Graduation and Fresh Starts

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It hit them hard and fast, the constant thing that their minds had always pushed to the farthest corner possible. Graduation. There was no way to avoid it. They knew that now more than ever when they retired from the volleyball team.

"Captain..." Yahaba whispered, shaking hands with Oikawa and then Iwaizumi. Almost everyone had tears in their eyes as they said goodbye to the 3rd years.

A nod was given from the coaches to the of then 1st and 2nd years. With that, they bowed and yelled, "Thank you! We will win next time!"

Tears streamed down Iwaizumi and Oikawa's faces. They walked up to the coach who was no longer seated at the bench as usual. "Coach," Oikawa said, his voice breaking a little but he kept a smile on his face. "Thank you. Thank you for everything." His smile wasn't the same smug one, as usual, it was wide, bright, and even after dating for a bit it still made Iwaizumi's heart flip.

"Yeah... Thank you, coach." Iwa spoke, his eyes still watering.

It was emotional. Of course it was, they were leaving their friends and volleyball team of 3 years. The actual graduation ceremony seemed to drag on. It was a process. But now they were high school graduates.

Even after their parents left in their cars, the two boys decided to walk home one last time.

"We made it." Iwaizumi said, intertwining his fingers with his boyfriends.

"We made it," Oikawa repeated, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

They walked away from the school for probably the last time, for a while at least. It was sad to be leaving the school but soon they would be starting a new chapter of their life.


"Is that all of it? Oikawa said, setting a box down onto the wooden floor.

"Yeah, that's all." His boyfriends responded, stretching.

"So... New place." Iwaizumi said, taking in the view of the apartment.

"New place." The taller boy repeated, "So, should we unpack? Or do you want to wait?"

"We should probably get it done now before it gets any later." Iwaizumi sighed, of course he didn't want to unpack, no one wants to unpack, but it was better than putting it off until later.

A few hours later, all the stuff was unpacked. It wasn't much since they didn't have much to take with them, but it was still exhausting.

"I hate unpacking!" Oikawa groaned, throwing himself dramatically onto the bed that was just set up.

"Who doesn't? It's the worst." Iwa said, sitting down next to Oikawa.

"What should we do first?" Oikawa asked, still exhausted.

"Uh, I don't know. Sleep?" Iwaizumi suggested, finally laying down.

"Mmm, as tempting as that sounds, we should probably eat." He sat up, tapping his boyfriend's knee, signaling him to get up.

"Ugh fine. What do you want to eat?" He sat up at his boyfriend's signal.

"Make something for me."

He gave him a blank stare before replying, "No."

He gave an over-exaggerated face, "But whyyyyy, your cooking is the best!"

He shook his head, "Fine. What do you want me to make?"

Oikawa smiled at his reply, he knew that Iwa was soft on him. "Surprise me."


It was the way Iwaizumi had an angry look on his face as he shopped for vegetables in the store. It was the way Iwaizumi looked so focused when cooking and how he was so proud of the way Oikawa admired his dish. How Iwa ate way too neatly and when Oikawa observed this he would finish his bite and say 'what?' very confusedly. These were the moments that reminded Oikawa why he was in love with Iwaizumi.


"You're so pretty Hajime," Oikawa spoke, before shoving food down his throat.

"What was that for?? All I'm doing is eating."

"You look pretty while you eat."

"Well, you look like a pig." Oikawa dramatically gasped.

"How rude!" He retorted. "My Hajime is so rude!" He said to himself.

And then it all came rushing back to Iwaizumi.

He remembered where this started. The small star hearts, and dicks that would cover his chest, how they made his day. He was now willing to admit it but he loved having a soulmate. It no longer sucked when he found himself staring at his best friend because he was now his boyfriend. It felt amazing. Knowing that there was someone there by his side, who would always be waiting for him and who he would always wait for, and he was deeply in love with Tooru Oikawa. (Compare to the first chapter of the story :)))

Life is better with... EEGEES (I just know no one knows what eegees is because it's only where I live and I have never met anyone online who lives where I live)

Hello!! I am sorry this chapter was late! School started and it hit me harder than expected. 

This was the second to last chapter :(( and the next one is the epilogue. gnegnrefgmreifj I can't believe I made it this far.  I would like to give some credit for this chapter to @iiTokyoWeeb they were a big help and gave me some inspiration to actually get this chapter out.

Haha bitches I published this at 11:59 pm for me so it's still today!

Thank you for reading! Tell me what you think! 

-874 words-

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