Celeste tightened her lips. "Do it, Sai. The well being of these babies is paramount."

"Very good, Priestess. Also, your blood pressure, as indicated by your biometric scanner, is increasing. But that is not unusual for this stage of pregnancy. I will alter your diet and activity schedule to compensate."

"Thank you, Sai." She twirled the biometric scanner on her wrist, shaped like a narrow plastic bracelet.

The bot looked up at Moon. "Sir, we are coming within the real-time radio communication range of the Delphi system. Signal lag should be minimal."

"Good. I will transmit from the bridge." With the assistance of a lent hand, he helped Celeste scoot off the table. "We will be there soon."

She wavered slightly on her feet and took a deep breath. "At last. No offense, Moon, but I am ready to get off this ship for a while."

He winced on her behalf. "I hate to tell you this, Celeste, but given your fugitive status, you should stay hidden on the ship." He sighed as she pouted. "Okay. We'll see if we can sneak you off a time or two."

On the bridge, Moon sat down in the captain's chair. Celeste plopped into the chair to his left, splaying her legs apart and blowing out an audible breath.

He called out, "Sai, hail the Oracle port authority. But keep the visual frame tight, on just me. I don't want them knowing we have a pregnant Sol Priestess onboard."

A man wearing a blue cap and shirt appeared on the screen, the patch on his shirt identifying him as the port controller. "Oracle port."

"Oracle, this is Raven Sky. Request permission to dock at the repair bays."

Celeste furrowed her brow. Raven Sky? Oh, right. The fake identification beacon.

The man looked down. "Raven Sky, you are not on our schedule."

Moon nodded. "Understood, Oracle. We sustained damage during travel, including the quantum drive and long-range communication array. I barely made it in as it is. Do you have a spot for me?"

"Negative, Raven Sky. All bays are full. Wait at the staging area."

Celeste dipped her head in disappointment. Moon turned slightly and winked at her, using the eye turned away from the port controller.

Moon turned back to the screen. "Put me through to Port-Master Grange. Tell him my name is Elijah Lee." The man frowned then opened his mouth to speak. Moon interjected before he could. "He will want to speak to me."

"Hold." The display blinked off.

Moon turned back to Celeste. "I've made Silver Grange rich through, umm, unregulated trading. He will get us in. No worries."

She shook her head. "There's that term again, 'no worries'."

He lifted his hands, palms up, and tilted his head. "Have I failed yet?"

Celeste grinned. "No. You've amazed me. Although, at least once I would like to see you worry, or show some degree of concern."

"You wouldn't like that. When you see me worry, then things really have gone to hell."

The screen blinked on again. A man with a brown wrinkled face glared at Moon. Most striking about his appearance were his long hair, bushy eyebrows, and his eyes: all shiny silver.

Hence the name 'Silver', I presume.

Silver's expression brightened to a toothy grin. Even his teeth were silver. "Do my eyes deceive me? It has been a long time, Moon. What are you doing here so-" He looked down. "-so unscheduled."

"Good to see you, old friend. My ship took some heavy damage, including the com array, otherwise I would have called ahead. Do you think you could find us a spot at the repair bay?"

"What kind of trouble did you run into this time?"

"Pirates, I think."

Silver lowered his bushy eyebrows. "Pirates in this part of Commonwealth space? I'm calling bullshit on that."

"All I know is that they nuked my ship. Was lucky to get away with my ass intact."

"Unfortunate, especially for you, Moon. Also unfortunate is that the repair bays are full up. The grease monkeys are already grumbling about working too much."

Moon extended his hands. "Look, the only manpower I need are for some hull fixes and a new com array. I need parts for the quantum drive, but I can install those myself. Oh, and also helium-3 fusion fuel and food provisions. And one final thing, I really need to avoid any Commonwealth attention."

"Is that all?" Silver's voice dripped with sarcasm. "And how are you going to pay for this?"

Moon leaned forward. "I have some cargo that I think you could turn for a quick tidy profit. You know I've never let you down."

Silver glanced down, then grinned. "Oh, look! A spot just opened up. I'll meet you there."

The display screen blinked off. Moon leaned back in his chair and grinned.

After a moment, the port controller reappeared. His frown had deepened. "Raven Sky, proceed to repair bay two. Nav directions have been sent."

The display went dark.

Celeste shook her head. "I don't know. Can we trust Silver?"

"As long as he can turn a profit, he will be our best friend."

"Soooo... No worries?"

Moon called out. "Sai, take us in." He turned to Celeste. "Like you said, no worries."

She took a deep breath. Then why am I worrying?

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