Chapter 12 - Let Me Help You (Please)

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We worked together washing up the dishes. I had told her there was no need to help, but she had just fixed me with a glare that i'm sure would have made a lesser man run screaming, but i just read it as 'shut the fuck up,I'm helping'. It was quite amusing.

Anyway, she was washing the dishes as i dried and put them away, However as i was reaching up to put the plates back in the cupboard, I felt the wound in my side open up.

"Shit". I say drily as i bring my hand to put pressure on the wound in my abdomen.

Natalia turns to me and i see the surprise flicker in her gaze, then the realisation (and a hint of guilt) as she remembers that i was injured.

I reach into a different cabinet with my free hand and grab a first aid kit. I carry it over to the table and sit down. I pull my white T-shirt over my head and hold it against the wound as i try to open the first aid kit with my other hand.

As i am struggling to open the box, a smaller, pale pair of hands takes the box from me and opens it. She then kneels in front of me and pulls the T-shirt away from the wound. Then with almost impossible gentleness, she carefully cleans the wound, removes the torn stitches and stitches me back up quickly but gently, and with a lot more care and precision than i had used when i stitched myself up on the jet. I had been more worried about her wounds at the time.

Five minutes later i am stitched up but i just sit looking at her. She notices this and looks at me quizzically. I quickly shake my head and say "sorry...I'm just not used to anybody else patching me up...ever since i was taught how to patch myself up it has always just been me."

She just nods. "How come i'm healed? If you're still injured I couldn't have been out that long?" She says confused but not accusingly.

"I run a tech company, Parker Industries. I've always been good with tech, its a skill i kept hidden from HYDRA. One of my 'inventions' i guess, I call it the 'cradle', it regenerates tissue. Pretty much heals the wound completely as if it never happened. I managed to remove both bullets from your body and used the cradle to heal your injuries. Its non-invasive. Its kind of like a printer i guess."

She looks impressed but quickly asks, "why didn't you use it on yourself?".

"I didn't have time. You needed it more than me. Without it you would have died. By the time it was done we had landed and I figured after i ate and got some sleep i'd be fine. Enhanced healing and all that jazz."

She smiles gently at me and just says "Thank you".

I just smile softly back and nod. We both head back to the kitchen to finish washing up.

By the time we are done the sun is setting and we both need some sleep. I tell her that she can take the bed and i will take the sofa. She tries to protest but by the time i have laid down on the sofa with the spare blanket and pillow she just reluctantly agrees and heads to bed herself.

-Time Skip-

When we wake up the next day we both meet in the kitchen i pour us both some coffee and we sit at the breakfast bar as we drink in companionable silence.

Once i have drank my coffee and am a little more awake I decide now is a good time for a talk.

"Okay so, I am gonna have to head back to New York tomorrow, so i was wondering what your planning on doing?" I look at her and see the confusion on her face and perhaps a trace of worry so I quickly add "because you're more than welcome to come with me if that's what you want. But...i have been where you are and i know that you might want to go your own way, even if its just for now, to figure things out?".

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