✨🔥"...your boyfriend?"🔥✨

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A/N: back again 👍 yeah we're going to pick up where we left off and get the show on the road. Listen to: Your Power by Billie Eillish I'M SORRY I COULDN'T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD WHILE WRITING THIS

~Slytherin Common Room~

"A b-i-t-c-h." Sydney said

"Have a problem with that, Lekort?" She says practically spitting out my last name

"I do in fact, but the bigger problem is not you calling me a b*tch. But it's the fact you think you evil schemes actually work." I say back

"Sweetie they work excellently and I stand by every. Single. One." She says back taking one step closer.

"That's certainly not what I heard." Lea chimes in.

"Oh f*ck off Rodgers! No one cares for your opinion." Sydney says now looking at Lea.

"Tell me to f*ck off when your able to keep a relationship stable for once in your life!" Lea says smirking and flipping off Sydney.

"Why you little bi-!" "Hey calm down Sid." Another Slytherin girl cuts in.

"No! First this assholes boyfriend literally ruins poor Pansy's life! Then this complete nutter of a idiot claims a bunch of lies that were pulled out of their a**!" Sydney screams leaping at me.

"Stop it Sydney!" A Slytherin girl says while holding her back by her arms.

"Stop it!" Everyone looks and sees who's yelling.

It's Pansy now almost wobbling on her legs.

"Listen everyone j-just listen..." She says.

"Pansy, that b*tch is in your way. She in the way of the plan. In the way of your future! She doesn't deserve your words of wisdom. She deserves punishment of the harshest." Sydney says a mischievous feeling is swelling in her eyes.

"Let me speak!" Pansy screams.

"Lemme just introduced Sydney really quickly." 

Sydney Alomarta 

Hair: Long blonde hair, and normally in a low ponytail. 

Body: Very tall and thin. 

Blood status: Pure blood, but is a distant cousin of Lea Rodgers.

Year: 7th year Slytherin 

Explanation for blood: Lea Rodgers Grandmother married a muggle and had Lea's mother but then married a wizard and had Sydney's mother. Then her mother was a witch that married a wizard. Sydney despises her half family much because they were all muggle and not even half-blood. 

"Hmm...makes some sense." I say to Lea.

"Your a fool Pansy! Your plan would work if you would listen to me! And not your stupid brain! Then you'd have this b*tch on the floor begging for mercy!" Sydney says

"It's not just my plan! It's our plan! And you even made the god*mn plan in the first place!" Pansy shouts.

"Like I said Sydney, practice what you preach!" Lea retorted.

"Oh my gosh no one cares." Sydney says now groaning.

"Pansy just tell her how you feel! Tell her how many nights you sat and cried in the bathroom because of her. Tell her how you really feel about her. Tell her how you longed to be like her and have friendships like her and real relationships like her...or did I just do it for you?" She says smiling evilly.

It's A Odd Feeling (Tom Riddle x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now