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Joey's POV:

" You're gonna drink yourself to death. " I watched, disgusted, as she took the bottle to her lips.

" Shut the fuck up. " she groaned, taking another sip of the amber substance that sloshed around the gleaming glass.

" You're a lost cause. "

Nicole shot me a dirty look and shook her head.

" Mom, you already had like four bottles of booze and it's only 10 o'clock in the morning. You're harming your health. " she tried pulling the bottle out of her grasp only to have her hands shoved away roughly.

" She's hopeless, Nicole. There's no point persuading her. "

I snatched the half-filled bottle of booze from her hand, smashing the bottle on the floor as the glass shattered into pieces, scattering all over the floor, the liquid flowing out.

" What the fuck is your problem?! " she shouted, standing up.

" You have a drinking problem, that's the fucking problem. "

She pulled me by the collar of my shirt, shoving me backwards.

" You're pathetic! " she screamed, picking up an empty bottle from the table and hurling it in my direction.

The glass shattered after colliding with the wall just inches away from me. One of the glass pieces cut my arm as it started bleeding.

" Joey, you're bleeding! " Nicole rushed to me, holding my arm. I stepped forward to my mom.

" Oh yeah? I'm the pathetic one? Who's the one wasting her life away? Who's the one drinking bottles after bottles of alcohol? Who's the one who doesn't give a fuck about anything or anyone? You. You're the pathetic one. "

She picked up another empty bottle and flung it in my direction. Missed.

" You can't even aim right. "

I turned away, walking up to my room, trying to seem as arrogant as possible to piss her off. I looked back at her as I watched her face grew red from anger.

" You're nothing! Why don't you just die, just go kill yourself! " she exploded.

I went back to my bedroom and threw myself on my bed, pulling my pillow close to my chest.


I fucking miss my mom. This isn't her, I refuse to accept the fact that this is her. She's not like that.

She was my world. She was everything to me, everything. And now she has crumbled and I crumbled along with her. Everything fell apart.

" Joey? "

Nicole came in with the first-aid kit in her hands and settled herself beside me.

She flipped the lid of the kit open and rummaged through it before picking up a tube of medicated cream, she gave the tube a soft squeeze into her palm before applying it on my wound gently.

She put the cap of the medicated cream back on and pulled out a bandage from the kit.

" You know, you should give mom a chance. " she started.

She started pressing the bandage on my wound before wrapping it over my arm.

" She disappointed us way too many times for us to give her another chance. " I sighed.

" I know she has said and done unforgivable things but we can't give up on her. "

" Not when she needs us. "

" She doesn't even need us " I muttered.

" We're just teenagers, we aren't strong enough to deal with the shit adults throw at us. Once they've given up on themselves and on us, we're on our own. And right now, mom is hopelessly addicted to her alcohol. What are we supposed to do? Put up with the abuse? I can't do this. " I cried.

Nicole pulled me close to her and held me tightly and protectively.

" I love you. " she whispered softly.
I shrugged.

The last time I told someone I love them, was mom. And if the people I love are going to hurt me, I'm never going to tell anyone I love them. Not even Nicole.

Nicole's POV:

We heard a bottle being thrown against the walls downstairs, as shards of the broken pieces of glass gave an ear piercing sharp splash. We heard a scream. Then a hysterical laugh.

" Close the god damn door. " Joey grumbled.

I closed the door before settling beside Joey again.

" You hear that? How do you believe there's still hope in that? " Joey cried with hopelessness in his eyes.

Mom and Joey had the closest relationship in the household and right now, with her in this state, Joey has completely fallen apart.

" We just can't give up on her. "

Joey shrugged as another tear slid down his cheek and melted away into his tank top.

" I-I don't know, Nicole. I- "

The door flung open, cutting Joey off.
It was mom, and another full bottle of alcohol in her hand. She stumbled towards us, mumbling slurred words.
She was about to topple over, I rushed to her side before she could but she shoved me away.

" Fuck off, I don't need your help. " she growled.

She lifted the bottle to her lips and took a big gulp of its content.

I turned to Joey, he shook his head sadly and sighed.

I snatched the bottle from mom.

" When will you come to your senses? You're not just hurting yourself, you're hurting us, and everyone who cares about you. Especially Joey. He loves you and he cares so much about you, mom. Stop crushing him and pull yourself together. "

" Give me back the bottle or else. " she threatened.

" Or else what? " I challenged.
She ripped the bottle out of my grasp and pushed me onto the floor.

" Leave her alone! " Joey exploded.

" I've had enough of you. " he shouted before running out.

" Joey! Joey, stop! " I called after him.

After we were outside our apartment, Joey sighed and tears streamed down his face.

" I just need a breather, from her. I'm gonna go take a walk in the park, it kinda helps. " he muttered.


twitter: @falloutshoey
instagram: creepyhowell
tumblr: sykotically.tumblr.com

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