🔮🧪🔮🧪quiet time🧪🔮🧪🔮

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TIME SKIP ⏭ ALSO THIS IS A SHORT CHAPTER well kinda like 150 words less than normal 

And it's now Wednesday Draco's been ignoring Renava these last two days 

 🎵🎶🎵 I recommend to listen to Crush Culture by Conan Gray 🎵🎶🎵

Tom's POV: 

Renava's been ignoring everything these days. I try getting closer but every time I try she turns me away with a foul excuse. I'm starting to get fed up about it myself. I hear footsteps coming downstairs from the dorms. I'm confronting her about this now. I honestly just want my darling...Renava back. 

"Ren?" I ask

Her eyes were tired looking. I just want to help. 

"Sorry Tom," "I've got to go," She says. 

"No," I say firmly 

"Tom, you're not my father, so you won't treat me like your daughter." She says. Annoyance laces her voice. Almost like a poison. That's not Renava. I know it's not.

I stand up from the couch and walk towards her. 

"Hey...I'm not your father but can you listen to me for a second?" I ask 

"No, I'm not wanting to talk to anyon-" "Stop. I know someone hurt you and I'm just trying to help but if you won't listen for one god*mn second you won't be getting anywhere. You're just being delusional. Please listen. I want to know what happened. I want to help." I cut her off. 

"Fine Tom, you really want to know what got me so bummed out?" "Malfoy!" Silence fills our surroundings after she basically spits out his name. 

She has a few tears slide out from her eyes. She clings to me and I just hold her. A few more tears  flow out and onto my shirt. I rub her back and try to calm her crying. 

She's like a broken angel. So fragile yet so tough. To me she's the best person that has ever crossed my vision...and frankly to have walked this planet. Yet to see her in a state like this. It makes me go through those dark moments with her too. 

"I-I asked about my parents to him and...and he yelled at me telling me he wouldn't tell meant  anything about my parents even if he knew a-anything. And I think he does know but he won't tell me. I thought he was going to be one of my f-friends and change for the better yet he just disappoints me every f*cking time! I cared for him. Like a brother...oh Tom it's like he knew what I was thinking about. He was getting close then just disappeared." 

"Hunny- Renava...I know it sounds like he hates your guts, but I think that's the complete opposite. It does sound like he knows somethings but just don't push it. You've got the rest of your awesome life to live." I say. 

She just nods in response. 

"I'll get my book and we can go upstairs to talk or do whatever" I say and pick her up with my arms putting her around my back. 


She's adorable. Stop Tom she's not in a mood right now shove it.

As they head up the stairs Renava leans into Tom's touch and slowly drifts to sleep. She hasn't had a proper sleep schedule for awhile now, so sleep is definitely needed. 

The boys dorm is now a familiar room to Renava. She feels like her emotions are immediately balanced when see enters. Even when asleep her body feels like it's comforted by the energy the cold room. The dainty green silk sheets, soft blankets, and gentle pillows. Even the gloomy sights outside the window just seem calming. 

The blunt, cold, careless, and distrustful world just keeps knocking on Renava's door but Tom always comes to the rescue. The deceiving looks of people sometimes really do affect people. But never Tom. Tom knew how to hide it all until he can't no longer. 

In this moment of laying next to his darling girlfriend he sees that she's just as vulnerable as him. 

In this moment of taking in all details of her face he sees that she's just as immortal to the world as him

In this moment of hearing his own thoughts and opinions for ones he sees he's just as important as air

In this moment of sitting there he sees no one could ever replace Renava 

In this moment of just simply living he realizes his heart truly beats for more than just himself, but for Renava and her undying affection for him

He sits there staring at the celling. 

I've really got to get myself together. But so does she...we're such messes. But that's how we like it. We're losers, suckers, and more important together. Tom stop that's just stupid. You should be on your knee right now. You know no ones shown you love? Or better yet affection like she does. She's one of the first people- no thee first person to show you these new tingly, warm, strange feelings. It's a miracle she has stayed for this long.

She is a miracle. 

And I wouldn't want it any other way. 

Tom and Renava fall asleep together. 

It's A Odd Feeling (Tom Riddle x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang