Chapter 2

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*casually updates at 2:30 in the morning because why not*

Thank you for 245 reads already😭😭


Taeil laid out the opened files, showing some pictures and samples that he took from the scene at the company to test. Taeyong and Doyoung inched closer to the older man, slightly inclined due to his smile though. The brunette picked up a few pictures that he got and gave it to the two detectives. "Tell me what you see."

Listening to his directions, Doyoung's eyes narrowed to the photos. Taeyong only rose an eyebrow and looked back at the shorter, "they're pictures of bullets." Doyoung hummed in agreement while Taeil scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah no kidding, Tae. Since it seems like the coffee wasn't enough for you, I'll just tell you. These are the bullets we found in Sehun Oh and Hansol Ji." Taeyong looked up from the pictures with furrowed eyebrows, "you were able to get the bullets? When did you get those?"

Taeil groaned, "I pulled them out after you guys left, anyways, not the point. The point is that these bullets are different than the ones that shot the other workers." Doyoung sat down the photos and looked up at the older, "Isn’t it kind of obvious that the bullets are different? They look like they were shot by different weapons."

The Forensic Scientist only sighed, mumbling something under his breath to something similar too; "I'm working with a bunch of idiots." But he took the pictures from Taeyong's hands and pointed at one of the bullets, "they are different from the ones that were shot at the workers. But the things is that these have engraving into it."

Doyoung and Taeyong shared a look, sending one another the same thing that they said yesterday night; "It's a message, a wage of war." The bullets are shot from different weapons the one who killed all of the workers and the one that killed Sehun Oh and Hansol Ji. This is too reveal that this wasn't just a coincidence, the two men were the main targets, everyone else was just collateral damage.

"Were you able to figure out what the engraving looks like?" Taeil only shook his head to Doyoung's question, "no, the bullets were crushed by impact; meaning that it's almost unidentifiable." The oldest sighed and sat down the pictures again, sitting against the table to look at two detectives.

"If this is a message for the Seo's, then whoever shot this didn't think of the range so the engraving would still be identifiable. But, I was still able to find the bullet cartridge, now finding out what weapon was used to shoot it is going to be harder to find. All I can tell you is that the one to kill the other workers is a .223 Remington and the one that killed the other two was 9mm."

"Most likely a rifle and glock." Taeyong mumbled and Doyoung only nodded in agreement. Taeil gently took the pictures back and slid them into the folder with all of his research and looked at two carefully. "I am fully aware of your theories on the matter at hand, what they most likely mean; Ten told me most of the details. But I hope you realize that this case is going to a lot worse, and it seems like it's not going to get any better than it is right now." Taeil paused for a minute and closed the door to their room, locking it. This action made Taeyong and Doyoung shift uncomfortably.

"I got the autopsy reports back, and it's a lot worse compared to what meets the eye. The two men weren't just executed, they were tortured brutally. Based on the scene it seems like they killed Ji first and then Oh right after, simple as that right? No, their torture went on for hours. The monsters who did this, tried to make it seem like they shot first and then took Hansol's eyes out. But based on reports-"

It was Taeyong who cut him off quietly, "they took his eyes out first and then the rest is history." Taeil only nodded numbly, at this information, Doyoung felt bile starting to rise. "Whoever did this, are pure psychopaths. Could be from another gang or mafia, most likely the torturers for them then. Sadistic fucks." Doyoung felt disgusting chills rise up his spine slowly as he continued to listen to Taeil talk.

"So what are you exactly saying, why are you acting like this?" Doyoung knew what Taeyong was talking about; Taeil always talked about his findings in the case out in the open, not giving two flying fucks about who listens. "Taeyong, I will give you two reasons why and take them as warnings as well. These monsters are most likely lurking around and could target us because we're on the case. And, Ten got a call from Lookout right before he left, Johnny Seo and Jaehyun Jung just came back to Seoul."


Jaehyun quietly looked out the large windows that show the view of Seoul, he quietly listened as members were coming in and out of the rooms to unpack his and Johnny's belongings, Jungwoo making jokes with Lucas, and Johnny making orders for stationed guards. The front door opened and Jaehyun looked over to see Kun walked through the entrance, passing by guards who bowed at him, giving Jaehyun an apologetic smile with his phone in hand. Despite the basic design Jaehyun knew exactly what it was, his personal phone.

Everyone has multiple sets of phones, himself included. But their personal phones has the most intimate and secured information, it has family members and certain contacts that no one else should ever have outside of the Seo family. So to see Kun holding his own, it made Jaehyun's curiosity about why he was late spike up to a new level.

"Who were you calling?" The underboss asked nonchalantly and Kun only sighed, putting it back into his suit jacket; sitting down across from the younger in the Commons area. "An old contact that I had Dejun give me." Jaehyun knew that it was more than a contact, just based off of his analytical answer, but the underboss didn't push it.

They stayed silent for a minute, both admiring the view that they gained. Jaehyun picked up his glass of liquor and took a sip, "were you able to find anything on the crime scene?"

Kun sighed and ran a hand through his hair, a habit that he gained to control his frustration. "Not much, they have it on complete lock down like I said before, not even news media has said anything about the shooting. The building is completely swarmed with police and detectives. But I was able to get some things through some contacts that I have from Seoul." Jaehyun only a gave him a look for him to continue.

"The scene definitely wasn't pretty. Sehun and Hansol were gruesomely murdered and not even a sign of mercy. I was able to contact one of the morticians who did the autopsy, and based on what they can conclude is that they were tortured for hours. Maybe three at most." Jaehyun grimaced at the news, feeling an uncomfortable emotion in his gut. "Anything about weaponry?"

Kun only sighed, "that's the problem. Like I said, the case is on complete lock down, not even the fucking Chief of the PD has access to it. Based on from what I can tell, only ten or less people have complete access to the case." Jaehyun sat his glass down and furrowed his eyebrows, "who the hell has that type of power except for us?"

"Remember what I said about the CGIT? They have that type of power."

"Then I want to have a deal with them, in no fucking hell will I have no knowledge of what is going on. I don't care if I even have to torture one of them, I want the team members faces on my desk tomorrow morning." Kun only sighed at Jaehyuns words, sitting back on the leather chair, looking out at the city of Seoul.

"I will try to contact a friend about it." Jaehyun bit the inside of his cheek as his eyes narrowed at the Chinese man. "And what is that friend going to do?"

Kun only looked back at the underboss with a small smile, "he is a part of the investigation team, if I can find him, we'll get everything to know about what's going on."

"Then what's keeping you from finding him right now?"

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