Leaving Britain

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"I think I need a change, Harry." Harry Potter and Hermione Granger has been friends for nearly fourteen years. They fought wars and went through hell together, he would be the first to admit he wouldn't have survived without her, but here she was telling him she needed a change.
"What kind of change?" He asked hesitantly.
"I think I'm going to leave Britain. America sounds good at this point somewhere in the muggle world where I can get away from the press." She swirled the wine in her glass.
"Are they still bothering you about Ron?"he took a drink of his whiskey.
"Unfortunately. It is either Ron and his girlfriend or it's about my nonexistent boyfriend or my wardrobe. The only time they ask me about the bills I pass is during the press release. It's driving me bloody insane!" She took a gulp of wine.
"I have an idea let's get a map and throw darts at it and where ever your dart land you can move there. You have the funds. Buy a house write some more books do some more research heck I will give you permission to write a book about my life for the muggle world!" He told her excitedly.
"Give me some time to settle in Harry then send your memories. We could make it a fiction book in the muggle world and your biography in ours." She looked thoughtful. She would have to alter several things for the muggle friendly version, including names and locations. It would be exhausting but she didn't have to do it right away. Harry didn't look so excited when she said biography. He didn't need more attention but it would probably be best to get the information out their to the world.
"Maybe we could wait a few years then do it?" He asked skeptically?
"Whatever you want Harry. Now let's get that map." She drew her wand and silently summoned a map from upstairs. Placing out on the wall with a sticking charm she transfigured some pens into darts. Taking a few steps back she let the first one fly.
It landed in the Pacific Ocean. She gave Harry a glare as he started laughing. She grasped the second one and threw it. It landed in a state called Washington.
"Well now you got a state now you need a town. Although you could always just live in the ocean." He said giving her a cheeky smile. She sigh as the clock on the wall chimed.
"You better head home Harry it's getting late." Saying their goodbyes he made his way home pulling out her laptop she googled a map of Washington after memorizing it she transfigured the current country wide one on her wall into the state large enough where she could see every town. After taking a few steps back she closed her eyes and threw the final dart. She heard the dull thud of the dart hitting the wall and looked at the map. There a town close to the ocean called forks. Waving her wand her non essential items stated to pack themselves as she looked online for a house. There she found an old 40 acre ranch just inside the quiluette reserve. It had two old barns and a house that needed fixing but it wasn't anything magic couldn't handle. One thing she needed was space for her friends when they came to visit with their expanding families. That was one of the reason her and Ron broke up he wanted kids. She wanted them too only she was incapable of having children. The curse Dolovo hit her with when she was sixteen in the department of mysteries took that dream away from her. The healers told her she would have a hard time conceiving even with the help of fertility potions. Then they went on to tell her that if she did somehow manage to get pregnant the chances of carrying to term was slim to none. She had heard the stories of women trying over and over again. It made her heart clench in pain that she was now one of these women. Something her body was made to do and she wasn't able to do it. But those thought always made her depressed but here she was looking for a change. To go somewhere new and maybe find someone to love, or at least make some new friends.
Eventually retiring to bed she new tomorrow was going to be a long day. She hadn't told Harry but she had already quit her job now she just needed to go to the American branch of the ministry of magic and register herself into the country. It was a simple easy plan.
The next morning Hermione awoke bright an early she still had to do some last minute packing. Not to mention she still had to go to the bank before going to catch her portkey.
Eventually she made it to the MCUSA where she waited in line for almost an hour then she spent another two hours running from department to department to fill out forms eventually everything was in the right place and she was granted a visa for five years. Since she helped defeat once of the darkest lords the world had every seen it cut a lot of the red tape and moved the process along quickly.
Once that was over she took a portkey to the magical district in Seattle, then a ferry to Port Angeles. Where she bought a Chevrolet truck. It was a dark green color that sparkled in the sun. The interior was a cream colored leather with heated seats, something she would be taking full advantage of in the coming winter months. She made her way into Forks and used her new cell phone to call the realtor.
They had the paperwork down by the end on the day and the house and property was now hers. The electric company would be out within the next few hours to get the power turned on the small ranch had a well system and no access to city water so all she had to do was make sure everything was working correctly. She made good use of her truck bed and loaded up on groceries and lumber to help repair the house as well as paint. She knew full well that magic could fix almost anything but somethings were just better done by hand. By the time she got out to the house she passed the electrical companies truck leaving she gave a sigh of relief as there would be nobody coming by for awhile. She made her way inside taking in a swap breath of the musty air this place could one day be a good home for her the deep red of the walls was faded from time and the original hard wood floors needed a good sanding and refinish then there was the kitchen with a pantry off to the side that needed upgrading all in all it would take time even with magic. Trying the sink, no water came out so she drew her wand to get the cleaning charms started to get rid of any cobwebs and bugs or animals that might have been in the house. As she went to the pump house just a 18 yards away from the house she realized she didn't even know how to turn one on. She pulled out her phone to google it but she couldn't get any internet and it would be several days before the internet provider could be out to install the system.
Uhh she walked back into the house and used her magic to bring in the groceries to put away in the newly clean kitchen. She then withdrew all of her furniture and boxes from her beaded bag to make it seem a little normal for someone who just moved in. The she hopped in her truck and headed out to find someone to help her.

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