Chapter 51

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Vinsmoke Judge put his glass down. "And how do we know you're not making things up?" He asked. You were a tad offended by his distrust, but hid it all behind an alluring smile. "Well, that's quite an important question, I must say. Allow me to prove it." Meanwhile your inner voice sounded like this: F*ck off! You know damn well that I always close my deal and play fair! Your sons could learn a thing or two from me! You old weird eyebrow disaster! You were completely calm. Like the wind. You took out your wallet with ID's and showed the newest addition to your collection, the Big Mom Pirates Jolly Roger. Pah, Shanks' Jolly Roger was much more pretty. Not that you would say that in front of him. "If this is not enough proof, I have the contracts here, and..." You took out a transponder snail. "A direct line to Big Mom herself." You tried to suppress the smug look on your face as you saw their gazes. Yup, Charlotte Linlin had an interest in them, but you figured out it was all part of a bigger scheme. What could you say about it? Nothing. But Germa 66 had grown quite arrogant over the years and had let their guard down. You could never be too careful in this world. Hopefully they would get the message.

"My client here has an interesting offer, Judge-sama. I must say it is indeed very generous." You smiled at the man. You didn't wait for an answer, you couldn't pull the same trick twice. "I will let you think about it. What are the perks of the Big Mom pirates?" "She can give children?" Yonji answered. That was a rhetorical question, you baka! Can you shut your mouth now? "You maybe have to think one generation further." You suggested politely. "Uhg! I don't get it!" Did they forget to give you a brain when they modified you? "I was asking about the tactical, combat advantages she has." You gazed at the green power ranger sternly. The man himself let out a sigh and bounced against the back of his chair with a typical it's-the-boring-adult-talk-again-look on his face. You didn't have time for babies so you ignored him. "Firstly, Big Mom has a very stable grand territory. The navy doesn't come near them. What happens there, stays there. " You had the full attention of father Vinsmoke. "Secondly, they have thousands of powerful soldiers and countless trustable officers. Their unity made them conquer the new world." Now came the tricky part. "it's all built on trust, and that trust is built on familial ties. When you gain those familial ties, by let's say offspring and marriage, you gain the power." You looked around the table. Although Yonji looked a bit bored, the others paid attention to you, ranging from a bit to much. But you were satisfied, you had prickled Judge's imagination. The other ones had only imagination in one area. You were pretty sure you could name it 'perverted imagination'. "Now, the thing is, Judge-sama, not many people get such an offer. If I remember correctly, only two people tied the Big Mom pirates, respectively a former warlord and a worst generation member." You're the corners of your mouth curled slightly. All this fake smiling is hurting my face. "I also caught the rumor that Big Mom will soon start conquering the North Blue, but she is willing to offer this together with the force of her troops for an arrangement." Did you just made that up? Definitely. Okay, only the North Blue part. Was it smart? No. But you had to drive them into a corner to get something out for yourself. "What does she want in return?" Judge-sama asked. Okay, he bulged in faster than expected. "She hopes that you could exchange aid on scientific level." The man thought for a while, before he nodded. "I am open for an alliance." "Great! As bonus I will throw in the hottest gossip." You inner thoughts pulled a face at him right now. Why are you so ignorant!?! My story has so many loopholes! I wanted a challenge, not you falling in every trap I set! Aaargh! How did you even become king? You just politely nodded and took the Den Den Mushi. You dialed Big Mom's number. "Moshi Moshi! Whipslash speaking here. I want to speak Big Mom." The operator mumbled something before a clcicking sound was heard. "Mamamamama! You sure are fast Whipslash dear!"

After an frustrating long call, with a few perverts panting in your ear and again an offer of marriage, that you politely declined you finally walked out (story for later!). "Nope you wouldn't be staying for the night. Not like it was night. The sun had risen a few hours ago already. "With how many marriage proposals I get, I better should have a wedding dress on the go." You murmured, as you walked out. "Hmm, seems you're a lot more interesting than I thought." A voice murmured in your ear. You looked down, only to see the pink haired daughter next to you. "Well, I like risks, but marriage is one step too far." "Out of fear of commitment or fear for the unknown?" Sha asked. "I am not suited for marriage. How many guys would marry a woman that can drink them under table with ease?" "I will bet my money on you in a drinking contest with my brothers." She said. "I'll keep you on that." You laughed, before waving and heading off towards the horizon.

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