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The air was tensed, and despite the fact that the candles were relit with flame, sending the room with a little more light and warmth, it was still cold. Aine didn't know if it was because of the Dementor from the metal chest earlier, or because it was still winter. Either way, she was feeling extra nervous to be tackling the horrifying Dementor that made her feel sick. But it is what they say, to get rid of the fear, you have to beat fear itself straight on.

With trembling hands, she reached for her sleek black-wooden wand, grasping it tightly as Professor Lupin said, "Remember, think of the happiest memory you ever had. Focus on it." and she nods, closing her eyes to concentrate better. She had many memories, and they were all very happy ones too, perhaps they even outnumber the bad ones. Aine recalled the time where she spent her Christmas with her fellow Gryffindors, exchanging gifts, playing games and pranking one another. It was nice, sitting in the Gryffindor common room with her friends. It was warm and cosy, she was very happy then.

That was the first memory she thought of, but then came another. One when she was still a little girl, she remembered her father alongside herself, they went hunting for some rare herbs around the forest near their house and instead of finding what they need, they got distracted by the blooming flowers. It was beautiful, the light blues and white petals wrapping around the buds. Smiling at the memory, she remembered her father teaching her to make flower crowns and rings, and she copied. Gifting him one in return, it was floppy, but it made him very happy and she was too. Seeing her father laugh out in pure joy and content. It was a simple memory, but she liked it very much, it was one full of innocence. She slowly flutters her eyes open, her golden ones staring at the professor who smirked and nodded, knowing she was ready. He slid his hands across the metal locks, opening them with a clack.

Aine raises her arm, her wand pointing straight at the cloaked figure floating up above her. Her eyes piercing with determination. The dementor howled, and she could feel bumps forming on her arms and hair standing up. 'Remember to speak very clearly' she remembered the words of the Defense Against the Dark Arts' Professor saying earlier. 

The Dementor swooshed forward, and she took a deep breath, trying to be a little braver and confident. She finally said, "Expecto Patronum." very clearly and precisely. There was a faint vibration from her wand, and she concentrates on the memory. The memory of her father and herself laughing and making crowns out from flowers in the forest. Concentrate...

She could hear a whisper, and she watches as a tiny ball of light emitted from her wand, daring to be bigger, and stronger. It was hard, and she clenches her teeth, concentrate on the memory... she said to herself once more. There was another low whisper from the beast, as it tries to overpower the small light.

Aine could feel beads forming at her forehead, her breathing slowly becoming ragged and forced as the light slowly starts to fade away into the tip of her wand. Almost... Just a little more... she says to herself, but as the seconds flew by, her vision started to have spots and just as she was about to crumble from exhaustion. Professor Lupin sent the Dementor, back into the box and her knees gave way, but before her kneecap could reach the wooden floors, Harry had caught her. She clung to him for support as he moves her to the side, and a small chunk of chocolate was handed over to her. 

"Are you okay, Aine?" Professor Lupin asked, and she nods, reclaiming herself and heaving in oxygen. "You were brilliant, Aine." Harry complimented, and she musters a small smile.

"Thanks--" she tries to stand up, only to find that her legs were still very much fragile, so she sat back down and sighed, "You did well, Aine. For the first time too. I didn't expect you both to do it in the first time, but with practices, I'm sure you both will do fantastically well." The man said, encouraging. 

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