Chapter 8 - Sophie

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Sophie was terrified, of what will happen to her, to Keefe, and to Alden. Most of the time in the darkness, she just drifted, knowing she tried her best, but it wasn't enough because now, thanks to her everyone was in danger. 

She woke up to feel worse. It felt like she had been dipped into Everblaze all over her dirty body. She lied there, on the ground, not knowing where Keefe was. 

She heard someone enter her room, and she pretended to still be drugged.

Whom ever was there sighed, "She seems to still be drugged. You think she'd be awake knowing what happened to her boyfriend. Oh well." 

He burned her on the side and she had to bite down her scream. Then, it felt like he burned one of her bonds. Finally, a chance to get free.

When he left the room. She snapped her bonds and broke free. 

She took off her blindfold, and found that she had burns all over her arms and legs. She channeled out the door and if anyone was going in her way she'd inflict on them.

Sophie found the room she was looking for. Then found the blonde, unconscious boy inside and kicked opened the door. Then ran to Keefe. 

"Keefe, Keefe, wake up, wake up," she said.

He groaned, then asked, "Sophie?"

"Yes," she responded, "hold still I'll take your bonds off." He obeyed.

Once she undid his hands he then reached up to take off his blindfold. He was just as bad as she was.

"I cannot believe you're okay," he said.

"We're not okay yet. We got to get out of here," she replied.

They ran through halls every hall had a member Sophie inflicted on.

When they finally made it out there was nothing, but a cliff.

"Dang it," Sophie exclaimed.

All of a sudden they felt a net wrap around them. They stumbled for a bit then fell down the cliff.

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