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"Ah! A reply!" I exclaimed and pressed the message.

"That's great! I heard you live in Brooklyn with the others! What about Starbucks near the Brooklyn Bridge park at 4 PM, Friday? I'm looking forward to meeting you!


I took another handful of cereal in my mouth and rethink about my decision.

I wasn't entirely sure of what I do. I mean, people don't find me interesting, they only find Joji interesting. That's where people know me from. I'm just his shadow.

I pressed 'reply message' and started to type down my message.

"Okay! Can't wait!" That's all I sent. I don't know what to say. Everyone's probably wondering why I haven't tell anyone yet. It's just because I was just too hesitant. I want to reject the offer, but it's a good deal. I'm nothing, but he's offering me first and I don't want to make anyone mad about this somehow.

If they know about this, they'll push me to join the label. But I'm not entirely sure about what I do. I'm totally fine being a random normal person every day. I have nothing interesting in me, and they know it.

I closed my laptop and tried to calm myself down from the fact that someone actually wants me to be in their label. I was just confused and surprised. "Why me?" I whispered to myself. I spent my whole day thinking about this one struggle that no one else knows. Not even Rei. They all would've want me to be in the label. Even the 9 year old me. I'm just not confident enough and I'm afraid I'll get cocky if I do.


Dinner time.

I stared into the walls, just spacing out about what happened. I was still in shock.

"y/n? You're spacing out again." Ian shook my shoulders. "Huh." I looked at my food, not moving a single muscle in my face. "What's up with that expression? You look like you just saw your brother got eaten by a titan or something." Joji said. "Huh."

I took a bite of my food and continued to stare at the abyss.

"Oh my. y/n, please stop doing that. You're scaring me." Niki said, across me. I realized I was spacing out with my eyes looking at Niki with my face that looks like it was full of terror. "Oh. Yeah. Right. Sorry." I looked down and took another bite of my food. 

"Did something happen when I wasn't here?" Joji looked at all of our faces, looking for an answer. "I don't know. y/n said she found an expensive piano or something. But I know she's gotta be lying." Brian told Joji. "So, what happened?" Everyone looked at me looking worried.

"No, no it's nothing. I was watching a movie in my laptop and there was a gore scene and now it's stuck in my head." I lied. "You watched a movie without us?" Chad exclaimed and I nodded, acting disappointed. "Ah! No fair!" Niki joked. "Hey, but it's better that way. Now I'm like, traumatized."

"Don't watch those kind of movies anymore, okay y/n? You kept on spacing out because of it." Joji said with a very serious tone and face. I nodded.

"Wait, what day is it tomorrow?" Max took looked at all of us. "Friday." Ian answered. "Friday?!" I chocked on my food. "Yeah, why?" "Isn't the day after tomorrow Friday?" I looked at Ian with a shock face on my face. He checked his phone and looked back at me. "Yep. Tomorrow's Friday." He said. I was surprised and unprepared. It was Thursday night and I though it was Wednesday night and the next day I was going go talk to someone offering me to be in a label.

"You have something to do tomorrow?" Joji looked disappointed when he said that. "Well, yeah. I have to meet up with someone at 4 PM. Why?" I took another bite of my food. "Oh, no. Nothing. Want me to give you a ride there? I'm free." He offered. "Nah, I'm fine. Thanks for the offer, though." I smiled and he looked really disappointed and he tried to cover it, but I still can tell.

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