Spending time with Sam

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Jared and Paul left in the truck the came in and Hermione loaded up Billy, Jacob and Sam into her truck to take two of the three home. Sam headed back to Hermione house with her. They sat in-front of the fire place on the couch with cups of warm camomile tea in their hands. 
"Tell me more about yourself Sam."
"Well I'm twenty three. I was going to college but something happened and I couldn't attend anymore my mom left when I was a kid and my dad raised me by himself he did his best but times were hard. He passed away when I was eighteen. I had a girlfriend but once that thing happened I broke up with her. She still hates me. What about you?"
"Hmm well, my parents were dentists and I went to a boarding school when I was eleven where I met my best friends. Their names are Harry and Ron. Ron and I dated then had a falling out he wanted kids and I couldn't give him that. Harry and I are still good friends he's dating Ron's sister and everyone's sure they are going to marry soon. Ron moved on pretty quick he's now married and a baby on the way." She held a hand to her stomach. Sam gently put his hand over hers. She gave him a smile smile as the tears pooled in her eyes. "I can't tell you how that happened, I would have to get clearance to do so but I will ask. So how long have you been a wolf?" He spit out the tea he just drank from.
"What are you talking about?" He sputtered.
"How I know is a part of my secret but once I get the ok I will tell you everything. But I do know that you Paul and Jared are shifters, and with the look you and Billy shared earlier I am also assuming that Jacob will be one as well."
He could only nod. "Now I'm also assuming that the legend of imprinting is also true?" He nodded again. "So I can safely say that the way I'm feeling and the way you are feeling is because the bond was activated?"
"Yes" he whispered she was so close to him. She straddled his waist and pulled her arms around his neck. Time seemed to freeze as she placed her lips on his. As she pulled back he pulled her closer to deepen the kiss. That night the fell asleep cuddled together on the couch.
The next morning Sam awoke to several Vehicles pulling into the drive then someone knocking on the door. He woke up the sleeping woman before he answered the door standing there was Paul, Jared , Jacob, Seth and Harry Clearwater, Embry Call and his father and all three generations of Quil Alterras.
He let them all come inside. Jared and Paul wiggled their eyebrows at him. He just glared back. Hermione walked into the kitchen in a fresh outfit and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Did everyone have breakfast?" She got a few yes' but mostly no's. "Alrighty let me get to cooking and Sam can show you the hay barn we are starting on today. It should be done by the time you all get back. Only Quil Alterra the 1st and Harry Clearwater stayed in the house.
"Billy told us about you Miss Granger. Did Sam tell you everything?" Harry asked. She started all for stove top burners and turned the stoves on she new having the double oven would come in handy. Opening the cans of biscuits she placed them on the trays and into the ovens before she started cracking open the eggs. She placed a bowl infront of both the men and gave one pancake mix and the other more eggs.
"He didn't have to tell me I already knew. The moment I saw him I knew what he was. The branch of the government I worked for knew all about your people and the cold ones they fight. Once I get the ok I will be able to tell the tribal council everything about myself. Adding salt and pepper to the eggs yolks she whipped them all together and put them into two of the fours pans on the stove. On a back burner she put sausages and on the front she started making pancakes.
"I will be contacting my government tonight to get the approval." The two men nodded in acceptance.
"So what all work needs to be done in the house?" Harry asked.
"Well upstairs needs to be gutted I have a floor plan that I've drawn up which will include adding several bathroom but I will have a professional come in to do the plumbing all we need to do is demolish and re frame. I have an order of lumber coming around eleven as a well as a trash disposal unit only wood and insulation can be put in so we will have to burn all the hay and anything else. The timer went off on the oven and the biscuits were done  the pancakes were finished and the last of the sausages were finishing up, when the boys and Sam walked in. He gave her a kiss on her forehead as he grabbed a sausage. She swatted at him with the spatula as she laughed.
"You three let everyone else get food first or there won't be any left. Jared gave her a cheeky grin.
"Yes mom." Sam slapped the back of his head. Hermione just sighed. She grabbed her plate and started eating then there was a knock on the door. She wipped her face and headed to the door.
"Miss Hermione Granger?"
"Yes how can I help you?"
"I'm from the lumber yard I've brought your order where would you like it placed?" He asked.
"Oh let's put it right next to the barn it would be easier that way let me get you some help. Sam, Paul, Jared would you boys mind helping the delivery man unload the wood!" She yelled into the house.
"Sure we would love to, you wanted it by the barn right?" Jared asked . The three came up behind her and Sam wrapped his arm around her shoulders. The man at the door gulped and took a few steps back.
"Alright then if you will just sign here, we can start getting everything unloaded." She signed the paper and got her receipt.
She went back to finish eating stabing at her pancakes.
"Everything ok Hermione?" Jacob asked.
She sighed, "everything's ok Jacob that guy was just creepy. I wanted to punch him in the face." Finishing up she gathered the dishes and washed them quickly.
"Alrighty you young men will be helping with the barn and us older folk will be doing a demolition contest upstairs. Good luck and made the odds be ever in my favor!" That got a chuckle out of the boys.
They headed outside to help Sam and the other two wolves. Grabbing a sledge hammer and goggles I headed upstairs the other three men following my lead I chose the bedroom in the middle.
"Alrighty gentlemen shall we get this contest started I will start the timer in three, two, one" I pressed the button am swung my hammer. It broke through the wall and just kept swinging the hammer like it was a battle axe. Harry Clearwater stared on as it looked as if she was a hurricane of destruction. He decided then and there the pack could not have found a better Alpha Female. He started his own path of destruction.

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