world$tar money

By eyosha

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emo joji fic joji x reader More

24 (fixed some typos lmfao)


146 12 2
By eyosha

Before I start the story, I just want to let you know that I added a lil sumn in the last chapter in the joji, ian and y/n argument for the story so it's better to read that first haha thanks lol ok read ig thanks again

The next day,

the day has come.

"I just need to get some snow globes from outside in here and I'm all done." She said as she moved around the boxes on the floor. She sighed and put her hands on her lap. "Well, I'm almost done." She smiled.

"So you're just gonna live alone from now on?" I sat on the floor beside her. "That's not fun. It's gonna be too empty and we're gonna miss you. Like, a lot."

"No, I'll live right across Alex. Don't worry about me. You know I'll miss you too. We're gonna meet again after all of this, okay?" She put a hand on my shoulder. "So..." She stood up. "What's for lunch? I'll eat outside."

"Wait, really?!" My eyes lit up. y/n nodded and smiled. "Okay! Brian and I will make some fried rice." "Alright then. Make sure it's very good." I nodded and walked out the door.


Brian and I were still cooking the signature Indonesian fried rice since we had food other than cereal. I heard y/n's door open. I looked back to look at y/n, finally going out of her room. She looked around for a couple seconds, then her face looked relieved after.

I knew that she was looking for Joji.

Max and Chad noticed that y/n went out of her room after all this time.

"y/n!" They gave her a big, warm hug. They let go of their arms around her and Max put his hands on her shoulders to look at her. "Oh my god, y/n. You okay? You look like a mess." y/n nodded and smiled in response.

Brian noticed y/n too and stopped cooking to give her a hug. "How are you? You don't look okay." "Did you sleep at all?" Max pointed out her dark circles. y/n nodded.

y/n walked towards me. "You need some help with the plates?" "Yes please." y/n nodded and crouched to get some plates from the kitchen cabinet. She brought the plates to the table and organized it.

"You're not gonna stay inside your room forever right? I mean, you're gonna stay out here for the whole day, right?" Brian walked towards y/n. "Yeah, of course." "Good." Brian moved towards me and continued to add some final seasonings to the rice.

After a couple minutes, the fried rice was finally done, and served on a plate in the middle of the table. Everyone sat around the table and starts to eat. I looked over to y/n and noticed that her eyes were getting teary.

"Woah, y/n. You okay?" Brian asked, noticing her teary eyes. "Yeah, sorry. The food is so good." She smiled. "Damn, my cooking skills really got you emotional, huh?" Brian joked.

I realized that she was getting emotional 'cause she knew it was going to be her last day with us. Understanding that, I held back my tears.

"Niki? What the fuck is wrong with you girls?" Chad noticed. "Haha... It's just that- Uh- y/n's emotional reaction really got me!" I chuckled. "Okay then..."

Then, we heard a door open from the hallway.

We knew directly it was Joji. He never wake up early that time.

"Fuck, my head." He put his right hand on the wall and his left hand holding his head. He put his hand down and scanned the apartment. His eyes landed to us and he noticed y/n was there.

"y/n?" His facial expressions changed. y/n looked away, knowing that she wouldn't be able to escape. He ran towards her and gave her a hug. He put his hands on her shoulders and his eyes scanned her face. "Are you okay?"

"What do you think?" y/n put his hands off her shoulders. Joji looked so worried. He walked to the other side of the table to sit and eat.

Then, it was silent. 

He was actually getting a little nicer than days before that. But, he still haven't apologize about anything. He acts like he did nothing wrong and it makes me very mad. Heck, he made every single one of us mad.


It was getting pretty late at night.

All of us weren't doing anything significant. But I do know anything we did that day means a lot to y/n. We were all minding each of our business. That way, y/n was able to walk around the apartment and took some of her snow globes.

She had all the snow globes in her arms and she walked into her room without anyone noticing.

"What is she doing? Is she redecorating her room or something?" Joji moved beside me, looking worried as usual. "Yeah." I lied. I haven't tell anyone anything 'cause I still needed confirmation. "Well, you saw it, right?" "Uh huh." "Can I see it?" He smiled.

"No. Not yet. We need confirmation." "Oh..." Joji nodded. "But she's doing fine, right?" "Not really. She misses Ian a lot. But she's getting better than yesterday." I can see the guilt in Joji's face. Bitch, when will you apologize to each one of us and not just her?

"Oh? She didn't take that one." He pointed out one of y/n's snow globe that we thought was her favorite. It even plays her favorite piano piece. "Oh yeah..."

"Maybe she wants to share it with all of us." I continued. "She's doing it as if she's gonna leave or something." He joked. I didn't know what to say, it was suddenly so hard to lie about it.

