Stupid girl

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Hermione groaned as she looked up from her newest research project. Looking at the clock she saw it was well past midnight. Suddenly her phone ringing broke the silence of the room.
She answered knowing that whoever was calling this late must of had a good reason.
"Hello?" She asked.
"A Cullen is back...Bella left with her to go to Italy and save the other one." It was Jacob. She fought back a groan.
"Come home Jacob, we will deal with it when they get back."
"Ok." His voice cracked. She knew he was heartbroken. But no matter how much sympathy she felt for the young wolf she couldn't understand the attachment he had to the dull girl.
Hanging up the phone she check the time once again, it would be evening in Britain so her next call would only be interrupting dinner at most.

It rang for several seconds before being picked up.
"Italian Ministry how can we be of service." The feminine voice asked.
"Confirmed, how may I direct your call?"
"department of magical creatures."
"They will be with you in just a minute."
Music started playing as she waited.
"This is Giovani de Luca with Department of magical creatures. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?"
"Hermione Granger. I'm calling about a vampire and human traveling together. I have reason to believe they will be visiting Volterra ."
"Hermione Granger? The Hermione granger? I'm a big fan. Your published work on werewolves helped a lot of people here."
"Yes, thank you. But as I was saying I have a vampire and human traveling to Volterra."
"Sorry," he said sheepishly. Then he cleared his throat. "Yes names and descriptions of the human and vampire. Isabella Marie Swan, age seventeen, brown hair, brown eyes. I am unsure of which one she is traveling with but she is with a Cullen. I do not believe she is in immediate danger, but she has knowledge of vampires." Suddenly Jacob walked through the door. "Jacob, could you tell me which Cullen she was with?"
He looked confused at the question. "The pixie, short black hair, uhh her names Alex, Alexa, something with an A." He shrugged as he went up the stairs to a spare room.
"Alice Cullen, the left almost an hour ago. Isabella has been in a relationship with one Edward Cullen who we believe to already be in Volterra." She heard paper shuffling on the other side of the phone.
"Yes, the mind reader. We have record of him arriving in the city a few hours ago. What exactly do you need from us Miss Granger. As of right now their isn't much we can do."
"Extraction, of all three of them before the Volturi can get their hands on the girl." Giovanni hummed.
"That is entirely possible, we can have them transported here. However you would need to have someone from MACUSA retrieve them."
"I will make arrangements to pick them up myself."
"It will be an honor to help you Miss Granger."
"Thank you for your help, I will see you shortly." With a click she ended the call. Now she needed to head to to the New York for a portkey to Italy. It was going to be a long day.
Writing a note for Sam she headed to the fireplace that was in her library.

Within hours she was sitting in the Department of Magical Creatures office signing autographs waiting for the extraction team to retrieve two vampires and a stupid girl. Finally everything had died down.
"Miss Granger, the vampire and girl are being escorted up." A timid secretary told her handing her yet another cup of coffee.
"Thank you, Ophelia."
She stood a stern look on her face as the doors opened revealing the vampires and Bella.
The pale girl somehow managed to pale even further, and tried to hide behind the two immortal beings.
"Well, do you have anything to say for yourself?" Carmel eyes zeroed in on brown. "You disappear, no note. You think it's ok to just fly across the world Willy nilly do you? Your Fathers friend just died and instead of helping and making things easier on him you just made things harder. Billy and Sue are consoling him over the fact that you ran away instead of grieving over Harry. How could you be so selfish. Well? What do you have to say for yourself?" Tears fell down the young girls face. She sighed and opened her arms. "Come here Bella." Soon she had the sobbing girl enveloped in a hug. "Now, now calm down everyone was worried. Now here's how things are going to go. You two are going to fly back to where ever your family is at and get rid of the no contact ban with Bella. She is going to come straight home with me and go with my cover story. Do you understand?" Edward opened his mouth to protest. "This is not up for debate. You either do as I tell you or you will be ereased from Bella's mind forever. Are we clear?" They both nodded. "Good, Giovanni, have someone take these two to the airport. Bella and I will be leaving soon. If there's anything more you need from me, please call."
"It was a pleasure meeting you Senora Granger." He took the vampires from the room.
"You hold on tight and do exactly as I tell you."
Bella Nodded. "Hermione, thank you for coming for me." The younger girl sounded tired and stressed.
"Someone has to keep you out of trouble." Hermione chuckled
One portkey, floo, and appiration later both Hermione and Bella were standing infront of Bella's house.
"Now here's the story ok. You and Alice were on your way to La Push to pay your respects but Alice swerved to avoid a deer. Paul and Ginny were passing by and saw Alice by the road trying to call for help. They got you out safely and since you were close to my house they brought you to me. You are physically fine but Alice had a concussion and a broken arm. Carsile came and picked her up after the Rez doctor set her arm and cleared you. Do you understand?"
Bella nodded, she gave Hermione one last hug before headed into the house and to her dads waiting arms. Billy rolled out to join her.
"They are coming back aren't they." He asked.
"I'm afraid so, if not just for Bella then for curiosity about me as well. But there a bigger problem then that. One that I'm not sure the wolves will be able to take care of alone."
"I was afraid you were going to say that." She offered him her arm and apperated away.

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