Epilogue / Author's Note

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Good luck out there


"Mr. Iwaizumi-san, how do you feel about your win?" The reported spoke, holding the microphone up and out for the tall man.

"I feel great actually, but getting here wouldn't have been possible without the loving support of my soulmate." He spoke clearly, looking into the camera towards the end of his words.

"Do you think your soulmate is proud?" At this question, Tooru laughed.

"He better be," He spoke, only half-joking. The reporter got a concerned look on her face but Tooru was known for his questionable interviews.

The interview drew to a close shortly after this and Tooru began to walk out of the gym. (Just to clarify, it wasn't a large interview just a quick on after his match)

"Hey," He heard a very very familiar voice speak. He turned around at the sound of the voice, giving his husband a smile.

"Hey," he replied as he walked over to him. He gave him a kiss on the cheek before talking again. "Did you see me out there? I did amazing!"

Hajime pulled him into a hug before replying, "You did, you did great."

"How do you feel now that I'm a volleyball superstar and you're just a measly athletic trainer?" Tooru said, Hajime being able to sense the cocky smile on the other's face.

"I feel like you're an idiot." He responded, pulling away from the hug.

"Yeah well, I'm your idiot."

Hajime sighed, "Why did I ever marry you? Do I have a receipt? Can I return you?"

"Always so rude, you know you love me." Tooru teased.

"Sadly," Hajime said, shaking his head, watching the smile form on Tooru's face.

"Let's go home." (Tokyo Ghoul flashbacks dundundundun)


:,))))) So I finally finished it-

uhhmmm thank you If you have stuck around till the end!! I love you all so much and I kinda feel like I fucked up the ending but at least I finished it

Sorry, the Epilogue was so (ugh I hate myself) short it was just something I really wanted to include. Also, do you know how many times I accidentally wrote Oikawa instead of Tooru but I had to keep fixing it because well they are married in this. 

But I would like to give a shoutout to a few people who helped me actually get through this so please go and follow them!

iiTokyoWeeb (You are amazing and your comments and votes make me so happy it makes me want to keep writing also you have helped me with some ideas)

Fenhasbeehives (Ily and bwngrifnr you are fantastic I honestly don't know if I would have made it this far in the story without you. Your constant support and your comments make my day)

Edolas22 (You were one of my first supporters that left comments and stuff and gnegneio I really really appreciate it! I love knowing that you enjoy my work tysm)

All of my readers pretty much (Seeing my reads and votes go up in between updates geunginew only it made me so happy. AND COMMENTS IF YOU LEFT A COMMENT JUST KNOW IT MADE ME SO HAPPY ILYSM)

-12540 words total, 30 pages, 14 chapters-

Scribbles -IwaOi Soulmate AU-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant