need to wake up babygirl. Come on you have to go to GMA"  My mom said 

I groaned and started to move my hand around 

"Katie wake up"  
"Where is the damn snooze button"  I groaned out

Demi and Aunt Selena chuckled at this. 

"Katie, come on wake up"  I hear Nick say.

Wait, Nick is wih my mom? On the same facetime call? At that point I realized that my moms voice was a lot closer then just a facetime call. 

I sprung out of bed and ran to the living area of the suite we had rented out. There stood my parents. I ran straight into their open arms and cried into them. 

"I told you, I wouldn't miss a show of yours until the babies came"  Demi said

I nodded into her. 

"You, I thought you had to be in the studio today"  I said while pointing to Nick 

"Nope, I caught my plane here at around 9pm last night. I couldn't miss my daughters first performance on Good Morning America now can I?"  Nick said 

I shook my head no and hugged them both again. 

"I have the best parents ever"  I said into the hug

Nick and Demi chuckled. 

I took notice to Demi's belly that carried my baby siblings. She had grown quite a bit and had a small baby bump, if you looked closly you could see that she was wearing baggy clothes but it wasn't all to noticeable. I smiled at the fact that I was a month closer to being a big sister. Two down, six more to go. 

After the love fest between my parents and I, we all got into a bigger SUV and drove towards the GMA with Jack and Jack following in their own SUV behind us. When we arrived, it was a little scary because it was my first paporazzi crowded place. Demi took my hand and led my through the path that Nick was making for us, with Aunt Selena flanking my side and Aunt Marissa flanking Demi's side and Aunt Dallas and Maddie behind us. I was holding onto Maddie's hand which was a struggle because she was behind me. 

The flashes hurt my eyes, I couldn't understand it. It rarely got this bad when I was out with my mom. But we finally got inside the building. 

"We made a mistake on not taking any bodyguards"  Aunt Dallas chuckled out
"You dont say"  Maddie yelled

Yea, Maddie wasn't all that happy about waking up at 4am esspecially after going to sleep at midnight. Oops? 

"That was a nightmare. Why was that a nightmare"  I said
"Because we don't have any bodyguards with us, thats why"  Maddie said 
"Maddie go to the couch and go back to sleep. Miss Grumpy Pants"  I said pointing at the couch

As Maddie glared at me for calling her 'Miss Grumpy Pants', my phone vibrated in my pocket. 

From BEAst 
Good Luck today dork! Can't wait to watch it later! 

I quickly replied 

To BEAst
You better be watching it! Thanks weirdo. LOVEEEEE YOUUUUU

Seconds later she replied 

From BEAst
Oh, I have a pretty good seat to watch it from. LOVEEE YOUUUU MORE

I chuckled at her reply and put my phone in my pocket. I was soon ushered to the dressing room to get dressed in my performance clothes and after that I was pulling into hair and makeup, I hate hair and makeup. So I was forced to suffer. But I loved my outfit, it was on point. 

I was wearing, grey knee high boots with dark blue skinny jeans with torn knees along with a black paramore t-shirt. 

I soon found myself in a green room with just Jack & Jack, the three of us practice for a little bit before we are told to go grab some food. After food we are brought back to the green room and told to wait there. 

After an hour of waiting we are finally getting called to the stage where we will be interviewed and then preform a few songs.

"Today we have three special guests that are making waves in the music industry. We are here with Jack & Jack along with Kaitlyn Lovato!" The interviewer said 
"Hey guys"  Jack & Jack said 
"Hey everyone!"  I said
"So, whats going on guys? You nervous at all?" 
"We can't speak for Katie but not really" 
"How about you Kaite?" I was asked
"You know, I'm a little nervous because this is my first time on the show but overall not really. My mom had me performing up on stage with her so I love to perform"  I said 
"So, let's cut to the chase and get to the juicy questions"  
"Sure thing"  The three of us replied
"Who here is single and who is taken?"
"Ladies first Katie"  Jack Johnson said 
"Um...I'm uhh I'm single"  I said

I really wish he hadn't asked that because it brought back the heartache that I was dealing with. I really hated Luke for hurting me the way he did. Could he have not simply broken up with me? Or Could he have at least called me to tell me what he did? I mean he really has been blowing up my phone since I text dumped him but thats not the point, the point is that he couldn't confess to me what he did on his own. 

"Single"  Both Jack and Jack said

"Wow, okay so the beautiful young lady is single and so are the handsome boys. Next question, full length albums, when can we expect them?" 

"Well Jack and I are currently recording ours right now"  Jack Gilinskey said 
"I'm actually almost done recording mine. Its called 'Finding Myself' and it is due to be realeased in a month and then I'm going on tour which starts a month after the album comes out"  I said with a smile
"Well congrats to the three of you"  

The interview continued one for almost another fifteen minutes and then we got ready to perform. We performed 6 songs outside of Really Don't Care. They were: 
1. Flights
2. Paradise
3. Right Where You Are
4. Wild Life
5. Flights
6. Cheat Codes

At the end of the performance, we were thanked and then shown back to the green room where we each gathered our things and left the building. When we walked outside and we got hammered with the cameras. The questions were flying about why me and Luke broke up. I plastered a fake smile on my face and quickly made my way into the SUV. 

Once inside the SUV, I broke down crying. Demi tried to comfort me as well as she could but it didn't help. I had to act happy when I was in pain because of what the asshole did to hurt my heart. 

Later that morning, I said goodbye to Demi once again since she was going back to Europe and I was going back to LA with everyone else. I had my mini concert that night. This time saying goodbye to Demi wasn't as hard because she would be back in a week, and I could survive a week right? 

After a four long plane ride and a 1 hour long car ride, I was finally at the small arena for my concert. I was once again ushered to hair and makeup, suffering through it. But I stayed in the same outfit I wore earlier. 

My concert was a intamate one just like my mom had for her Unbroken album. There was maybe 50 people there so it was extremely personal. I sang all the songs that we wrote and recorded for the album. So it was 11 songs but I didn't have anyone else performing them with me. Jake was there but we didn't have time to practice the song so we chose for him to watch. 

Tomorrow I was going to be recording 'Dreaming Wide Awake'  with Jake and then when Demi came home, I would be recording my last song and that was 'Never Grow Up'  with her and Nick. My set list followed my song order on ther CD. 

1. Abandoned
2. Finding Myself
3. Me and Myself
4. Finally Home
5. Never Grow Up
6. Past, Present and Future
7. Smile
8. Famous
9. Lead the Way
10. Life's A Storm
11. Dreaming Wide Awake

After my performance, I took pictures with everyone there and signed some merchindise. People were also able to pre-order my album and if they did they got the opition to have a personalized autograph. 

After everyone left, I was able to go home. Jake was spending the night at my house because he came out to record on my request and it was stupid for him to throw away money on a hotel room. When we arrived home, I gave Jake the grand tour while Nick fed Thor. After the grand tour I went striaght to bed. 


So this chapter sucked! There are two or three more chapters and there will not be a sequel instead I will be doing a epilogue. I decided on no sequel because I'm loosing the motivation to write this book and thats why it sucks. But it will be a happy ending. 

Next chapter will be the Baby Name Game. The names have come to (the new ones my cousin is in love with and shes like 7 and to make her happy I included them). Comment your favorites to vote on the names! GO:  

1. Daniella Rylee
2. Scarlett Destiny 
3. Annabeth Sage
4. Hayden Devonne
5. Savanna Nicole
6. Aria Grace

1. Jaxon Baylor
2. Carson Shawn
3. Nicolas Jerry Jr
4. Storm Riley 
5. Peyton Carter
6. Wyatt Alexander

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