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Shane's POV:

It was him, sitting at the edge of my bed, staring at me.

" Hey....dad. " I whispered, my voice was shaky.

" I'm surprised you actualy made it back, I thought they wouldn't let you out because you're hopelessly insane. " he mocked.

He shoved a pile of books that were on my bed and they came crashing down the ground as he walked away, laughing.

My hands were still trembling as the sound of his footsteps slowly faded away.

I leaned over and picked up the books when a flow of strong wind gushed in through the open window. The books fell back onto the floor, the pages flipping vigorously. I pulled open a page and the words ' kill yourself ' were written all over it.

A single tear slid down my cheek.

Dad why...

The words played over and over, again and again in my mind.

Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.

And there's nothing I can do to stop it.

" Honey, lunch is ready! " mom called from downstairs.


Teresa's POV:

" Hey, is everything okay? " I asked Shane as he settled down on the stool, his face was pale.

" Yeah mom, don't worry, I'm okay. " he smiled at me.

I have been really worried about Shane ever since that day.

; flashback ;

" Shane? Are you in here? "

" M-mom.... "

I looked around the room to find Shane hiding at the corner of his room, hugging his knees tightly, tears flowing down his face.

" Shane... what are you doing? Why did you turn the lights off- "

" SHANE! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? " I screamed as my hand reached for the switch and the lights came on.

" I- I didn't mean to! H-he... " Shane started sobbing even harder, burying his face in his hands.

The body lied still on the ground, next to Shane's bed. I knelt down next to the body, my fingers touched his forehead, drawing them back immediately as his skin was icy cold to the touch. Crimson soiled his clothes, a knife drawn into his chest, blood continuously gushed out of his wound, staining the wooden floor.

" S-Shane.... Everything's okay. Don't worry, I'm here. " I whispered, trying to calm down as I ran to his side, holding his head close to my chest as he continued sobbing in my embrace.

[ end of flashback ]

Ever since that day, I never stopped worrying about my poor child. Taken away from me, forced to stay in a mental institute. I will never forget the day they told me my son was mentally unstable, I will never forget. Never.

He doesn't recall a thing but I think it's better that way.


i know things seem complicated atm lmao

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