Chapter 3

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slight mature scene

Ten quietly walked down the streets of Seoul, the streets were bright and busy, signaling that the night for Friday has just only begun. The district that he was walking down gave him the memories of when he was younger. Cherry District is where the parties, drugs, and sex happens, it also happens to be where Ten was dropped off at when he was only seventeen.

His cat shaped eyes swept over the setting, drunk friends stumbling over each other; laughing at ridiculous antics. Some others calling their rides from restaurants and clubs. Music was booming through the streets along with cheers, the bass is string that it thrummed through Ten's lithe body. The brunette only smiled slyly and continued walking down the streets, planning on leaving the Cherry District to his apartment complex.

Ten's phone vibrated, signaling a text message, he stopped for a minute to look at it to see that it was Taeyong. "Thank you for visiting Sungchan, and for getting him some candy. Even though you know you aren't suppose to give him any -.- anyways there'll be a meeting on Sunfay at noon about the case, make sure that you're there. Sungchan is excited for tomorrow." The brunette only chuckled at the typo, smiling fondly of thinking about his best friend and his son.

As he made his way past another club, looking at his phone, a sleek black car drove up smoothly and parked ahead of him. Ten paid no mind to it until someone came out, the Detective stopped and looked up only feel his body freeze up.

Kun Qian, the third in command of the Seo Mafia and Head of Communications for the Mafia, buttoned his suit jacket together and gave Ten a soft smile. As if they are friends who haven't seen each other in years. "Hello Ten, it has been a while."

The said brunettes eyes narrowed at the man that stood in front of him. He huffed, sliding his phone into his battered jacket, stuffing his hands into them as well. "Why are you here, Kun? We agreed to never see each other again." Kun only have him a smile again and held out his arm. "Take a walk with me?" Ten clenched his jaw tightly, he slowly made his way towards the Chinese man and walked past him; refusing to take his arm.

They walked side by side together down the District streets quietly, it was clear that Kun was waiting for Ten to start the conversation. But it didn't make the younger any happier. "I won't ask again Kun, why are you here?" The taller only hummed in thought as they continued his eyes wandering around their surroundings.

"I need your help with something." Ten stopped walking which made the other stop as well. Ten scoffed at Kun's words and narrowed his eyes at the taller. "You never need help, Kun. You want something from me." Kun only gave a him a sly grin at the younger's words, which made Ten's stomach drop.

"You're as clever as ever Ten, yes I do need something from you." The brunette said nothing and only kept his eyes on the other. "I need your eyes and ears." Kun continued, his statement only made Ten's eyebrows raise up.

"And why would you need them?" Ten's question only made Kun sigh. His dark eyes wandered around the streets where there were drug dealings and prostitution occurring, making his remember when he first met Ten years ago in a similar setting. "Not here, there could be too many eyes." The younger only hummed at Kun's words, his own eyes wandering around to see some people actually looking at the two like they're a piece of meat.

It was very common in a district like this one to have people be eye candy to others. Especially if they're wearing a ten-thousand dollar suit and has the looks of a god, whether he has power or not can make him either a target or have people tear him apart; looking for money. It's very rare when someone that is expensive comes to a place like the one they're in. Mafia or not. So Ten actually understood where Kun was coming from, people could eavesdrop on something they aren't suppose to. That's what made Ten so attracted to Kun years ago, Kun didn't like getting his hands dirty, but if he did; it would get ugly real quick.

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