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The next morning came, and much to Aine's anticipation, she now has no time to sleep because her first lesson of the day was Defense Against the Dark Arts. Excitement coursed through her despite the lack of sleep, and the bags under her eyes could lie to no one about it. In fact, she was feeling a little fatigue from little sleep and had to come up with an excuse to assure her worried friends she was fine, and just couldn't sleep last night because she was just 'hungry'.

Aine and her friends gobbled their breakfast down before bidding her older friends goodbye before skipping to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with Ginny. "What do you reckon we'll be doing today?" her friend asks her.

"I don't know but I do hope we'll be doing practical! I can't wait to learn spells that could really 'defend' ourselves." Aine replies.

"Me too!" 

It wasn't long until they arrived at the classroom and took their seats. Everyone was very much present and they waited for Professor Lupin to enter the classroom. Aine drums her fingers on the thick book in front of her as she waited, slowly getting bored from waiting. Slowly, everyone grew impatient, wondering where was their professor. Until the door burst open and surprises everyone with who it was-- Professor Snape, their Potions Professor.

He stormed through the classroom, and stood at the teacher's table, eyeing at every student. Aine cocks her head, and whispers to Ginny, "Why is he here?" she asks, and she whispers back, "You tell me."

"Now, many of you will be wondering where your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is. Unfortunately, he is off to an important rendezvous, and thus, I am here." Professor Snape announced in his monotonous voice. He turns, rolling his eyes, and went back to the classroom where the projector was. He taps on it and a beam of light shines on the screen ahead, "Well? I don't need to tell you to open your books, do I?" he says and everyone immediately flips open their books to the topic on the screen.

"As you all may-- already-- know, today's topic is all about Yetis." Professor Snape said, "While I have heard-- that Professor Lupin-- has gone through the topic on Werewolves-- briefly." he went on, dragging his sentences by stopping occasionally on words that every student soon felt annoying. "I assume you have all read all about it, and therefore-- I will proceed on to the next--"

"But professor--" a student spoke, "we have yet to learn all about it. Professor Lupin only taught us to the transformation of a Werewolf."

"And what must I do to enlighten you about what's after-- Mr Dorian? Do I need to feed you about it when you are-- clearly-- of age to learn how to-- read. Or are you not?"

Aine's classmate's face grew red, and he gulps, embarrassed to be called up. It wasn't as if he was wrong, their class did end soon after Professor Lupin talked about the transformation. However,  she did feel that Professor Snape was a little rough on his words, it sounded very much like an indirect insult. She sighed, and the professor turned to her, "Do we have a problem-- Ms Estoileon?"

She looked up and saw the displeasure in Professor Snape's face, she was sure he wanted to be done and be gone of this room. "Not at all, Professor Snape." she simply smiles and he narrows his eyes at her, almost as if issuing a warning to her, not that she knew what she did wrong. "Please. Do continue as you please for this lesson and we will keep our mouths shut so you can continue without any interruptions," she added and he rolls his eyes, proceeding on with the class.

It was almost an hour and a half since class started and it was definitely time for it to end. Ginny tapped Aine's book, and the girl looked to her friend who wrote on a spare bit of parchment, Why isn't he letting us go?

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