Chapter Twenty

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It's date night. Again.

But this time I really want to go. I'm not going to pout as I get dressed. I'm not second guessing my motives. The idea of going out on a real date with my new boyfriend couldn't,make me feel any happier.

It's funny, really. Since last week when,Matty and I finally confessed our love for each other—well, I finally told him I loved him, he's been telling me he loves me for months—he hasn't gone home. But this morning, after breakfast, he
kissed me goodbye and was out the door. What a goof. He wants to,pick me up and that won't work if we both get ready at my house. So he went home.

The radio is blaring a mix of dance music, slow songs, and country throughout my house. I love setting the player to random picks and just being surprised by what comes through the speakers. After spending over an hour in the shower
washing, exfoliating, moisturizing, my body feels silky smooth. It helps I shaved my legs from the tops of my thighs all the way down to my toes. I'd been doing this already, but I took special care today so I wouldn't miss a spot. If Matty decides tonight is the night, I'm going to be ready for him.

Now that I'm in love with him, I thought we would have been screwing like horny teenagers whose parents were on
vacation, but my boyfriend—I like saying it—has this odd sense of honour and thinks we should continue to wait awhile longer. He wants to show me how much he respects me by taking things slowly. I've never wanted anyone to respect me less. He's really driving me crazy. I thought it was always the woman who wouldn't give it up.

In Matty's case, I think his reluctance might also have something to do with my house and my bed. While it was okay for us to do everything but make love in my bed before, I'm not so sure he wants to take our relationship to the next level
in the same bed I slept in with Chase for so many years.

Understandable, I know. But I refuse to do it at his place with three roommates roaming around, two of them being other teachers who work with us. His place reminds me of a frat house, except for his room which is all tidy and neat. I should have suspected considering the way he cleans my house and clears the table within minutes of us finishing a meal.

My place is out and so is his. I think we're going to have to go old school and get a room somewhere. Can you imagine? A grown man and a grown woman having to book a hotel room to have sex. Will we have to get a room every time?

Matty will be at my door in thirty minutes.

My hair is flowing down my back in loose curls. My makeup is applied lightly in warm tones to match my green eyes. I've never been one to get flashy with my makeup and I don't want to start now. He likes my natural look. I apply a thin layer of nude lip gloss and look at myself in the mirror. Fitted jeans, a flirty black tank dips low in the front under a charcoal gray crocheted cardigan. My heeled boots will give me a little height, maybe enough to make the top of my head clear Matty's shoulders.


Dangly silver earrings pierce my lobes, and a strand of tiny crystals surround my neck. There, I'm done. Ready for my date with my boyfriend.

A knock at my door tells me I'm right on time. I knew he'd be early. I open my door, and Matty stands before me
with a bouquet of orange Gerbera daisies, my favorite flower.

"You're so sweet," I tell,him, taking the fresh flowers from his hands and accepting his kiss on my lips. "I thought all this nice guy stuff was gonna get thrown out the window as soon as I told you I loved you."

"Nope, get used to it, baby." He kisses the top of my head. "This is me. You're stuck with it."

I roll me eyes, sarcastically. "Well, I guess I can manage."

In the kitchen, I clip the stems of the flowers and place them in a vase. When I'm finished, Matty and I are practically skipping down my walkway to his car.

"Where to?" I ask him.

"Where do you think?" he grins.

"Well if I knew, why would I ask?" I smile at him.

"To your happiest place on earth," he says. I tilt my head and beam at him. I couldn't be happier with his choice of restaurants. "I figure they have a hundred different choices of beer, two Sunday night games, plenty of non-vegetarian choices of food, and air conditioning."

"Oh, Matty, this is gonna be the best effing date I've ever had," I cry out. "I'm gonna get a Guinness."

"And I'm gonna get a Black and Tan."

"Perfect," I tell him, leaning over his center console to press my lips to his.

Just perfect.

Third time is a charm. My first date was with Jacob. Then Jackson. And now Matty

My luck finally turned around.

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