Chapter 26 - Hello Mr Davenport.

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[A/N: sorry this is such a short chapter, and that it took me so long to update, I am trying to get back to writing more regularly, and hopefully will have another chapter up soon, hope you enjoy.]

Phil walked through the airport, shoes clicking slightly against the tiled floor as he stretched his neck out.

He hates flying commercial. Just because SHIELD has a ridiculous number of jets doesn't mean he gets to use them whenever he wants. No. It wouldn't do well for a secretive government agency to draw that much attention to themselves by having technologically advanced jets flying around everywhere. Thus he is doomed to fly commercial whenever he isn't working an urgent mission...which this is not.

At least this time he flew into JFK instead of LaGuardia. He can't help but shudder a little at the memory of the cramped and dark airport with leaking ceilings and dirty...everything.

Not that he is a snob, not at all. In fact, he has slept in places worse than LaGuardia, but that doesn't mean he has to like it.

Yeah, at least he isn't at LaGuardia.

With his small suitcase rolling behind him, he headed to the taxi stand outside of the terminal.

Sighing, he hops into the back of the yellow cab and looks up to give the driver the address of his safe house only to be greeted by the familiar driver.

[Phil's POV:]

"Hey Phil" the driver says with a smile.

"Hey Peter...Son." I respond back with a matching smile, which puts both of us at ease. "How the hell did you know which taxi I would pick? And why the hell do you have a taxi?" I ask slightly confused but honestly not too surprised at this point.

"Are you really surprised?" He asks with a smirk.

"Not as much as I should be." I answer with a smirk of my own. "Not that I'm not happy to see you Pete, but why exactly are you picking me up? And why didn't you just tell me?".

"I was working on something in the lab and I wanted to test it out, besides you didn't honestly think i was gonna make you pay taxi fares did you, I know how much you make Dad, you really can't afford it" he replies with a shit eating grin.

I just smirk at the teasing about my lowly government salary, its not like he is wrong. "What were you working on in the lab?" I ask.

"You'll see" he says smugly. "So, you got much to do over the next few days Mr Davenport?" He questions with a chuckle.

I huff out a laugh of my own before saying "I shouldn't even be surprised you know the alias I flew under".

"No you really shouldn't" he smirks.

I shake my head even if I can't help but agree. "Not really, I have a week of downtime mostly, except for a few meetings here and there."

"Good. We are having dinner tonight. With Nat." He says simply.

"How do you know I don't have a meeting tonight?" I ask.

He just raises an eyebrow as if to say 'are you honestly surprised?'. I can't help but huff out another light chuckle.

"Well lets get you to your hotel Mr Davenport" he smirks, "Im in the middle of making ravioli".

"What you just need to boil it when you get back or something?" I ask.

"Something like that".

At my confused look he just smirks wider and elaborates, "Im not actually here...or rather, I am not there". He says cryptically before he suddenly disappears.

I panic and launch forward to grab the wheel but I suddenly realise the car is still very much driving as it was and not swerving out of control.

"What the hell kid!" I shout incredulous.

Suddenly Peter reappears, or rather...the hologram of Peter? Eyes still somehow twinkling with mischief even though it isn't actually Peter.

...I need a drink.

"Where the hell are you?" I ask in what can only be described as 'Dad voice'.

"At home making ravioli, don't worry KAREN is driving" he says with a barely there and very soft smile, and I find my will to be mad at him fading rapidly.

"Anyway I need to go shower before I start actually cooking this ravioli so I will see you when you get here, when you're ready just hop back in the car, K will keep it waiting for you and will bring you here, I will let Argyle act as your driver for today," he ays with a smirk before continuing "see you later Dad" and suddenly disappearing only to be replaced by who I am almost certain is John McLanes driver, Argyle, from 'Die Hard'.

I snort, he is such a smart ass. I can't help but love him.

...he has come a long way from when we met, I just wish he didn't have to live with the constant hurt and distrust. But the least I can do is show him that I will never hurt him, and that I am worthy of his trust.

It still amazes me that despite being a kid he has seen and done so much...good and bad.

But he is without a doubt a good person. If he wasn't, he wouldn't have saved me back when he was 17, and would have taken the easy road and left me there with the others to die. still astounds me.

'Argyle' pulls the car into the hotel, and I hop out with my luggage, only to double take.

The car...this isn't the same car he got into.

Gone is the classic yellow taxi and in its place a sleek, black, 1986 Lincoln Town car stretched limousine.

That kid is a god damn magician, that is some seriously impressive tech. I cant help but touch it, just to check that it is a hologram, but I am shocked when i realise its real.

He somehow managed to change the shape size and colour of a damn car while I was in it and I didn't even notice.

Honestly that kid could rule the damn world if he wanted too, i think shaking my head and walking towards the front desk of the hotel for check in.

The receptionist looks shocked when I tell her my name. "Ah, oh Mr Davenport, Mr Phillipson called ahead on your behalf and upgraded you to our presidential suite Sir". She stutters nervously and blushes in embarrassment.

I am shocked but manage to keep it off my face, It was obviously Peter, and the fact that the name he gave was Phillipson fills ke with warmth and no little bit of pride in the boy I have cole to view as my som. Although the blushing and stuttering of the receptionist is certainly confusing.

"Ah thank you...Amanda" I add after looking at her name tag, "may I head up now?" I ask calmly even if I have several questions, I know Amanda isn't the person to ask.

"Oh?...yes. Yes Sir. One of our bellboys will show you up".

"Thank you very much Amanda." I say with a warm smile, before turning away, trying to save her from the embarrassment of her blushing and stuttered 'thank you's.

As I stand in the elevator to the top floor of the building, I can't help but wonder what that reaction was all about? Oh well...I will get answers at dinner.

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