Chapter 17 Sophie

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Sophie literally felt like strangling Elwin. Out of all the times, she had to tell him no sedatives.

Although that explained why her mind was so foggy. She was still in some pain so she asked for some painkiller.

After she drank it, the pain vanished.

"Keefe," Sophie asked.

"Hey," a voice said as Sophie whipped her head around to find Keefe laying on a cot beside her, "Yeah, I've been here the whole time. We survived... I think."

"Yeah," she replied, "You think I'm fixed?"

"Depends," Elwin said, "You don't mind if I shine light in your eyes."

Sophie nodded. He snapped his fingers to form a sphere of light and shined it on her face. Sophie teared up when she didn't feel the pull.

"Yeah, I think they fixed me," Sophie said.

Sophie felt like she was forgetting something. 

"Wait," Sophie asked, "Where's Silveny?"

"She managed to pull through and went to the sanctuary," Grady said with relief.

Sophie yawned.

"We'll let you get some sleep," Edaline said.

Keefe fell asleep and was already snoring beside her. She let her eyes flutter close, knowing tomorrow she was going to heal Alden.

(Time skip to the next day because I can)

Keefe and Sophie stepped in front of the glowing gates of Everglen. As soon as the gates opened, Della stepped out and gave Sophie and Keefe a hug and whispered, "Thank you for coming."

Soon Biana came running out and threw her arms around Sophie. 

"I'm so sorry Sophie for the way I had been acting," Biana rasped from her crying.

"It's okay this doesn't change anything we're still friends," Sophie replied.

"Can I talk to you," a voice said she looked up to see Fitz.

"Um... sure," Sophie replied.

He offered her his hand, and she took it. He took her outside. They both sat down by a tree.

"You can't hear me can you," Fitz asked.

"Were you trying to transmit," Sophie asked. He nodded.

"Well I guess they fixed me then," Sophie said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Sophie I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have said all of those awful things to you. I should've known that you were not the cause of it I just ... ugh how do you apologize for being the biggest jerk in the world."

Sophie smiled, "You weren't that big of a jerk."

"Yeah, I was. I don't know I was being stupid."

"Man, that is an understatement," Alvar said making Fitz and Sophie jump, "I must say Sophie you are letting him off to easy at least make him get you a present." 

Sophie laughed as Fitz glared at him, "Not today."

They we not back inside for Alden. 

"Hey Foster," Keefe said, "Relax, remember you did not take limbium, get kidnapped, and almost die for nothing, it will be worth it."

As Sophie made her way to Alden she pushed her way to the nook of his mind and started calling his name then inflicted on him.

Then his weak voice transmitted, "I'm back."

The moments after he opened his eyes were overwhelming.

Keefe and Sophie went out of the room to have the Vackers celebrate.

Keefe wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pumped his fist in the air, "Team Foster-Keefe for the win!"

Sophie couldn't help but laugh. Sure they were put through so much in the last few weeks but it didn't matter because they were home and safe.

The end!

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