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Jake's POV:

Shane's gonna leave this place today and I'm so happy for him. Happy that he can finally start a new life, and live like a normal person again.

" Shane? " I knocked on the door.

" Come in. "

I pushed the door open as my eyes wandered around the room, Shane was packing his stuffs into his bag. He barely had anything to pack, his room was an empty shell.

I sat at the edge of his bed picking up a photograph that was half hidden under the sheets. I flipped the photo over, it was a picture of Shane, Kaitlyn and me. Shane sat down beside me.

" I'm gonna miss you guys, and Kaitlyn.. "

" Does she know that you're leaving today? "

He shook his head.

" We haven't talked ever since I spoke with the doctors. I don't think she can take the news. "

" Give her a chance, it's gonna hurt her even more when she realises that you're already gone before she could even say goodbye. "

" I don't know. When I told her I wanted to leave, she got agitated- "

" Shane. She's gonna find out sooner or later, you can't hide it from her forever. One day she's gonna come looking for you and when she finds out you've left, she's going to be devastated. Because you left without even saying goodbye. She's gonna think that she doesn't mean anything to you. "

" Okay okay, I'll go talk to her. "

" Do you want me to go with you? "

" It's okay. "

" When you're done, before you go,

Shane's POV:

look me up first, okay? I'll be in my room. " Jake told me, handing the photograph back to me before leaving.

Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn.

I had no idea how I was gonna break it to her. It's gonna hurt her, a lot. But Jake's right, I have to tell her.


I paced a few steps outside Kaitlyn's room. My hands felt clammy, beads of sweat trickled down my neck. My body was trembling, I clenched my fist and raised my knuckles to the door, lightly knocking on the dull and slightly chipped door.

" I told you I don't want any more of those pills! Leave me alone! " I heard Kaitlyn scream.

" Kaitlyn, it's me, Shane. "

I heard footsteps and the door swung open.

" Sh-Shane? I-I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you. "

" It's okay. "

" Kaitlyn.. " I started.

" Yes? "

" I-I.. I'm leaving, today. "

" WHAT?! "

" You can't! You can't leave me Shane! You can't just go! "

Kaitlyn charged towards me and pushed me, causing my head to collide with the walls.

" Fuck. " I cursed.

Kaitlyn started shoving me around every corner of the room, screaming and crying.

" You're hurting me! Let me go! "

I tried to push her away but her strength was impossible.

She grabbed my wrists tightly, sobbing uncontrollably. I felt her fingernails digging into my skin, deeper and deeper until thin trails of blood trickled down my wrists. I shook my arms wildly, attempting to break free from Kaitlyn's clutch but she was way too strong for me, I gave up.

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