"Yes...boyfriend girlfriend"

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"Renava Lekort!" Lea said. "Yes?" Renava replied. "Where were you in the morning!?" Lea says. "Oh right." "I was with Tom." She said. "Tom?" Lea questions. "Yeah." "T.O.M." "Tom!" She says.

"It's the second day and you can't even get yourself off the boys." Lea remarks. "He's a friend!" "Can I not hang out with my friends?" Renava says. "You can but don't leave me behind you know." Lea reply's. "I would never!" "Lea, I don't know what they've put in our food to make you think I'd leave you behind. But it certainly isn't good."

"Oh shut it." Lea says while putting more food in her mouth. "Hey there's Hermione I'm gonna go speak to her okay?" Renava says. Lea try's to protest but the food in her mouth makes it hard. "Re-" She gets cut off. "I'll be back I promise." She says while walking away.

"Hermione!" Renava's words must have scared Hermione because she just about fell out of her seat. "Hi Ren." Hermione says politely. "How's it going in Griffindor?" She asks. "Bloody horrible." Ron says. "Why so?" She asks again. "Dean and Ginny have gotten really close and Ron is jealous." Neville says intervening. "I am not!" Ron fires back. "I think it's cute." Hermione says. "Where is Ginny by the way?" Renava asks. "Probably snoging with Dean." Hermione says jokingly. Ron rolls his eyes.

"Well I just wanted to say hi to you guys since yesterday's hello wasn't very nice." Renava says. "Yeah. Malfoy and Parkinson need to get their selfs under control." Harry said. "Also Hermione I'm sorry about what Pansy said yesterday." "No don't worry about it. I've gotten over it." Hermione reply's.

"Well it was nice talking to you all. Lunch is probably about over so-" She gets cut off by Neville. "Renava, sorry to interrupt but have you seen Malfoy?" Everyone turns to the Slytherin table and looks for the blonde haired boy. "No I don't but if I see him I'll tell you guys." Renava says. "There no need to tell us." "Neville was just wondering cause.." Ron stops in the middle of his sentence.

"Cause what?" Renava provokes him. "We think he fancy's you." Harry says abruptly. The whole table goes silent. "Harry!" Hermione hits him with a spoon.

"Oh it's fine I already know he does." Everyone was at their edge of their seat because of what Renava said. "He's been staring and catching glances all throughout yesterday and now today. He also acts extremely weird around me. Like grabs my arm and try's to make me walk with him-" She gets cut off again by Harry. "He did what?" He asks. "He stares at me." She reply's. "No no after that." He said. "Grabs my arm?" "Yes yes that. Why?" He asked.

"Don't ask me ask Malfoy yourself." Renava walks off after that.

As she walks over to her table she sees Tom waiting by the entrance of the Great Hall. She ignores his gaze that's clearly on her and sits herself next to Lea.

"Well how'd your little visit go?" Lea says cleaning her area. "Lovely just lovely." Renava says with irony in her voice. "Don't get to ahead of yourself now but I think Tom's waiting for you." Lea shakes her head towards him. Renava looks over to see a small smirk appear on his face. "Go over there and stop standing here." Lea shoves her over. "Okay okay I'm going good gosh."

She walks towards Tom as he still stands in his spot.

"He'll Ms.Lekort." Tom says. "Hello Mr.Riddle." Renava says back. "What'd you do to Malfoy now?" She asks him. "Nothing." He says. "Nothing?" She finds it hard to believe all he did was...nothing. "I don't believe you. You always do something." She said turning her head to the side to try and avoid his dark glowing eyes. She felt as though all eyes were on her and Tom just standing there in the midst of it all.

"I did do something." Tom says blankly. "What was that...something?" She says now a little more of a tone in her voice. She feels heat rush over her body as Tom steps back into the hallway signaling her to follow him. "Tom what did you do." She says now up against a wall facing Tom only a foot away. "I did something only I would do." He says. "Well what's something only you would do?" She asks. "Is it really that important to you?" He asks trying to switch her thoughts. "It's Malfoy for Christ's sakes. Why would you care about a low life who puts his hands on things that he knows don't belong to him!" He says that loudly.

Silence takes over. Renava she's now only inches away from Tom. "Tom, you know I don't care about Malfoy I just want to know what you did." Renava says. "I bashed his head into a wall then left him there." Tom said.

Renava rolls her eyes. "Tommm" "You are so overprotective!" Renava says. Tom steps closer to her. They now almost have their bodies pressed each other. Her heat radiating off her body in waves. "Renava..." Tom says quietly. "Yes, Tom." She says back. "What would you do if I...kissed you?"

Everything goes silent

"I'd kiss back." It was a bold answer that made her feel butterflies in her stomach. With being said Tom presses his lips to hers and made the connection of a life time.

Their lips moved together perfectly. His hand now cupping her cheek. She put both her hands around her neck and stayed there for a while. The kiss lasted to long but no one knew.

She pulled away and said "Tom we can't." "Why can't we Lekort?" Tom said with a smirk. "Tom you know why. You and me are friends. We can't go further." She try's to protest but her heart keeps beating louder and louder every second she wastes not putting her lips to his. "I have feelings for you Ren."

Tom never used her nickname. He only used that when he was serious or trying to convince her. She knew it was both ways here though. She couldn't help herself any longer so she kissed him again. More force, more passion, and more hunger.

They were almost feeding off each other's energy for one another. The second time they broke apart she was dumbfounded.

"What did we just do..." Renava asked breathless. "A lot...a lot" Tom said also breathing deep. "Tom." She said. "Yes, Renava." He says. "What are we?" She looks him in the eye almost in tears because she's afraid of losing a good friend. "What do you want to be?" He said back. "I want to be more than friends now." Her answer shocked Tom that she changed her mind so quickly.

"Then we'll be more than friends."

"Boyfriend? Girlfriend thing?"

"Yes...boyfriend girlfriend."

They walk off with his arm around her waist

It's A Odd Feeling (Tom Riddle x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora