Chapter 21

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Sabaody Archipelago. THE place to ruin your day.

And that disco-man in the human-auctioning house did not really help. Firstly, he was really rude as he tried to put a metal collar around your neck. After a bit of... negotiating, he agreed to show you the way to his office.

As you reached the office, you let the man fall on the ground. While you massaged your hand, you said: "Man, You're a lot heavier than you look like." The man gasped for air, as he touched the mark that his collar had left behind. You sighted. "Don't be such a baby. I barely hurt you!" "" You promptly started laughing. "If you say so. Good luck with that!"

Disco gave you his Transponder Snail, and called D.D. . As you waited, your feet on the table, you gestured him to leave the room. Very soon, a familiar voice was heard. And a very familiar sigh.

"What is it again, Disco? Don't worry, the rainbow fuzzy handcuffs are on their way..." "Although I would love to hear that story that's not the reason why I called." "Fufufu. Is this who I think this is?" You prepared yourself for a very tiresome conversation. "Unfortunately I don't live in your mind, so I don't know what you are thinking." Doflamingo only laughed. And it was not even that funny. Honestly, what was wrong with this guy? "I believe, your subordinates, like Disco, can be very demanding. Do you sometimes...have to put your foot down?" Oh, it was way to easy to rattle him. He only chuckled. "Ah, (Y/N), the only person who gets away with this." "It tells more about you than about me." He was silent for a second. "Do you really think so?" He asked with a weird tone. You ignored it. "Anyway, I heard you were interested in my services, again." " Fufufu. You are really straightforward, honey." "As long as I do not have to steal someone's Lucky Panties again, it is okay." " Ah, I really miss you. Let's meet in person, shall we?" "Like over dinner or in a fight?" "We could combine." He said lightheartedly. "What should I wear?" You asked, the most girly thing in the whole conversation. "What do people usually wear to an execution?" You smirked as you heard him hinting. "We could wear matching clothes?" He said. "Nah, pink doesn't suit me." You stated bluntly. "It could end with a rewarding...bonus, (Y/N)." You cut down his hope bluntly. "Such 'bonuses' would hurt our professional relationship, don't you think?" He only laughed harder. " You play hard, honey. I like that." "One thing before I go, birdie. I don't pay compensation." You chuckled lightly, as you disconnected the Transponder Snail.

You ran into the auctioning hall. You stopped slippery, as you saw the crowd that gathered there. "Hi, guys! Quick Question: Does anyone still need the Celestial Dragon over there?" You pointed at the very battered World Noble. The Straw Hats, The kid pirates, the Heart pirates and some old man. They just looked at you. "Sorry if I interrupted a very important meeting. Don't mind me. I just need that guy." You said, before you ran to that particular guy. Two seconds later, everyone had processed your sudden appearance. "(Y/N)!" Luffy yelled while giving you a tight hug. "Woah! Luffy. Don't squeeze me like that! You're breaking my ribs." He laughed only harder. "Miss, can I see your panties?" You blinked, before taking on action. "Sure. They are in my bag!" The crew only laughed harder as Brook got a depressive cloud over his head. Then you noticed the Kid Pirates. "Kid!" You yelled while hugging him tightly. "It has been way too long!" You yelled, while Kid turned into a tomato. "Stay away from me, Whipslash! Last time, you burned my clothes while I wore them!" "That was an accident. I didn't know you took a nap there!" You protested. You turned around, already ignoring the flammable Captain. "I don't know you, but I will give you a hug too!" You said, while pulling a guy with a sword in his hand, into your arms. The guy stiffened completely, but you did not let him go. "So, and you are?" You asked as you held the tattooed guy at arm's length. "That's Trafalgar Law, the surgeon of death." Someone whispered in your ear. "Great name!" You said and you let the guy go. (Yes, you just hugged Law. You're welcome!) After that you turned yourself to the old man. "I know who you are!" You said, while pointing a finger at him. "You're ... Sunray!" The old man smiled. "My name is Rayleigh." He said. "Look, I knew it! It was something with ray!" You said. "Anyway, I've gotta go. See you later!" You winked and left the (again) stunned pirates. In the meantime, the World Noble crawled away. "Where do you think you're going?" You asked, and put your feet on his clothes. "Oh, I almost forgot! Robin, this belongs to you!" You said, while pulling out a white bonnet. You threw it to her. She thanked you with a smile.

Wildcard ( One Piece Fanfiction x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