Oikawa Glasses Tooru

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There were no longer stars, hearts, or dicks that covered Oikawa's chest, but instead the remnants of kisses and cheesy love notes. It was now the weekend and Oikawa was over at Iwa's, as he was most of the time now. Their evenings together weren't very eventful but they just liked being together.

"Hajime give them back!" Oikawa shouted as the glasses that sat on his face were confiscated.

Iwaizumi pushed them onto his own face, ignoring Oikawa's pleas. "Wow, you really are blind." He spoke, blinking aggressively, probably trying to get his eyes to adjust to the sudden blurriness and unfocus of his vision.

Oikawa felt the heat rise to his cheeks upon seeing Iwaizumi Hajime in glasses. And oh my, he was beautiful. "Why don't you wear your glasses more often? You obviously need them." Iwaizumi questioned, squinting slightly. When Oikawa didn't answer Iwa turned his head to face him. He found his boyfriend staring at him, cheeks red, mouth hanging slightly open.

"Why are you staring at me?" Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow.

"Holy shit, you're so beautiful." Was all Oikawa managed to say. Now it wasn't just Oikawa who was blushing.

"Thanks," he spoke after a moment of composing himself. "But have you seen you?" He let out a small whistle, his stupidly handsome smirk plastered across his face. Oikawa simply blew a kiss, a sign of acknowledgment.

"Okay but seriously, why don't you wear your glasses more often?" Iwaizumi asked again.

Oikawa shrugged, "I don't know they are just inconvenient, and I look better without them. Besides, I usually wear contacts anyway. " Iwaizumi shook his head.

"You look great no matter what, I think you should wear them. They're cute." The taller boy could hear the sincerity in his boyfriend's voice. He chuckled, he liked this side of Iwaizumi.

"Maybe I will."


One hour of Mario Kart and the entirety of Grave of the Fireflies later, Oikawa was crying on Iwa's bed, his head resting on Iwa's thighs. "S...she was just so... so young and innocent," He wailed at the dry faced Iwaizumi.

"There there?" He patted the other's brown hair. Iwaizumi tried to comfort him, he was just far, very far from good at it. But it was the effort that counted, and he really did try.

Oikawa finally calmed down, not that Iwa helped, but we don't talk about that. Now Iwaizumi was walking Oikawa home.

"Do you think we should tell our parents about us dating?" Oikawa asked, after realizing they still hadn't told them.

The realization struck Iwaizumi at those words, but he just shrugged. "They probably already figured it out by now. We haven't really been hiding it." Oikawa nodded.

"True, but we should still probably tell them."

"Yeah probably."

They walked for a bit longer before they arrived at Oikawa's place. They spoke and showed their goodbyes, some non-verbal like goodnight kisses, and Iwa went back to his house.


Oikawa awoke the next morning to a text from Iwa. (Honestly, I can never remember the format I've used for texts in the past so I'm sorry I'm they are different)

Milk Bread <3

Your mom is coming over to my place for dinner tonight

Should we tell them then?


sounds great my love! i wonder if they will be surprised

He didn't expect an immediate response, but he was happy when he got one.

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