Vacation with the Squad P3 - The Drive

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Seraphina: Sera





In the car


John: Hwelp!

Arlo: What?

John: Sera's attacking!!

Arlo: Your problem not mine

John: Ass

Arlo: I'm driving

John: Pull over so they can buy something to entertain themselves

Sera: John come back here i'm bored

John: I'm not crazy i'll get attacked!

Sera: Elaine will go infront

John: As much as I absolutely dislike Asslo I'm not that cruel

Elaine: Hey! What's wrong with me?

John: Elaine if you can't figure that out yourself then I don't know what to do

Elaine: Then tell me!

Arlo: As much as I would like to see John give a 3 hour speech I think it's better if he didn't


Remi: Someone help me, Blyke and Isen are fighting

John: Isen

Isen immediately stops

Isen: I'll just take a nap

Blyke: Why you so scared of the crip?

John: You would be to if you knew what he knew, also blackmail. I've got more then Isen on all of you

Sera: Even me?

John: I've got the most on you

Sera: But you wouldn't dare

John: You're right i'm not crazy

Remi: So John can I have some of that stuff that you use against Isen and Blyke?

John: Nope, Isen has blackmail on me too it's just Isen is wittle putta

Isen: HEy!

Arlo: It's true Isen

John: I've got blackmail on you too Arlo

Arlo: Prove it

John: You've got pictures of a certain someone hidden at your house

Arlo: H-How do you know??

John: I'm just that good baby

Sera: He is

John: You would know


John: Elaine lemme stop your Orange juice loving McAsslo chasing ass right their



Arlo fist bumps John

Arlo: Good one

John: Your's truly

Sera: John either you come back here or I go up their

John: !!

Arlo: I'm going to pull over at the next gas station

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