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Throughout the remaining trip to Hogwarts, no one spoke a single word. Aine, Ginny, Fred & George went back to their cabin with heavy confused hearts as the rain continues to roar. Ginny had calmed down and she was now constantly sniffling while Aine simply dazed away while the Weasley twins looked rather awkwardly at one another, thinking whether or not to say a joke to lighten the mood, but they kept to themselves in the end.

As they arrived at the Hogsmeade station, Aine drags her feet towards the row of carriages and sat in one with Ginny, Neville and a fellow Slytherin in her year -- Cyrus Azuli, who held a rather quiet but cold presence. He simply gave Aine a stare before casually rolling his eyes away as they move towards the castle. It was still pouring, but there was an enchantment cast on the carriage to repel the rain.  Aine stretches her neck backwards and looked up at the falling raindrops that seemed to pound on an invisible umbrella. Slowly, the massive castle greeted them with bright flashes of lightning. But what caught Aine's eyes when she approached the castle was none other than the familiar eery cloaked figures floating above the wrought iron gate. She took a deep breath and Ginny, and her carriage mates seemed to realize the figures too. Dementors.

Aine went perfectly still, although she could feel her hands shivering under the sleeves of her pullover that she had pulled to cover her fingers. Her eyes met the dementors and she looked back down at Cyrus who wasn't looking very satisfied either. He slowly closes his pupils as they pass the cloaked creatures before he flutters them open again. Aine, let her breath out silently and fiddled with her bracelet.

Once they reached the castle, they made their way to the great hall after being greeted by Professor McGonagall who wore her usual stern look, expecting them all to be in their best behaviours in the new year. Aine strolled towards the Gryffindor table where she settled down next to George, Ginny at her other side. And they waited.

A group of Hogwarts Choir students came into the hall with toads in their arms and Professor Flitwick, the Ravenclaw's house head began lifting his wand to construct. However, not many were paying attention to the song and it ended before they know it. Stepping up, the Headmaster took his place at the owl podium, and he wore a rather cautious expression, "Welcome", his voice boomed through the great hall. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!"

"Now, I'd like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast." Professor Dumbledore peers through his half-moon glasses to the many anticipating faces of the students eyeing the food. He went on, "First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who's kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." A wave of applause spread from all of the tables and Professor Lupin stood up and curtsied, before taking his seat back down. 

"Told you," Hermione remarked to Ron who shook his head. Professor Dumbledore continued, "Our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, however, has decided to retire. In order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce that his role will be taken by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid."

Another wave of applause erupted from the audience and Aine, Harry, Ron and Hermione looked rather pleased and proud, smiles spreading on their faces as they exchanged glances with one another before Hagrid takes a bow, the professor's table shaking and several goblets of juice spilt

Professor Dumbledore heaved a loud sigh, "Finally, on a more disquieting note, at the request of the Ministry of Magic. Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban until such a time as Sirius Black is captured." The chatter from the students quietened down almost as soon as the word Dementors and Sirius Black was mentioned. Everyone knew what happened with Sirius Black, and whatever happened on the train was already a huge talk between Hogwarts students. Aine's eyebrows furrow and she grabbed her sleeve once more, remembering the cold earlier.

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