For Realsies

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The words danced over his skin, leaving a shocked look on both boys' faces. The familiar tingling sensation made both of their hearts flutter as the words appeared on both boys' skin. "You're..." Hajime began, with a small smile on his face.

Tooru laughed. "All this time. All this guilt I had for loving a boy that wasn't my soulmate, and here you are!" Things would be a lot easier now and both boys knew it. "We are actually soulmates. Like for realsies!" He was visibly excited, talking maybe a bit louder than he should be.

A wide smile stretched across Hajime's face. His heart was pounding, it was almost as if it was going to bust out of his chest any second. He hasn't said much since it was revealed they were destined but he didn't need to. The vivid, uncontrolled expressions that colored his face showed it. He was in love.

For the second time, their lips met, this time with much more passion. Their only focus was the taste of each other and how long they had wished for this.

It's not often dreams become reality, especially not like this but it didn't matter how oh-so cheesy this felt, and how much Hajime was scared to show his emotions, it was only a matter of who was in front of them now, and how far they had come from even just 2 weeks ago.

Right here, and right now was all that mattered, and with each confession of love that was whispered from the brief moments that they pulled away for a second of oxygen, it was perfect.

Each pulled away reluctantly. "I love you," Hajime spoke, resting his head on his new boyfriend's shoulder. Tooru hummed in response, running his finger through the boy's darker hair. He didn't need to say anything.

They remained this way for a while before the taller boy finally spoke, he had been out of his house for a while now and it was probably best he went home. "I should probably go..." He spoke, a hint of sadness trailing across his words. Hajime lifted his head.

He held his breath before speaking, he wasn't sure if he would regret saying this or not but he really didn't want Hajime to leave. "Don't go," He started, holding a desperate look in his eyes. "Stay here for the night. Please." He had just got him and he didn't want him to leave already.

"But my mom..." Tooru began, considering the possibilities of what would happen if she gave her no notice.

"Call her. Tell her you are here. Please stay." His voice wavered, he hated this side of himself but at the same time, it was kind of refreshing to be able to express his true feelings.

"Okay, I'll call her. But only because my boyfriend asked so nicely." He teased with a smirk on his face.

Hajime didn't hear what Mrs. Oikawa said, but he did see the embarrassed look that covered Tooru's face after a few moments of conversation.

"She said it's fine. That's what she had expected anyway." He said after hanging up the phone. He climbed into bed next to his boyfriend. Tooru held him in a tight embrace. "So you're a little spoon eh?" He teased, as Hajime snuggled into his touch.

He rolled his eyes, "Shut up." 

They laid there peacefully for a while before Hajime spoke up again. "Can I ask you a question?" He said, rolling over so he was on his back.


"Why did you draw dicks on your torso? It got kinda annoying." Tooru suddenly remembered the torture he put his soulmate through.

He chuckled, "Oh yeah, I don't know. It was a fun thought, having my soulmate struggle to cover the marks. So that's why you changed in the bathroom." The sounds of light laughter filled the room.

"You're an asshole." He had a wide grin on his face.

"But I'm your asshole."

"Oh god, is this what I have to put up with now?"

"You know you love it~" He shook his head before closing his eyes once again.

"I guess."


The loud sounds of an alarm went off. Both boys groaned, trying to silence it as quickly as possible. "Good morning," Tooru mumbled, hugging his boyfriend.

"Morning" he responded, letting his eyes adjust to the light that was flowing through the curtains.

"Don't get up." He mumbled, squeezing him tighter.

"We have to. We have school." His voice was a low grumble. He sat up slowly, prying the taller boy off of him.

Tooru soon followed, sitting up as well. "Your morning voice is sexy~" He chimed, placing a small kiss on his cheek.

He was grateful that his mom had dropped off a uniform earlier that morning or else he would have had to go home to change.

They walked together as usual, but this time it wasn't an awkward, silent walk. It was a comfortable, silent walk. Tooru was just glad that he got to hold Hajime's hand and call him his.

"Should we tell the team?" Tooru asked a small smile on his face. He didn't really think it should be kept a secret. He wanted to be able to brag about his amazing boyfriend.

"I don't think we should be secretive about it, but we don't have to just go out of our ways to tell them. They can figure it out for themselves." He nodded, he liked that idea. Of course, after they realized, which probably wouldn't take them long, he would have plenty of bragging opportunities.

He kissed his boyfriend's cheek, which was unlike him considering Hajime wasn't that into public displays of affection, but Tooru was too cute to resist.

"You're an idiot."

Hey! Sorry, this chapter was late! I am kinda happy with this chapter for once in my life. I am slowly adjusting to being able to write kissing scenes. If you expected smut, haha no. I can't and don't want to write that. Sorry. 

I like the idea of soft  Iwaizumi and in story's that once they are together and he is still mean it kinda annoys me because I imagine him softening up a bit. Also, I made Oikawa say 'for realsies' because it seemed like something he would definitely say.

Well anyway, tell me what you think of this chapter! I love you all, thank you for reading my story!

-1084 words-

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