"She's not leaving, right?" His face changed drastically. "Right?" My eyes started to get a little teary. He was very shook when he noticed my eyes. "No... This isn't funny. She's not, right?" He raised his voice a little. Then, tears started to leak out my eyes, dripping down to my shirt.

"y/n!" He ran to y/n's room.

I ran behind him, trying to stop him. Unfortunately, I'm not as fast as he is.

"George! Wait!"

He was able to get in since the door wasn't locked.

"George?" I heard y/n's voice from outside the room. 

I walked into the room to see Joji with tears on his face, just standing there in shock.

"Niki? You told him already?" I nodded no. "How did he-" "He figured it out himself."

Vas - jager finn

Joji ran towards her and hugged her tight and not letting go as he cried on her shoulder. "Why are you leaving? Don't leave me, y/n. I'm so sorry!" He cried. 

All that yelling caught the attention of the rest of us.

"Please, don't leave me, y/n. I'm so sorry! Please!"

y/n put a hand on his head, running her fingers through his hair as he cried on her shoulder.

"Don't hate me... Please..." He sobbed in her ear. "Why are you leaving, y/n?"

"Hey, what the hell is going on? Niki, what's going on?" Brian held my shoulders.

"y/n's leaving? Joji- what is- huh?" Max was as bewildered as the rest of the guys. He couldn't comprehend what was going on, and nothing that was happening was planned. Obviously.

"Joji..." y/n paused. "I think I need some space for a while. You need some too, right?"

"What? No! What the fuck do you mean?" Joji looked into y/n's eyes.

"No, what do you mean? You always told me to go away, so I think that's the best for both of us, you know?" She smiled.

"Huh? N-No! That was when I was- I didn't mean it, y/n..." He continued to hug her, resting his head on her neck. "I'm so sorry... Please stay with me, y/n. I need you here."

"I'm sorry, George. But I also need to look out for myself. I really shouldn't stay. I said I need some space, okay? We'll meet again... Maybe." Her tired eyes closed shut as she tried to calm Joji down.

"Why can't we just settle things down? You know I'm not actually like that, right? I'm not crazy, right?

"I said I need space, George. When will you get it? Just, let me do this, please." She sighed and delicately pushes Joji off her shoulder.

"I'm not letting you go. You mean a lot to me, y/n."

"Joji, I'm sorry, man. But she needs some space, bud." Brian pulled Joji back to let y/n continued her packing. "Max, help me out, will ya? Chad?" Joji kept on resisting and tears never stopped running down his cheeks.

"What's wrong with you? Let me go!"

"What the fuck do you mean, George? We care about her as much as you do. She means a lot to us too, George. That's why we're letting her go and not shitting around her like you do. You know we don't want her to leave too, right? Fuck, we don't even want to see her like this." Max pulled Joji back with all his strength alongside Brian and Chad.

"You have to let go, George. It's hard, I know. But if you want her to be happy, then let her go," Chad spoke up.

Joji's knees became weak, making them easy to pull him back.

"We're so sorry, y/n. We love you so much. Just promise us we're gonna meet again." Brian smiled with tears in his eyes.

"I promise." She smiled. "Thanks, guys. I love you guys so much. I'm so sorry I have to do this."

"Anything for you to be happy." I smiled.



It was 2 AM already.

My room was empty.

All that was left was the tape marks from all the posters and pictures I taped on the walls. Honestly, I never expected to leave this place, ever. But obviously, I still would even without all this.

Alex helped me get my boxes out and put it in his car.

"Here, you hold 2 and I'll hold 2 as well." I handed him 2 of my boxes and he stood up and looked at me.


"Hey, do you mind if I say goodbye to this place for a bit?" "No, of course not! I'll wait." "Thank you, Al." "No problem. Just call me if you need anything else up here."

I nodded and he left the apartment to go into his car. I brought those 2 boxes in my hands and put them on the kitchen counter. I put my hands on my waist and looked around. I noticed how empty the shelves became without my snow globes, and how the apartment was missing some things.

I walked over to my piano and put my arms on the fallboard, embracing the comfort of the piano. 

"Goodbye, Piano." I gave the piano a small kiss and stood back up, wiping the tears that fell on my cheeks. I walked over to my favorite snow globe I left for the guys. I gave it a last shake and twisted the key to wind the music box in it.

Arabesque No. 1 - Claude Debussy

I put it back on the shelf and leaned on the wall behind me, reminiscing the moments I had in this place, letting the tears fall down to my shirt.

"Hey..." I heard a voice calling me from the hallway. It was Joji, with his swollen eyes. I smiled at his presence.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I really am. I just- I never thought you'd do this." His breath became shaky as he walks towards me. "I'm gonna miss you a lot. Hell, I miss you already."

"Same." I chuckled.

