Chapter 7 - So, Do You Guys Want A Job?

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As i enter Delmar's, I spot Ned and Michelle both sitting at a table in the far right corner. I realise quickly they haven't noticed me yet but just as i am about to let them know i am here I hear the end of their conversation.

"Should we tell him?" I hear Ned ask.

Immediately i am concerned that they are talking about me. What if they are? What would they need to hide from me? I know better than to get caught up in my thoughts though and i listen on.

"Im not sure. I want to. He's our friend. But what if what Betty said was right and he did like me? I don't want to hurt him by rubbing my relationship with you in his face but I love you, i have for years and i love him as a friend but that is all." Mj says.

Huh. Wait. What?

That's actually not something bad. They aren't hiding things from me, they don't want to hurt me? Well...that's...different. Its...refreshing actually. But I should probably make it clear that i have no problem with it, I don't want them to hide things from me, wether it would hurt me or not. Not that this would. Yeah Michelle is great but I'm just not interested in her like that. Hell even if i was, i am way too fucked up for a relationship. Besides, even if I consider her a friend, I never intend to let her meet the real me. So even if i liked her I wouldn't expect her to wait for me or anything.

It almost amuses me that they think things like that would be the biggest problem i could face. If they ever found out, they would probably die. Not that they will. Then again to them, the company will probably seem kinda crazy, but really thats one of the more tame things to happen to me.

I shake the thoughts away and move over to their table and make sure to announce myself before i get too close so they don't think i heard what they were saying.

"Hey guys!" I say with an overly exited voice, not that i'm not happy to see them, Im just not really that carefree and happy. Usually when I talk to KAREN (as she is the only person that i can be myself around) even when I'm happy my voice is usually quite monotone, i was trained not to show emotion and that is a hard habit to break, especially when I still don't trust anyone fully. Then again, I probably never will.

"Oh hey Pete" Ned says at the same time MJ says "Hey loser".

I see they haven't ordered anything so order all three of us a coffee then sit down with our drinks. "So why'd you call us here loser?" MJ asks with a knowing look on her face. I find it amusing. Within minutes of meeting her i realised that she only acts like she knows everything. Its a good technique but while her facade may fool regular high schoolers, i was trained to read people. I know she doesn't actually know why I called her here and Im actually kinda looking forward to seeing the surprise on her face when she finds out. Most people would miss it, but I won't.

"Well, there was something that I wanted to ask you guys...but before i do that..." i reach into my satchel, grab the papers out, and slide them across the table then place two pens in front of them, "you will need to sign these NDAs". I covertly watch their facial expressions throughout what i am saying, they were very amusing, but i know the best is yet to come, if they sign that is.

"Uhhh what?" Ned asks, a dumb look on his face. MJ tries to keep a mask if indifference but i can clearly see the disbelief and of course intrigue. She calmly reaches for the papers and begins to read through them, Ned following a few seconds later. I just sit and calmly sip my coffee.

Once they are done reading through it MJ says "Okay loser, I'll sign". And Ned says "uh yeah me too" still seeming very confused. They both sign the papers.

"Okay then well we cant discuss it here but if we finish our drinks we can head somewhere that we can discuss it." They seem confused but not worried. Good. I know perhaps i am just more cautious because of my background but I was concerned that they may find this creepy i guess. Good to know they trust me. I wouldn't hurt them. I may have done bad things that would make me untrustworthy if they knew but either way. I wouldn't hurt them.

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