Chapter Eleven

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Date night, or day. Whatever. Why did I let Matty talk me into this? After our hot night of unclothed ecstasy, I was surprised he still wanted me to go out with Jacob. He tried to convince me our relationship needed it. I hope he knows what he’s talking about. I don’t want this to back fire on us.

What happens if Jacob is this amazing man, who casts a love spell on me, and I can’t tear my eyes away from him? What happens then? Okay, so I’ve probably seen way too many movies, but a man can sweep a girl off her feet, right? Love at first date is possible. I think. Maybe Jacob will end up being the man of my dreams, assuming he drinks good beer and doesn’t smell badly, or something. But even then, there’s still another problem. He works with me. There is no way this will work out.

I may have made an exception for Matty, but I refuse to do the same for anyone else. Yet, here I am getting ready for a picnic for crying out loud. It’s winter, and we’re going to have lunch outdoors. Well it is 80 degrees out, but come on. I can’t remember the last time I went to the park. I’m more of an indoors girl. Any place with air conditioning is perfect. Any place I don’t have to worry about getting itchy from grass or bugs is also at the top of my list. What about me would give Jacob the impression that a day strolling along in a park—full of birthday parties and couples getting their pictures taken—would be my cup of tea? Arriving at the park, it’s just like I had imagined.

Each shelter is occupied with balloons and families—some have bounce houses nearby. A barefoot couple in jeans and white tees are near the lake posing for what I’d guess are engagement pictures for their save-the-date cards. Classic. When I finally take the plunge, I’m wearing a tutu for my photo shoot. I don’t think that one has been done. Jacob is where he said he’d be. At the far end of the park beyond the hiking trail and under a giant oak tree. He’s sitting on a large red gingham blanket and has a little matching basket perched next to him.

Is this really happening? If I watched this on the LMN, I’d probably be giddy and smiling at the TV, but in real life, it is unbelievably corny. I fight the urge to laugh, instead, muffling a loud chuckle with the back of my hand. I’m not sure if he sees me yet, and I don’t want to be rude. But I don’t see how I’m going to make it through lunch with this muscle man who is obviously trying to compensate in the gym for his ultra-feminine side.

“Hey, Shel,” he says as he hops to his feet, and puts his hands on my shoulders.

“Hey,” I squeal back, as I turn my head quick enough for him to peck only my cheek. He removes his hands and wipes them on the sides of his jeans as if trying to wash away my cooties. Gesturing to the blanket, Jacob says.

“Shall we sit?” I guess we shall. I plop my bag down and kneel to the ground, sitting cross legged in front of him. He does the same and it dawns on me I haven’t seen a boy sit crisscross applesauce since we played Duck Duck Goose in elementary school.

His jeans tighten around his muscular thighs and I notice the thin fabric of his shirt is hugging his chest and fits snuggly around his biceps. This Mario Lopez get-up is far from the button up camp shirts and khaki pants he wears to work. And he smells good too. Clean and minty, like I could pop him in my mouth like a piece of sweet mint gum.

“Are you checking me out?” Jacob asks snapping me from my thoughts. My cheeks flush with heat, and I’m thankful I have my sunglasses on. I wave him off, with a low chuckle.

“Don’t be silly. You checking me out?” I turn the tables on him. I have no idea what he’s been doing for the last ninety seconds while I was feasting on his firm body.

“I’ve been doing that for months,” he says with a grin. My face warms again, and I don’t know what to say. I can’t imagine he’d make an ass out of himself gawking at me today. I’m just wearing a pair of jean capris and a tank with a purple shrug over it. Nothing too fancy, and not the slightest bit sexy. I applied minimal makeup and twisted my hair up in a clip. No frills at all. I had no interest in coming out on this date so I wasn’t about to get all gussied up for Jacob. But now that I’ve had a chance to take in the sights, I’m rethinking that decision.

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