Let's be Soulmates

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They were still hugging. Actually, Oikawa was hugging Iwaizumi, who was still in shock. "Wha... What?" His voice was low, he couldn't really believe it himself.

"I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!" Oikawa repeated those words over and over again. He couldn't believe he actually said it, he had actually confessed. He loved him, and now he knew he loved him back.

He had a wide smile on his face and Iwa's tears had begun to dry up. Finally, after a while of awkward one-sided hugging, Iwaizumi wrapped his arms around the taller boy's back. It was a comforting feeling, being in the arms of the one you loved, having a shoulder to cry on. It was nice. It was very nice. They finally pulled apart, coming face to face with each other once more.

It was silent for a bit. Kinda awkward actually. The same thought flowed through each of their heads. What now? They both knew of their shared feelings but where do they go from here? "Can I ask you a question?" Oikawa finally spoke, he sat down next to Iwa who was now sitting down on his bed.

"Yeah" He responded slowly. Preparing himself for whatever the question could be. It took Oikawa a moment to actually ask.

"Where do we go from here? What about your soulmate? What about my soulmate?" He spoke quickly, his nerves were getting to him. With a sudden realization, he began to speak again, "Sorry, that was more than one question." He brushed it off with a small chuckle.

Iwaizumi thought for a moment. "It's okay" He started chuckling as well. He grew more serious, preparing to answer the questions that were asked. "I... I don't really know. I know that I want to be with you. I don't know much about my soulmate other than that they are probably close and that I think they would be fine with me being with someone else."

It was silent again. "I want to be with you too..." Oikawa finally responded. Iwa turned his head to look at the boy beside him. "Having a soulmate kinda sucks." Oikawa laughed lightly, looking at the boy's olive-green eyes. They really were beautiful, weren't they?

"Yeah, it kind of does." And of course, there it was. The thing that separated every one of their conversations. Silence. "I just wish you were my soulmate." He started speaking again. They laughed for a bit.

"Yeah, that would be nice." Iwaizumi sharply inhaled. He felt weird, showing emotion was a foreign concept to him. He held his breath for a couple of seconds before finally speaking. "How about we become each other's soulmates." His speech was a low grumble, but Oikawa heard him.

Oikawa's eyes widened at the unusual statement. He liked this side of Hajime. "What do you mean?" He asked with a bright smile on his face.

Iwa groaned before continuing, "I mean that we just be together. Soulmate or not, we will have the special bond that soulmates have. We will just be us. Together. Because now I don't really care about that. I just care about you." Oikawa stared at him with bright eyes. After a minute of him just staring, Iwa spoke again. "Stop staring, don't make me take back all I just said."

Oikawa jumped forward and grabbed Iwa in an embrace. "I like that idea." He pulled back a bit, just so he was face to face with the man in front of him. "Let's be soulmates." He smiled brightly.

This was it. The moment he knew that he was in love. The moment that erased all doubts from Iwa's mind. The moment he did something he had been wanting to do for a very long time. He leaned forward gently. He was no longer nervous.

Before Oikawa knew what was happening, he felt the shorter boy's lips pressed against his. It was a very brief kiss but it was a nice one. Oikawa's face went red. But he continued to stare at the boy who was now smiling at him. "I love you Tooru." He felt his heart jump.

"I love you too, Hajime."

They sat there for a bit more before Tooru spoke. "Do you think we should tell our soulmates?" Hajime hummed in response to let the other know he was thinking.

"Yeah. That would probably be a good idea." He stood up to go look for some pens. "Black or blue?" He asked, searing through the drawer of the desk. "Actually it doesn't really matter." He mumbled to himself. He walked back over and sat down on his bed, handing a blue pen to Tooru.

"What should we write?" Oikawa asked, uncapping the pen.

"Hmmm I don't know. Whatever feels right I guess." Oikawa nodded in response.

He began to write, I did it. I finally did it. Now it's your turn.

Hey! Sorry this chapter is a day late! I could have written more as this chapter is a bit shorter than usual but I decided to be rude and leave it here! Thank you for 500 reads I honestly did not expect that! I hope you are enjoying this story so far tell me what you think!

-883 words-

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