CHAPTER 11: To Walmart In High Spirits

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Ella rolled her eyes, smiling, "Stop being so dramatic." She said and picked up a tomato on her way and handed it to him.

"Dramatic? The bag of tomatoes I picked split open from the bottom and all of them rolled away." He pointed at the torn bag as if it was the culprit. "And then a toddler even kicked one of my tomatoes right before stealing it and now you're being mean to me." He complained.

"Awww, you got bullied by a kid..." Ella teased, laughingly.

"No, I didn't." He picked up the last tomato and added it to the bag which was barely holding itself together. "I just got robbed by a kid, he stole my tomato." How was that any better? She wondered but decided not to question him.

"Alright, sure... what else do you need to get?" She asked.

"Everything else, I only managed to get the tomatoes, and look how well that panned out." He grumbled.

Ella sighed, "fine, let's go get everything else..."

She grabbed a shopping cart of her own and they both pushed their carts through the aisles shopping for various products.

"You look like you're in your high spirits today." Jay said, "anything good happened?"

"Well, you could say that." She shrugged, the smile on her face widened.

"Which would be...?" He asked curiously, being the nosy 'I need to know everything', person that he was.

"Nothing specific." Ella said, "it's just a good day."

Jay raised a brow, confused but amused at her answers. "Not for me, this is dreadful." He said, referring to the work at hand.

Ella found it funny to watch Jay freak out over everything he had to get. "Can't Patrick just get here already!" He grumbled.

"Patrick is coming too?" She asked.

"He just texted me, he said he managed to get away from work but he's running late now, stuck in traffic," Jay said.

"Right." She mumbled and watched as Jay dumped arms full of ramen instant noodles packets in his cart. "What the-!"

Jay dusted his hands as he stared down at his handy work and said, "This is for Daniel, he only eats ramen... And if I offer him something I cooked, he looks at it like I gave him a dead rat."

Ella was well aware of Daniel's habit of hanging out at Jay's and raiding his food, and she smiled at the way the guys just encouraged each other. "I sure it's not because you suck at cooking?" Ella asked.

"Of course not." He denied it flatly and then moved on with his shopping until he spotted a kid with a bright red tomato in his hand.

"Hey, kid! Give me my tomato back!" Jay yelled as he looked at the tiny boy.

The boy looked up at him before sticking his tongue out and then giggled as he ran away. Ella watched with a mix of surprise and amusement as Jay abandoned his cart to chase him.

"What the hell Jay, you're gonna get us thrown out of here!" Ella frowned at him as the little boy and Jay ran around in circles in the snacks aisle. Oh no, everything was chaos.

Jay was letting him get away as he continued to chase him, pretending to be serious about catching him.

This went on for several minutes until Ella Intervened, "Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Jay was standing in front of her while the little boy hid behind her. "That man started it!" The kid said pointing up at Jay.

"No, I didn't! You took my tomato!" Jay accused.

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