Chapter Thirteen

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"You guys better hurry up or we're going to be really late," I yell, pounding on the door to the bathroom. I can't believe my best friend and my brother are both in there.

I take that back. Yes, I can. Mel steps out first, wrapped in a towel, and runs to my room.

I shout to her, "What? No walk of shame. Just running around my house naked with my bro. Shit, you guys aren't even discreet."

"I'll be right out. I'm just gonna get my clothes on. I'll do my makeup in the car," Mel yells back, and shuts the door.

"I'm ready," Tyler says nonchalantly as he makes his way to my living room.

He sits on the sofa next to me, kicks up his big black Chucks on my coffee table, like it's no big thing he was just showering with my best friend.

"You look nice, sis."

"You clean up well too, bro. I take it you're coming with us today?"

"Mel invited me, so why not. Beats going back and visiting with Mom," he says, tapping his feet on the floor. He always does this when he's nervous.

"You better not be fucking with her Tyler or I'll whoop your ass. She's a little fragile right now," I try to explain.

"Mel? Fragile? You obviously don't know you're best friend as well as I do," he begins.

"I would hope not," I interrupt, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah. Anyway, she's fine. It's not like this hasn't been coming for a long time. You can't tell me you're shocked we finally ... well you know," he says.

I completely understand what he's saying but it doesn't make it right. "Yeah, but I thought when it did, it would be a little more permanent. Not a Christmas present you play with and then return. It's gonna suck for her when you leave."

It's only been a full day since I've seen Matty and it sucks, even though I know he's coming back tomorrow. When Ty leaves, who knows when he'll be back?

Mel comes out and plops herself in Ty's lap. "I'll be fine, Shel. Don't worry. It's all good." Her eyes are sincere and I don't sense any worry coming from
her. My brother gives me a look like, see I told you.

Tyler taps her on the ass. "You look great too, Melly Belly. You ready?"

She jumps up and throws her hands in the
air. "Let's go to my casa. Feliz Navidad."


As we walk up the path to Mel's parents' house, she takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. "Wish me
luck." She's gonna need it. Her aunts can be brutal.

"So you think your mom is gonna have a lot of hot men here to choose from?" I ask, jokingly.

"I totally forgot to get Kevin's number last night." Okay, so I wouldn't have called him. Or maybe I would have. He seems like he'd be a cool guy to talk to, but not really anything beyond friendship.

"I thought you were seeing someone," Tyler questions me.

I shake my head. "No no. Matty and I aren't exclusive. I can still date other people if I want. If I find someone. No biggie."

"Right," Tyler says nodding slowly, not buying a word of it.

If I can't convince other people Matty and I
aren't a couple, how can I convince myself? To be honest, I miss him so much. I haven't talked to him since he left, and my bed feels so empty.

I wish I could snuggle up to him and just sleep for
hours. I'm tired and I need him with me.

Fuck it. I take out my phone and text him.

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