"I love you Renava"

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Tom's POV: 

Of course she tests me with Malfoy. I hate him. He's as foul as his father. 

I see Renava walk away and soon turn the corner.

"Blimey that's one lady you got there, Riddle." 

I turn to see one of Renava's friends. A Weasley, and specifically Ronald. I never cared for them, but out of the goodness of my heart I shall not be cold to them as I mostly am with many others. 

"Certainly." I respond

"You haven't seen 'Mione have you." He asks me.

"No, Granger has been one of my least priorities at the moment. But fixing Renava's attitude sure is one." I say

"Just asking mate." He says

I mentally role my eyes. I'm not fond of people calling me something other than Riddle or Tom. Personally I think it's a bit annoying. Even though I let Renava slip this time I assure myself to let that never happen again.

"Do you hear that." Ron says gesturing towards down the hall.

I pick up a sound of a crying female. That sounded like a dog. Ew.

"I think that's Granger." I respond

"Bloody hell you're right Tom," "What the heck is she crying about?" He says walking towards the corner.

I walk behind him but soon catch up to his pace and match it but faster.

I faintly hear Hermione sniff and say something of confessing over an owl. Don't know what that could mean.

"Confesss to me what?" Ron says

I turn the corner myself and see Renava holding Granger. Renava looks to her and whispers something and gets up from her bench. 

"Tom, let's leave them." She holds out her hand while saying that.

I take it. 

We walk down the hall holding hands with few people staring in shock. 

Her hand wasn't warm but neither cold. It's smooth and slightly calloused. Unlike mine with scars and a few rough patches. She felt so peaceful and calm while holding my hand, but yet I knew on the outside she was bold and loud to all. We walk through the halls all the way until we made our way to the common room. 

"Tom, did you forget my parents our dead?" She asks me.

"No, why do you ask?" I say.

"Oh no reason.," She says with a smile. I can tell it's fake.

"Baby," I say in such a tone that even if someone spoke to me like that I would instantly calm down.

"don't lie to me. I can tell somethings on your mind." I step forward rubbing her cheek with my thumb. I can feel her body just relax into my touch. She doesn't know how much I love her. I'm just a bit to...well I don't know. I'll figure my emotions out someday. Just today isn't that day. 

"I thought you forgot my parents died and was confused on why I was staying with you on  Christmas." She said.

A simple expression formed on my face. I knew she was trying to read my face, but found yet again nothing. 

"Tom?" She asked.

"Yes, darling?" I said

"Can you told me over there?" She pointed towards the green sofa. 

We stood in the common room alone yet I felt like the whole world was watching and waiting. She looked tired. I can only say that if I rejected her offer I might as well end my life right here and now.

"Yes I can." I said with a small smile.

We head over to the sofa. It was big enough for two people to lay on, so I placed her on top of me  and put my arms around her. She was like a child compared to me, so small and fragile. Her body temperature was much different than mine. I was cold all the time, yet she managed to stay warm even in Professor Snape's class.

"Your cold." She said in a small almost whiny voice.

"But I'm fine." I said softly rubbing her head.

I took a moment to see how just relaxed and calm my body felt with hers. It's as though any stress, problem, imperfection, or just negative thing in general was washed away completely. By her. Her and only her. No one could ever match the way she made me feel. I was lost in it all. Her smile, hair, body, eyes, anything. It took my away. Possibly speechless at times. 

She turned over on her side with her back against my stomach.. She moved closer into me. My arms slithered around her waist and torso bringing her in a safe secure hug. She was mine all mine and no one would keep her away. Even if it meant my life for hers.

I realize now I cannot take back what I said because it was all true. Every bit of it. I love her. This wasn't supposed to be my reflection day but yet it turned out even better. She's the best thing that's happened to me. 

I feel her go limp. Not in a sense of her dying but falling asleep. That really puts a person like me at ease. Someone as soft as her can fall asleep on a person as rough as me. She's a comfort I've needed since day one. 

I hear students outside the doors  messing around. I want to go yell at them for being to loud yet I can't. I wouldn't dare move if it meant waking her up. I cast a blanket over the two of us. 

I felt my self grow tired. 

"I love you Renava. I always will." I say in a whisper to where if she were awake she'd be the only one who could hear it. 

I kiss her forehead and feel my eye lids grow heavy as I fall asleep myself.

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