He sighed and looked into my eyes. I had to look up since he was towering me. I can see tears forming in his eyes as he looked deeper into my eyes. He smiled warmly and cupped my cheek with his hand.

"I'm very sorry. I didn't mean anything I said." He sounded genuine. I was still pissed off by what he did, and he knew. "I don't expect you to accept my apology, though. I really was a dick. Maybe I still am, I don't know. I really should pay attention to what I say since it seems like it impacts people a lot."

I smiled and sighed. I knew that because I loved him that way, it was way too hard for me to stay. 

He wiped my tears off my cheeks and continued to stare into my eyes. Then, he leaned in, giving me a soft and long kiss. He put his arm around my back to pull me closer to deepen the kiss. I put my arms dangling around his neck as tears fall down our cheeks.

We pulled away and I was able to see his face again. His sweet smile and his face, wet from all the tears that drip down. Seeing his smile again made me smile. He hugged me one last time and stayed that way for a while.

"I love you." He whispered.

We pulled away and I get to see his face again. I didn't know what to say. I know what to reply, but I just can't say it back.

"I-I..." He chuckled at my response.

"You don't have to say anything. I'm just glad I can let it out. You probably still hate me and it's fine."

"N-No... I-" "Come on, Alex's waiting." He cut me off. I was so angry at myself. I didn't know why I couldn't say it. But I think the kiss was enough.

I grabbed the boxes and walked out the door. I turned around to look at him and smiled.

"Bye." "Bye."

Tears couldn't stop falling down my face as I walked down the hallway and down to the exit.

Before entering the car, I looked at the building and knew how much I'll miss it.

We drove off to Rei's place for me to say goodbye.

"I'll miss you a lot. Like, very much. You should be more active on social media so that I can keep contact with you." Rei said as he hugged me, patting my head that was leaning on his chest.

"So, I won't see you in the grocery shop again, huh? Or the park?" "I'll come and visit. Don't worry about me, Rei." I smiled.

"Can you at least tell me and the rest of the guys where you live?" "No. I really need to be alone for a while." Rei nodded in understanding and pulled away the hug. "I'll just stare at your polaroids, then." I chuckled in response.

"Alright. Well, see you when I do, y/n." "I'll see you when I do too, Rei."




2 years past by.

We all live in different places now. We left our old apartment.

Max and Chad went back to Australia, Brian, Joji and I live around New York.

We don't live that close to each other, 20 minutes apart at least. But we still act like a family. Ian still contacted some of us once in a while and Joji finally apologized about what he did. Well he apologized just a couple days after y/n left.

He was a mess and admitted that he loved her that way and that he felt so guilty. All three of us got into a label last year. 88rising. Joji re-released his deluxe version of his EP 'In Tongues' not so long ago, not so long after Brian's album 'Amen'.

We'll release my EP 'Zephyr' this month, since I just finished it last week. My label mates and I are working on a collaborative album. We even got help from many of Sean's producer friends which made me feel like a professional already.

I was laying down on Joji's couch, watching Netflix with Brian sitting on the floor. Joji was walking around the apartment, looking for something. 

"The fuck are you looking for, Joji?" Brian yelled.

"The key. The key thing to twist the thing for the music to play. It fell off somewhere." He scratched the back of his head. "Can you pause that shit and help me or something?"

"I don't even know what the hell you're talking about."

"The thing for us to twist the handle to play the music box in the snow globe. It fell off somewhere and now I can't twist it until I find it." He groaned.

"Ooooh... Alright." Brian stood up and looked around the floor. He crouched to look under the couch and table for it. "Nik, get up and help me or something."

"Yeah. Sorry." I yawned.

The snow globe, music box, thing means a lot to us. Especially Joji. Since it was a precious object of y/n's that she left us. I rubbed the fluffy carpet to see if I can feel the key somewhere.

"Where did you last kept it, Joj?" I said as I stood up, putting a chunk of hair behind my ear.

"Around here. Check the couch." He ran to the couch and put the snow globe on the table behind it.

We threw the pillows off the couch and looked around.

"Check the cracks." I put my hand in between the cracks of the couch. 

"Ah!" I squealed. 

"The fuck?" Brian laughed, looking at how disgusted I looked.

"Joji do you even clean your couch? I think I touched a hairy worm or some shit."

"Huh?" He put his hand in the spot where I put it and pulled out something. "My worm on a string! I lost it a couple weeks ago and here it is!"

"Uhm, okay... Anyways..." Brian put his hand in the crack on the other side of the couch. His eyes lit up and pulled out an object.


a/n (not really):

hey lol. I JUST READ THE 7 MINUTES OF HEAVEN THING BY ATTACKONFICS AND I AM DEAD IT IS SO FUCKING HOT I CANTTTT. Anyways, my school's about to start again tomorrow and I'm gonna try to balance thing out so... see you heehee

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